The more information they learned, the more they agreed with their own judgment.

The so-called Edogawa Conan was the transformed Kudo Shinichi!

The reason why the famous detective Maori Kogoro was able to solve so many cases must be closely related to Edogawa Conan!

In order to confirm his guess, Sera Masumi also specially investigated Maori Kogoro's information.

Until half a year ago, this well-known detective did not have so many "achievements" and could even be called "no one cared about it."

But six months ago, Maori Kogoro suddenly "opened up" and solved a large number of cases in a short period of time.

He was even called "the sleeping detective Maori Kogoro"!

Now, the word "sleeping" seems to hide some secrets.

Akai Mary put down the chopsticks in her hand, looked up and said: "Where is Takeda Tatsuno? Have you found out about him?"

From her daughter's description in London, this Takeda Tatsuno must know about Kudo Shinichi's shrinking.

How much does he know?

What role did he play in this incident?

"There is not much information about him at present, we only know that he is very good at fighting!"

Speaking of this, Sera Masumi glanced to the upper left and recalled: "But he seems to have helped the police catch criminals several times..."

"Really... Then next, you continue to investigate like this."



In the temporary base of the FBI

James, who was summoned by the American Embassy, ​​returned to the base.

James looked at the people around him and sighed: "In the future, there can't be such a big movement."

Judy and others nodded to show their understanding.

It's easy to imagine that their boss James must be helpless in dealing with those politicians.

It seems that in the future, they can't act "with fanfare". Even if they are forced to fight, they must be in a "no one" place.

Seeing that everyone understood what he meant, James looked at Shuichi Akai: "How is the mysterious sniper?"

"Although I found him, he disappeared in the blink of an eye. However, even if I had found him, I couldn't snipe him..." Shuichi Akai's expression was also a little helpless.

"You mean, he is far away?" James frowned.

"Well, at least 1,300 yards away from the building where we are."


After hearing this news, everyone present was shocked.

The sniper actually shot and killed the sniper of the Black Organization at such a long distance!

Seeing everyone's surprised look, Shuichi Akai shook his head: "Fortunately, his target is not us, otherwise..."

The room fell into silence.

Shuichi Akai was right. Not to mention whether they could find a sniper at such a long distance, even if they did, no one could counter it.

Even Shuichi Akai, the ace of the FBI, can only guarantee a shooting distance of 700 yards.

If the sniper was targeting them, they would definitely be in danger now.

After a moment of silence, James said, "Can you find a way to find out information about that person? His sniping skills are so powerful, it's impossible for him to be unknown, right?"

"It's difficult. I've never heard of such a powerful sniper." Judy thought with a serious expression.

"Based on the information we have so far, he should not be a member of that organization. But before the investigation is clear, we must not let our guard down!" James said solemnly.

After that, James continued, "After today's operation failed, it is impossible to find the flaws of Gin and others in a short time. Akai Shuichi, what are you going to do next?"

Akai Shuichi lowered his head and thought for a while, then slowly said, "I will act alone and try to collect information about the sniper first."

"Okay, be sure to pay attention to safety." James nodded.

Although he is nominally Akai Shuichi's boss, in fact, he and Akai Shuichi are more like equal partners.

There is no other reason. Although Shuichi Akai has joined the FBI for a much shorter time than him, his record and ability are extremely outstanding.

In many actions, Shuichi Akai has "independence" and even "decision-making power".

Soon after, after formulating the next plan and action arrangements, everyone dispersed on the spot.

Shuichi Akai sat in the car, looking at the moon outside the window, wrapped his scarf, and lit a cigarette after a long absence.

The reason why he wanted to act independently was not only to investigate the mysterious sniper, but also to observe Takeda Ryuno and Huihara Ai in person.

It was not an apology, but he at least wanted to personally ensure the safety of these two people.

OrganizationIn the hospital

Gin and Vodka, covered in bandages, quietly walked into a ward and looked coldly at the man who was still in a coma on the bed.

After looking at Grey Goose for a few times, Gin turned and left the ward.

If there had been no "explosion", he would have executed Grey Goose immediately.

But the bomb incident made Gin feel that Grey Goose might not have betrayed the organization and spared his life first.

All this may be the work of "that man".

After thinking of that man, Gin's originally cold face was suddenly filled with furious murderous intent.

It's him again! ! !

How many times has this happened? ! !

When did he put the bomb in the car? ! !

Why does he always "play" with himself like this? ! !

That guy... which organization is he from? ! !

Seeing the angry look of his brother, Vodka on the side also lowered his head and remained silent.

If it weren't for the pain from the wounds all over his body, he would have started to pound the wall next to him.

After being bombed so many times in a row, even he didn't know what to say.

After a while, Gin and the other person walked into an "office" in silence.

Gin took out his mobile phone and dialed a mysterious number.

Soon after, the call was connected.

As soon as the call was connected, the voice on the other end came over: "Gin, I already know. Next, I will send Ireland over..."


After hanging up the phone, Gin and Vodka didn't speak.

Although the boss didn't say it directly, his choice to send Ireland over has already explained the problem.

Obviously, their successive failures have made the boss have some opinions about them.

At this time, Gin sat in the same place, bowing his head to think about everything that had happened before.

Being able to place a bomb in the car without knowing it first shows that the person knows where they are.

However, judging from the person's style, he is definitely not the FBI or the public security.

Could it be Fosbo's people?

Now that I think about it, the bullet that penetrated the Bacardi was also very strange.

How did that person know their mission target and sniper location?

What is his relationship with the FBI?

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