Seeing the power coming from his head getting stronger and stronger, Conan covered his head, took a step back, and withdrew from Maori Kogoro's "slapping" range.

On the other side

Although this was the first time that Sera Masumi saw Maori Kogoro in person, she felt that her previous reasoning was correct just by looking at the uncle's current appearance.

This "famous detective Maori Kogoro" might really be a lot of water...


At this moment, a loud noise instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the hotel.

Immediately followed by a loud and piercing scream.


After hearing the scream, Conan and Maori Kogoro instantly rushed out of the hotel door.

Sera Masumi glanced at the backs of the two and ran over.

"This sound should have come from the parking lot!"

Soon after, everyone came to the hotel parking lot.

Three middle-aged men and women looked in front of them with terrified expressions.

In front of the three, a blond man was lying on the ground with blood all over his head.

Seeing this, Maori Kogoro asked loudly: "What happened?!"

One of the thin women in a green sweater said intermittently: "Just now, when I was reversing, this, this person suddenly fell from above..."

The slightly plump woman in a dirty pink sweater next to him also said at this time: "If you look carefully, this, this person is not him?!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man in a light blue jacket turned pale, pointed at the man on the ground, and trembled slightly: "Really, it's Shangzhu!!"

Just when Conan and others were about to ask, the thin woman suddenly pointed to the roof of the hotel and said in panic: "You, you look! Who is that person?! There was a suspicious figure on the roof just now!"


Hearing this, Conan immediately ran into the hotel, ready to chase the figure the woman saw.

After seeing Conan's actions, Sera Masumi raised the corner of his mouth slightly and quickly followed him.

Maori Kogoro ignored Conan, but looked around and shouted to the guards and people who came: "This is already a crime scene! No one is allowed to touch the scene at will before the police arrive!"

After that, Maori Kogoro took out his mobile phone and called Inspector Megure.

Half an hour later, Inspector Megure arrived with a team.

After asking Maori Kogoro about what happened, Inspector Megure ordered Inspector Takagi and others to collect information about the victim.

After a while, Inspector Takagi walked to Inspector Megure with a nervous look and whispered the information he had just received in his ear.

After that, Inspector Takagi took out his mobile phone and showed the video on the mobile phone to Inspector Megure.

After watching the video, Inspector Megure widened his eyes and looked at Maori Kogoro in astonishment: "Is it really Brother Tatsuno?!"

Seeing this, Maori Kogoro looked at Inspector Megure in confusion, as if he didn't understand why he mentioned Tatsuno.

What does this have to do with that kid?

In Maori Kogoro's puzzled eyes, Inspector Megure handed him the information he had just obtained and Takagi's mobile phone.

After watching the video, Maori Kogoro silently returned the phone to Officer Takagi.

"Inspector Megure, that kid can't be..."

"I know, this definitely has nothing to do with him. But he is indeed one of the suspects now..."

"Okay, I know."

After saying that, Maori Kogoro took out his mobile phone and called his daughter.

At the same time

Tatsuno's home.

Xiaolan, who was cooking, received a call from Maori Kogoro.

"Hello, Dad?... What? I know!"

After hanging up the phone, Xiaolan took off her apron, walked quickly to Tatsuno, and told him what her father said on the phone.

After hearing what happened, Tatsuno smiled happily.

He just complained that his life was a bit too boring recently, but he didn't expect that "fun" would come to him.

The man he taught a lesson last week was killed today.

Since there is no surveillance in the annex in the hotel, and the process of him teaching the man a lesson was captured by the surveillance in the hotel lobby. Therefore, he is now one of the "suspects".


Soon after, Tatsuno and Xiaolan also rushed to the crime scene.

After seeing Tatsuno, Inspector Megure immediately stepped forward and said, "Brother Tatsuno, we all know that you can't kill anyone. I just asked you to come here to go through the process, don't worry!"

At this time, Conan and Sera Masumi also returned to the scene.

When they learned that Tatsuno was a suspect, they shook their heads instantly.

Although no evidence has been found yet, it is clear that this case was committed by one of the three middle-aged men and has nothing to do with Long Ye.When Sera Masumi saw the video of Tatsuno teaching the blond man a lesson, her eyes sparkled with excitement.

He was indeed her favorite opponent. Just by the two times he taught the blond man a lesson, we could see Tatsuno's strength!

At this time, Inspector Megure coughed lightly, glanced at everyone, and then said loudly: "The victim's name was Sumi Sadago, who was the son of the owner of this Haido Hotel. In addition, he seemed to be the mastermind of the fraud group, but was released due to insufficient evidence."

"Last week. Because he was followed by the media, he lost control of his emotions and injured the reporter who was following him, causing a big disturbance. Many guests were unwilling to stay in the annex because of this."

"The hotel owner was also unwilling to let his son cause trouble here. It is rumored that the hotel is preparing to let him immigrate abroad during this period of time under the pretext of resting the annex."

"And, according to our investigation, the surveillance in the hotel's annex was destroyed by the victim himself. As for the three of them..."

At this point, Inspector Megure looked at the three middle-aged men and women on the side.

Seeing this, the thin woman in a green sweater immediately explained: "The three of us are victims of the 'scam'. We came to see him because we heard rumors that he was going to immigrate abroad."

"That's right! We want to hear his apology in person before he flees abroad!" The man and the slightly plump woman next to him immediately added.

The thin woman continued to talk about what happened: "After he agreed to apologize to us, I went to buy a recorder with the two of them..."

After listening to the description of the three people, Tatsuno smiled.

These three people obviously lied to leave a good impression in front of the police.

What a joke, after being defrauded, they came to the hotel to find the man from afar, just to hear him say sorry?

Even the saints would admit defeat.

To put it bluntly, two of them must have come to "ask for money".

As for the other person... naturally, he came for revenge.

After learning the details of what happened, Sera Masumi rubbed Conan's head and said with a smile: "How is it? It's getting more and more exciting, isn't it, kid!"

Conan narrowed his eyes helplessly.

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