Soon after, Officers Takagi and Shiratori took Akiyoshi Miwako away from the restaurant.

According to Inspector Megure's instructions, they planned to ask him about the location of the bomb first.

After the bomb was dealt with, they asked Akiyoshi Miwako in detail about the crime.

After Officers Takagi and Shiratori left, Inspector Megure came to Tatsuno and patted Tatsuno's shoulders heavily.

"Brother Tatsuno, thanks to you this time! If it weren't for you, Miss Akiyoshi might have really detonated the bomb! But don't use this method next time, it's too dangerous! What if she didn't fall for you and really pressed the explosion button?"

Hearing this, Tatsuno smiled lightly and said meaningfully: "Miss Akiyoshi was not fooled~"

After that, Tatsuno led Xiaolan and the others to the dining table not far away: "You must be hungry after watching the show for so long, right? Let's fill our stomachs first!"

Hearing this, Sonoko, Mitsuhiko and the other two immediately raised their hands and cheered.

Conan and Huihara Ai looked at Tatsuno thoughtfully, as if they had guessed something.


Soon after

In the cruise ship meeting room

After listening to Officer Takagi's report, Inspector Megure frowned instantly: "What?! You said that there are control switches on those bombs, and they were all turned off in advance?!"

Inspector Takagi nodded: "The structure of the bomb is not complicated. When the switch is turned off, the bomb cannot be detonated. I have contacted the bomb disposal personnel, and they will arrive soon!"

"Really..." Inspector Megure pressed his hat and remembered what Ryuno said not long ago.

No wonder Ryuno said that before...

It turns out that he has really found the bombs on the ship and "dealt with" these bombs in advance!

This kid is getting better and better...

No, that's not right, he seems to have been very good before!

What a pity, if he likes solving cases like Kudo and Mori...


Seeing Inspector Megure sighing with regret, Inspector Takagi blinked in confusion.

Knowing that the bombs are safe, shouldn't you feel happy and relaxed?

Why does Inspector Megure look a little regretful?

At the same time

In the restaurant.

Since tonight is a "cocktail party", the focus is not on food.

Compared to last night's "food delicacies", tonight's food seems extremely simple.

In addition to various grilled meats, grilled vegetables and potatoes, there are some snacks such as small cakes and puddings.

Since Tatsuno and his friends can't drink, after filling their stomachs, everyone left the restaurant and went back to the room to rest.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that many guests kept coming to Tatsuno and his friends to communicate.

The guests present all saw Tatsuno's previous "battle of divine power".

Therefore, whether it is for thanks or for something else, people kept coming to Tatsuno and the people around Tatsuno to "communicate".

Tatsuno and his friends obviously didn't like this "social scene that requires constant smiles", so they quickly found a reason to retreat.

Before leaving, Sonoko called Xiaolan aside and whispered something.

Then, Xiaolan said hello to Tatsuno and left with Sonoko.

Mitsuhiko and the other two took Huihara Ai and Dr. Agasa to the chess and card room, as if they were going to play "poker" before going to bed.

Conan called Tatsuno to the deck.

"What's wrong, Kudo? You brought me to the deck at this time. You're not going to...hiss! No way! You are..."

Seeing the exaggerated expression on Tatsuno's face and the few steps back, Conan didn't know what Tatsuno meant.

He immediately shouted: "How is it possible?! Takeda, you guy! %#¥&"

After a while, Conan calmed down, looked up at the moon, and asked: "Takeda, what do you mean when you said that Miss Akiyoshi was not deceived?"

"It means literally. She didn't hand over the controller because I deceived her at all~" Tatsuno spread his hands.

"What? Is she?!" Conan looked at Tatsuno in surprise.

Ryūno smiled and nodded: "Well, you may not have seen it. Before she handed the controller to me, she took the opportunity to press the button. I guess she might want to take advantage of the chaos of the explosion to kill Captain Kaito."

"You will know if you think about it carefully. How could a person who killed three people in person without hesitation to avenge her father give up revenge because of my "reasoning"? "

"Just as she said, she didn't intend to attack us "guests". Her target has always been those people. According to her original plan, she should have "disappeared" with the ship after the revenge was successful."

"How could such a person give up revenge?Because of my 'joke', she gave up revenge~"

Conan: "..."

After a moment of silence, Conan looked at Ryunosuke solemnly: "So, you really found and handled the bomb, and nothing happened when she pressed the button. So she 'surrendered', right?"

Ryunosuke looked at the sea in front of him and nodded.

"Then how did you..."

Before Conan finished asking, Ryunosuke immediately answered: "Hawaii! I learned how to find and deal with bombs in Hawaii~"

"It's not as complicated as you think. There are switches on the bombs. You just need to turn off the switch~"

"You know, 'bomb beginners' always set a stupid switch on the bomb~"

Conan: "? ? ? ? ? "

After saying that, Ryunosuke ignored Conan, patted Conan's head, and returned to the cabin.

Before entering the cabin, Ryunosuke waved his hand behind him and said lightly: "The sea breeze is very strong at night, kids should go back to the room quickly~"

Conan turned around and glanced at Ryunosuke's back, then turned around and walked to the railing, leaned on the railing and sighed.

His reasoning first lost to Uncle Mori, and then to Ryunosuke.

For a moment, he felt mixed emotions.

"Takeda guy... By the way, last time in the incident with Miss Urakawa, he seemed to have hinted to himself that Uncle Mori was actually very powerful. Is it true? ! "


Soon after, Ryunosuke was ready to go back to the room.

Just when he was about to reach the door of the room, he was suddenly pulled to the bow deck by Xiaolan who had been waiting here.

At this time, there was a table and three chairs on the bow deck.

"Ryunosuke, look at what this is! "After seeing Tatsuno, Sonoko immediately pointed to the table and said excitedly.

"Champagne? Red wine? Did you two just go to get these wines?" Tatsuno smiled helplessly.

"That's right! We haven't had a drink for a long time, right? It's okay to drink a little while traveling~"

Speaking of this, Sonoko looked at Xiaolan beside her: "Xiaolan also agreed! Right, Xiaolan~"

Hearing this, Xiaolan smiled and nodded.

"Okay~" Tatsuno smiled.

"Great! I have long wanted to sit on a boat, accompanied by the moonlight and sea breeze and drink with you two! "


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