After seeing the nervousness and fear on the faces of Mitsuhiko and the other two, Sonoko smiled with satisfaction and continued: "Then I went to find Tatsuno, and Tatsuno soon found Xiaolan~"

Mitsuhiko and the other two: "???"

Huh? That's it? This story has been told? !

Mitsuhiko and the other two narrowed their eyes and stared at Sonoko, without saying a word.

"Hahaha! It's not a horror story, of course it's over~ After Tatsuno rescued Xiaolan from the warehouse under the gymnasium, Xiaolan... cough!"

Speaking of this, Sonoko realized that the people in front of her were just a few elementary school students, and immediately coughed and ended the topic.

Although Sonoko didn't finish, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi obviously guessed the next plot, and the corners of their mouths were raised.

Huihara Ai and Conan also looked at Tatsuno with smiling eyes. Although they didn't speak, Tatsuno still read something from their eyes.

"Okay, okay, you guys just wait here for a while. I'll go find her myself." Ryunosuke spread his hands and chuckled.

After that, Ryunosuke left everyone with a deep back view and slowly walked towards the stairs.

At this point, even if he didn't "cheat", he vaguely knew where Xiaolan was hiding.

It's hide-and-seek again, and it's a ship bombing. Isn't this the incident where Uncle Maori "showed his power"?

I finally went out to travel on a cruise ship, and it's okay to encounter a murder case, but you still want to drive me off the ship? !

Thinking of this, Ryunosuke glanced at the bomb bright spot marked by Xiaojia on the three-dimensional inspection map of the "Aphrodite" and squinted slightly.

Not long after, Ryunosuke walked to the deck restaurant and found the "hidden door" on the floor.

Under the door on the floor is a hidden warehouse, which seems to be a place to store tools for cleaning the deck.

After seeing the familiar face in the warehouse, Ryunosuke smiled slightly and jumped off the warehouse.

"You chose a good place, Xiaolan~"

"Hmph~ What's good? You found it!" Xiaolan turned her head to the side and pouted.

The next moment, Xiaolan turned her head with a smile and hugged Longye happily.


The moment the two hugged, a light sound was heard.

After hearing this strange sound, Longye and Xiaolan separated immediately, and their eyes were focused on Xiaolan's coat.

Xiaolan slowly put her hand into her pocket, and the next second, a beautiful little gift bag appeared in their sight.

"What is this?" Xiaolan looked at the bag in her hand in confusion.

When I put on my coat and went out this morning, there was clearly nothing in my pocket?

Longye glanced at the bag, recalled the "weird" sight of Mitsuhiko and the other two when they were having breakfast, and smiled slightly.

"Open it and take a look, Xiaolan, this should be a gift from those children~"


Xiaolan untied the bow at the mouth of the bag and took out the shell bracelet inside.

After seeing the bracelet, Xiaolan also smiled: "Is this made for me by those kids~"

Tatsuno glanced at the exquisite shell bracelet in Xiaolan's hand and nodded with a smile.

Although these kids are too "lively", sometimes, their emotional intelligence is surprisingly high.


Soon after, Tatsuno and Xiaolan returned to the crowd.

Seeing that Tatsuno really found Xiaolan before the time was up, Sonoko, Mitsuhiko and the other two were a little surprised.

Before Sonoko could celebrate the victory of the "ghost" team, Ayumi saw the shell bracelet on Xiaolan's wrist, and her eyes lit up: "Look! It seems that Xiaolan has found our gift!!"


"Hahaha! These beautiful shells were picked up from the beach before we got on the boat yesterday!"


Obviously, seeing Xiaolan wearing the bracelet they made, the three were very excited.

Sonoko also saw the bracelet Xiaolan was wearing, and looked at Mitsuhiko and the other two in surprise, as if she didn't expect these kids to be so considerate.

After being excited for a while, Ayumi suddenly put away her smile, lowered her head a little embarrassedly, and said softly: "But this bracelet is a little bit different from the necklace given by Brother Ryuno..."

Hearing this, the smiles on Mitsuhiko and Genta's faces also froze.

Without waiting for Ayumi to finish, Xiaolan touched Ayumi's head with her hand and said gently: "I'm very happy to receive your gifts! To me, this bracelet represents your thoughts. I will definitely keep it well!"

"Yes, the important thing is not the price of the gift, but your thoughts! For Xiaolan, there is no difference between the bracelet you gave and the necklace I gave~" Ryuno also smiled and nodded.

Hearing this, Mitsuhiko and the other two smiled happily again.

Ryuno smiled at each other and didn't speak."Okay! Hide and seek is over, how about we go to the bar and have some drinks?" Sonoko raised her hand.

Upon hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.



"Come to think of it, I'm a little thirsty!"



12:30 p.m.

In the main restaurant.

Ryuno and others came to the restaurant early and finished lunch.

The Detective Boys and Dr. Agasa left the restaurant first, saying they were going to the cinema to watch a movie.

Ryuno and Xiaolan were going to go to the chess and card room on the ship.

At this moment, a young woman with a ponytail and wearing a work uniform on the ship walked up to Maori Kogoro and bowed.

"Hello, my name is Tsujimoto Kaho, and I'm a service staff on this ship. You are Mr. Maori, right?"

"Yes, I am. May I ask... what do you want to talk to me about?" Maori Kogoro asked in confusion.

Kaho Tsujimoto glanced at Ryunosuke and the others, hesitated for a moment, and whispered: "Mr. Maori, actually..."

"What?! The eighth generation president and his daughter are missing?!" Maori Kogoro's eyes widened immediately.

When Conan learned that the eighth generation president and his wife did not act according to the pre-arranged plan and that Kaho Tsujimoto could not contact them, he frowned.


Soon after, under the leadership of Miss Tsujimoto Kaho, Ryunosuke and the others came to the room of the eighth generation president and his daughter.

Kaho Tsujimoto knocked on the door several times, but there was no movement inside the door.

After hesitating for a moment, Kogoro Maori suggested that someone open the door and go in to see first.

"This door seems to be unlocked." Tatsuno glanced at the door lock and said lightly.

Hearing this, Kaho Tsujimoto immediately opened the door, and everyone rushed into the suite together.

As soon as everyone entered the door, they saw a woman in a bathrobe falling to the ground.

There was a knife stuck in her abdomen, and the knife was the center, and the surrounding area was covered with a lot of blood.

"President Takae!" Seeing this scene, Tsujimoto Kaho immediately shouted and prepared to step forward.

After reacting, Maori Kogoro immediately yelled: "Don't move! Everyone stay where you are!"

After saying that, Maori Kogoro slowly walked to President Takae and squatted on the ground to check her pulse.

After a few seconds, he turned around and shook his head at everyone.

"Tatsuno, you and Xiaolan go to the police. This Ms. Takae has been dead for some time..."

"Okay!" X2

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