Looking at the "detonator" in Kusaka Hironari's hand, Inspector Megure and several others stopped where they were and advised: "Mr. Kusaka, please calm down! Why are you doing this?!"

Hearing this, Kusaka Hironari immediately opened his mouth and said viciously: "To avenge my father! The crew member who died in the Yashiro merchant shipwreck fifteen years ago was my father!"

"Two years ago, I heard many doubts about the shipwreck from my colleagues who came to pay tribute to my father."

"The president of Yashiro Merchant Ship at that time, and Yashiro Nobutaro and Yashiro Takae, who served as directors, deliberately planned to sink the cargo ship in order to defraud a huge amount of insurance money!"

"And, in order to get rid of Captain Okita, who always asked for improved treatment of crew members, they also won over the then deputy captain Hai Teng."

At this time, the restaurant had already quieted down.

Whether it was Inspector Megure and others or the guests, they all listened carefully to Kusaka Hironari's confession.

When everyone heard the familiar name "Haiteng", they all looked at Captain Kaito on the stage.

Obviously, the deputy captain back then should be him.

Then, in the puzzled eyes of everyone, Kusaka Hironari continued: "Haiteng asked Captain Okita to drink coffee with sleeping pills, and then deliberately let the ship hit the iceberg."

"At the same time, he detonated the bomb prepared in advance. As for the location of the bomb, it was the designer Yashiro Eito who told him!"


Hearing this, everyone completely understood his motive for murder.

At this time, Inspector Megure asked the question in his heart: "Kusaka, can you tell me how you killed the eighth president?"

"Humph! That guy kept pressing me with his body and pinching my neck. So I threw him into the sea with an overhand throw." Kusaka Hironari grinned and looked to the side, "Captain Kaito, next, I plan to learn from you to blow up this ship. Then take advantage of the chaos and kill you... huh?!"

At this moment, Tatsuno on the side snatched the bomb controller from Kusaka Hironari's hand, and then pulled it along, stepping directly on Kusaka Hironari under his feet.

Everything happened in an instant.

When everyone present and Kusaka Hironari himself reacted, Tatsuno had already snatched the bomb controller and pressed Kusaka Hironari to the ground completely.

Seeing this, everyone cheered:

"Brother Tatsuno! Well done!!!"


"Brother Tatsuno, you are really amazing!"

"Tatsuno! Can you perform again? I didn't see it clearly just now!!"


The next moment, Inspector Megure and Officer Takagi and others stepped forward to take over the bomb controller and Kusaka Hironari.

The guests who survived the disaster also looked at Tatsuno and clapped their hands at the same time.

"Pa pa pa!..."

For a while, fierce applause rang out in the restaurant.

At this moment, Tatsuno turned around and picked up the microphone again, chuckled and said: "Please be quiet~ Next, let's invite the famous detective Maori Kogoro to deduce the real criminal!"

After speaking, Tatsuno handed the microphone in his hand to Maori Kogoro next to him, and then put a finger to his mouth, making a "hush" gesture.

The scene in front of him made the originally excited passengers confused.

Wasn't the incident resolved?

Isn't the criminal Kusaka Hironari? He has already admitted it!

The real criminal? What does this mean?

Inspector Megure and others also showed astonishment, frowned, and looked at Maori Kogoro who took the microphone.

As for Conan, he looked up at Tatsuno, and his brain was working rapidly.

"The real criminal?! What does Takeda mean..."


Maori Kogoro stared blankly at the microphone in his hand and nodded to Tatsuno.

If Tatsuno hadn't said so, he would have thought that his reasoning was really wrong!

After all, Kusaka Hironari had already admitted the crime and was even ready to blow up the ship.

Maori Kogoro cleared his throat and pointed at Akiyoshi Miwako next to him again: "Ms. Akiyoshi, since Kusaka Hironari has been arrested, your alibis are no longer valid!"

"I guess you probably knew in advance that Kusaka wanted to kill Yasaka Eito and others. Otherwise, his plan would never succeed."

Hearing this, Kusaka Hironari, who was handcuffed, showed a puzzled look.

Kusaka Hironari: "???"

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Maori Kogoro on the stage continued:

"So you took a step ahead and killed Yasaka Eito, and disguised it as a heart attack, using a flash bomb."

"At this time, Kusaka's target became three people, namely the Yasaka president and his daughter andCaptain Kaito To. And, he planned to use you to create an alibi. "

"When you knew this, you used his plan to start your revenge plan yourself."

"Otherwise, think about it. The method Mr. Kusaka used to create an alibi was too low-level, and ordinary people would have discovered it long ago."

"And... around ten o'clock, the person I met in the corridor was not Mr. Kusaka Hironari, but you, right?"

"At first, I thought you deliberately turned your back to me because you didn't want me to see your face. Later, I thought that 'that person' might be a woman, and she turned her back to me subconsciously to protect the 'bear'."


Next, Maori Kogoro explained how Miss Akiyoshi killed the eighth chairman and his daughter under the eyes of Kusaka Hironari.

The guests and Inspector Megure and others were all shocked. They didn't expect that this matter was so complicated.

Kusaka Hironari: "? ? ? ? ? ? ? "

If what Detective Maori said is true, then what am I? A clown?!

Even Conan showed an expression of sudden enlightenment, and looked at Maori Kogoro on the stage in surprise.

"What Uncle Maori said seems to make some sense... Wait! My reasoning really lost to this unreliable uncle in front of me? ! "


After listening to all the reasoning of Maori Kogoro, Miss Akiyoshi put away the anxiety and fear on her face, and replaced it with a smile of success.

"Humph~ You are worthy of being the famous detective Maori Kogoro! Now that things have come to this, I have nothing to hide. I am the daughter of Captain Okita who was killed fifteen years ago!"

"I decided to use that man after I learned that you were also going to board the ship. In order to deceive you, I must design a 'fake murderer', and let this murderer think that he really did it~"

At this point, Akiyoshi Miwako suddenly laughed.

Next, in the horrified eyes of the guests, she reached into her pocket and took out a single-shot pistol similar to a "spear gun".

Then, she pointed the muzzle at Captain Kaitoto next to her, with a cold look: "You are the only one left!"

——"Click, click, click..."

Miss Akiyoshi pressed the trigger several times, but found that the bullet did not fire as usual.

"Sorry, I tampered with the gun. Not long ago, I found this gun in your room..."

Before Maori Kogoro finished speaking, Miss Akiyoshi threw the gun in her hand away.

Then she immediately reached into her pocket and took out a small black box flashing red light.

"Mr. Maori, I have always carried this with me. You should not be able to tamper with it~"

The moment they saw the small black box, Maori Kogoro and everyone present were instantly uneasy.

This small box looks very similar to the bomb controller that Kusaka Hironari took out before!

What does it mean?!

Second goal, right?!

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