"Bang bang. Gu

Zero's body fell in front of the three of Tatsuno in response.

"Bourbon !!"

Zhufu Jingguang saw his friend fall in front of his eyes, his pupils shrank sharply, and he shouted and rushed to the ground to drop valley zero.

On the side, Akai Shuichi also sank his face, cautiously looked at Tatsuno who was shooting, and put on a posture ready to attack, his heart was full of nervousness and surprise.

When did he pull out the other gun in his hand?!" At

this time, Tatsuno showed a harmless smile and slowly took a few steps forward.

"Don't worry, Bourbon just fell asleep. Mr. Akai was right just now, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, why don't you sit down and have a cup of tea and have a good chat

?" "What do you think, Mr. Zhufu?" Hearing

Tatsuno call out his name, Zhufu Jingguang's gaze changed from cold to surprise, and there was even a trace of fear.

Seeing the obvious change in the expression of Zhufu Jingguang beside him, Akai Shuichi couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Zhufu? It seems that this should be the real name of the Scottish undercover agent." How did this guy know?" But

anyway, this guy seems to have heard the conversation he had with Scotch whisky just now, and he definitely can't let him go easily.

On the side, Zhufu Jingguang picked up his friend on the ground and examined it carefully.

After making sure that his friend had no obvious gunshot wounds and was breathing very evenly, he turned his head again to take a closer look at Tatsuno in front of him.

The masked man was wearing a black coat, holding the revolver and a steel pipe he had just taken from him in his left hand, and a gun in his right hand.


, this guy used this thing just now to knock out the revolver in his hand?

But then again, it's really time for you to shave your beard. Even if you are an undercover agent, you have to pay attention to your personal image!"

"..." Akai

Shu on the side stared at Tatsuno who was getting closer and closer. Taking advantage of Tatsuno saying this, he instantly struck!

"Bang!" "

Huh?" Seeing

that the masked man in front of him easily resisted his sudden attack. Although Akai Shuichi was surprised, he did not stop the movement in his hand and continued to attack the mask man, making a fatal move.


After more than a dozen rounds of fighting, Shuichi Akai felt that his whole person was not good.

No matter how he changes the rhythm of his attack and tries to create flaws, the opponent can easily take it.

The most terrifying thing is that the strength and timing of this mask man's shot are surprisingly consistent with him.

Whenever he speeds up the rhythm of his attack, or increases the intensity of his shot, the opponent can immediately detect it and cooperate with his attack.

Until now, the two have not divided the winner and loser.

Akai Shuichi knew that the other party's skills were obviously above him.

The other party is not serious at all.

Moreover, the offensive posture of this person ... Jeet

Kune Do? Seeing the surprise in Akai Shuichi's eyes, Tatsuno calmly said: "It seems that Mr. Akai found out ah~ That's right, I use Jeet Kune Do." Hearing

this, Shuichi Akai suddenly gave up the attack and jumped backwards.

After seeing that the masked man in front of him did not chase him, he breathed a sigh of relief and stood in place adjusting his breathing.

His eyes never took his eyes off Tatsuno's body.

While adjusting his state, he speculated about the identity of the masked man in front of him.

Speaking of which, as early as the first time he saw the masked man, Akai Shuichi had a familiar feeling.

It stands to reason that he had never met this person and should not feel this way.

But this feeling... Or gut feeling, so to speak, saved him many times in times of crisis.

Could it be that during a mission in the United States?

Akai Shuichi's mind flashed the intelligence of many people in an instant, but they were not the same as the man in front of him.

Just when Akai Shuichi was constantly guessing in his heart, Zhufu Jingguang on the side suddenly spoke: "You are the guy wearing the black cat mask

?" "Oh?" After

Tatsuno heard this, he showed a bright smile to Zhufu Jingguang: "It seems that you have heard of me~

" "Mr. Akai over there is not ready to continue fighting with me." If you want me to say, why don't you go downstairs now, find a café or something nearby, sit down and have a cup of coffee, and have a good chat?"

"Then I'll give you a face, and Mr. Akai will help you fake a death scene, and you will 'die' here."

From now on, you can hold hands, shoulder to shoulder, hide in the darkness together, closely collude together, and bite the throat of the tissue together~

" Akai Shuichi

: "..." Tatsuno looked at the silent two in front of him, and continued to ridicule: "You should have no opinion, right?

Looking at the unorthodox masked man in front of him, Zhufu Jingguang recalled the message Matsuda Jinpei sent to himself some time ago.

In the message, a man wearing a black cat mask was mentioned. This person seems to be familiar with several of them and knows their relationships and experiences with each other.

Matsuda Jinpei described it this way: "He was an extraordinary person who carried weapons with him and was a hateful and dangerous element.

He knew Matsuda's character, and if the masked man hadn't done anything to Matsuda, he wouldn't have used the word "hateful."

At first he was puzzled. But now, he seems to understand the reason for the appearance of this "hateful" word.

And the message sent to him by Kenji Hagiwara revealed openly and secretly that this masked man had saved his life and should not be a dangerous element, but he also let himself be more careful.

Two of his classmates met this masked man, and the two described him very differently, which impressed him deeply.

This is also the reason why after seeing that the mask man was wearing a black cat mask on his face, Zhufu Jingguang suddenly asked.

Since he saved Hagiwara, trust this person for the time being....

After a short silence, Zhufu Jingguang sighed and said, "I agree to your proposal, anyway, now I have no other choice."

"Now that the organization has discovered the identity of the undercover agent, I am now equivalent to a dead man." Since you are willing to help me, then I have no reason to refuse.

After Zhufu Jingguang finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Akai Shuichi.

After noticing Zhufu Jingguang's gaze, Akai Shuichi nodded slightly, and seemed to agree to the matter.

Tatsuno saw that the two seemed to agree, and also nodded: "OK, then it's so decided!"

Falling Valley Zero seemed to be lying on the ground and sleeping.

"This guy..."

"At such an important moment, he was actually sleep???


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