10am the next day

Mouri Detective Agency.

Conan was sitting on the sofa watching TV boredly.

Looking at the empty agency, Conan yawned boredly.

Uncle Maori went out yesterday morning, saying he was going to meet a client.

Conan wanted to follow him, but was seriously rejected.

After asking around, Conan also knew that Uncle Maori's commission did not seem to be a murder case, so he did not follow him secretly.

After watching TV for a while, Conan glanced at the time and frowned slightly: "Strange, why hasn't that uncle come back yet?"

Although Uncle Maori sometimes drinks or plays cards outside all night after completing the commission, he will definitely come back before lunch the next day.

Thinking of this, Conan walked to the office desk, reached out and picked up the newspaper on the table, and found the "TV program schedule" on it.

When he saw the black circled "11:00 am - replay of Okino Yoko's concert", his brows furrowed even tighter.

Sure enough, something was wrong!

Uncle Maori never missed Okino Yoko's TV show.

Whenever there was a show by Okino Yoko, he would always buy beer and snacks, put on the silly-looking "cheering clothes", and sit in front of the TV in advance to prepare.

What's more, since Uncle Maori had circled the broadcast time of Okino Yoko's show on the newspaper with a pen, it was impossible for him to forget it!

In that case... could something have happened?

Thinking of this, Conan took out his mobile phone and called Maori Kogoro.

After hearing the "phone is turned off" prompt tone from the mobile phone, Conan confirmed his guess-something must have happened to Uncle Maori!

Conan immediately flipped through the address book and found Tatsuno's phone number.

But his index finger hovered over the name "Takeda Tatsuno" for several seconds without pressing it.

After a moment, Conan retracted his finger and thought to himself: "It's not certain that Uncle Maori is in trouble. If I call Takeda now, wouldn't it be equivalent to admitting that he is better than me?! No!"

After taking back the phone, Conan looked at the small notebook on the desk.

There were obvious "tear" marks on the notebook.

Seeing this, Conan had an idea and picked up a pencil next to him and evenly smeared it on the white paper of the notebook.

Not long after, the "marks" on the white paper appeared clearly in front of Conan.

- October 25, 10 am, Moore Hotel Open-air Cafe.

After seeing the message, Conan immediately turned back to the room to take out the skateboard and rushed to the place shown on the white paper.

After arriving at the cafe, Conan looked around for a while, then found a waiter next to him and asked him about the information about Uncle Maori.

After listening to Conan's words, the waiter immediately nodded and smiled: "Yes, that Maori detective did come here yesterday morning."

"Big brother, can you tell me what kind of person he came here to meet?" Conan asked.

The waiter smiled and recalled: "He didn't seem to meet anyone. But at that time, a phone call came to the store, saying that he was looking for him. After I handed the phone to Maori detective, he said loudly, 'What? I can't take a taxi right away? I know.' Then he returned the phone to me."

"Later, he asked me if there was a station nearby. After I told him the station, he left."

"Big brother, thank you!" Conan nodded in thanks.

After saying goodbye to the waiter, Conan rode his beloved little skateboard and ran to the station.

Although there are still many details that are unclear, he roughly guessed the logic of Uncle Maori's actions-he was not actively following others, but acting according to someone's instructions.

Ten minutes later, Conan arrived at a nearby subway station.

Although he didn't know which bus Maori Kogoro took, Conan thought of what he had said before, "You can't take a taxi right away." He immediately got a clue and ran to the taxi stand outside the subway station.

After asking several taxi drivers, Conan finally found a clue. One of the drivers did send Uncle Maori yesterday.

After learning this news, Conan immediately asked the driver to take him to the place where Uncle Maori got off yesterday.

After getting off the bus, Conan looked at the dim alley in front of him and was slightly startled.

He had a feeling that Uncle Maori seemed to be involved in something.

After he saw the alley in front of him, this feeling became more obvious.

The next moment, Conan walked into the alley and carefully observed the surroundings.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly saw that there seemed to be a mobile phone in the drainage ditch next to him.

He went forward to pick up the phone and observed it carefully for a few seconds. Conan felt a "bad feeling" in his heart."More and more.

This phone... is Uncle Maori's phone!

After putting away the phone, Conan looked around more sharply.

Since Uncle Maori's phone appeared here and fell into the ditch, it means that he must have encountered something "bad" here yesterday.

A moment later, Conan walked into an abandoned warehouse at the end of the alley according to his intuition, and found a suspicious room based on the shoe prints on the ground.

In the room, there was a brand new projector that was out of tune with the "shabby" surroundings.

Although I don't know what's in the projector, it is certain that Uncle Maori did come here yesterday.

Conan searched the room and found a burnt map and a blueprint of the sewer in a trash can nearby.

Although the two drawings were burnt, some of the content on them could still be seen clearly.

Conan immediately took out the drawings, spread them flat on the ground, and tried to find clues.

Three minutes later, Conan took out his mobile phone and called Ryuno.

"Hello, Takeda? Listen to me, Uncle Maori..."


At the same time

A red vintage car was driving at high speed on the highway.

In the back seat of the car, Maori Kogoro, wearing a yellow wig and beard, was nervously sitting between two robbers.

Because one of the robbers was too strong, Maori Kogoro's range of movement was pitifully small.

He had to curl up and put his legs together.

Seeing that he was about to reach the target location, Maori Kogoro said: "Excuse me, can you stop the car at the convenience store in front?"

Hearing this, the thin gangster "Mr. Mouth" on the side immediately laughed and said: "Uncle, you are not too nervous and can't hold it in to go to the toilet, right? Hahahaha!"

"It's to buy something! I'm going to buy gum!" Maori Kogoro narrowed his eyes and said, "If I don't have that thing, my feeling of prying into the vault will become dull. "

After saying that, Maori Kogoro looked at the front seat.

He knew that the real person in charge among these robbers was the man with glasses sitting in the front passenger seat - "Mr. Eyes".

The reason why he made this request was certainly not to buy any chewing gum, but to contact the outside world and tell Inspector Megure about the robbers' movements and the threat to Xiaolan.

Just then, "Eyes" in the passenger seat turned around and handed the chewing gum in his hand to Maori Kogoro, followed by a faint tone: "I just brought it, so there should be no need to stop the car, right?"

Mauri Kogoro reached out to take the chewing gum, unwillingly said: "Ah... well, no need."

Looking at the chewing gum in his hand, Maori Kogoro frowned and said inwardly: "Damn it! The solution that I finally thought of was broken like this? ! "

"No! Xiaolan is still in danger! "

Thinking of this, he mustered up his courage again, pretended to reach out and touch his pocket, and then shouted "surprised".

After hearing this scream, everyone's eyes were focused on him again.

"What happened this time?" Mr. 'Eyes' in front said impatiently.

Mouri Kogoro frowned and said embarrassedly: "I just found out that the protractor I carry with me is missing! When unlocking, you must have a protractor. If you don't have that..."

Hearing this, not only "Mr. Eyes", but even "Miss Lips" who was driving looked at Maori Kogoro with a cold face.

Just as 'Mr. Eyes' was about to take out the pistol in his pocket, "Mr. Mouth" sitting next to Maori Kogoro suddenly interrupted: "Wait, I seem to..."

The next second, in Maori Kogoro's shocked eyes, the thin robber took out a protractor from his clothes.

"This is what I picked up on the ground yesterday. I kept it in my pocket and forgot to throw it away. I didn't expect it to come in handy! Hahahahaha! ”

Mouri Kogoro: “…”

What kind of good person would carry a protractor with him?!!!

Although Mouri Kogoro was complaining in his heart, he still took the protractor from "Mr. Mouth" with a forced smile.

"Great, great! This way I will be able to pry open the vault smoothly!"

Seeing this, the coldness in the eyes of "Miss Lips" in the driver's seat gradually dissipated, and "Mr. Eyes" in the co-pilot seat also stretched out his hand ready to take the gun from his pocket.


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