After hearing Concubine Yingli's question, the female secretary held her head and recalled: "Just now, the president asked me to go to the car to get a few cans of cold beer. When I came back, I saw that the president had fallen to the ground covered in blood, and it seemed that he had..." At

this point, she paused, and then continued: "There are traces of the president being turned over, and the wallet seems to be missing.

Fei Yingli looked at the beer cans scattered on the ground not far away, and there were small droplets of water on them.

She reached out and touched it, and found that the beer cans were indeed very cold.

After touching it, Concubine Yingli raised her body and said curiously: "It's not summer, you guys actually prepare cold beer." The

female secretary waved her hand casually: "That's our president's personal hobby." Even in winter, he drinks a cold beer. Every time he goes out, he takes a cold box with him, which is specially used to store cold beer. Hearing

the explanation of the female secretary, Concubine Yingli no longer paid attention to this issue.

She crouched down and carefully examined the president's body and found that there was an obvious stab wound to his heart.

This position, coupled with such a wound, the prisoner must have stabbed the president head-on.

But if that's the case, some things don't make sense.

Concubine Yingli turned her head to look at the location where Tatsuno and Xiaolan were, although the difference in height of the terrain was large, the distance was not too far.

Everything is conspicuous, and it is impossible for them not to notice this side.

What's more, the prisoner must be doing it head-on, and it is impossible for the president not to resist.

Moreover, apart from the screams of the female secretary, they did not hear a sound....

Wait, didn't hear the sound?

Concubine Eiri had some guesses in her heart, she looked at Kikuya and Imai thoughtfully, and asked the female secretary: "Then when you found the body, were the two of them here?"

It doesn't seem to be here.

"Then do you know where they went?"

"Vice President Kikuya seems to have gone to the woods over there to pick up branches, Imai Finance, I don't know."

"Okay, I see. The police are almost here, so let's go over there and rest for a while.

After finishing speaking to the female secretary, Concubine Eiri came to Vice President Kikuya again and asked, "Vice President, do you know where Imai Finance went just now?"

I met him while cutting branches in the woods, and he was setting up tents and grills over there.

Che, I thought it must have been the hand of that guy! Now it seems that the robber who killed the president is probably a robber in this neighborhood, after all, the president's wallet is also missing. After

listening to the words of Vice President Kikuya, Concubine Eiri walked in front of Imai Finance again.

Unexpectedly, the testimony of Imai Finance and Vice President Kikuya was almost identical.

They all believed that the president was killed by some robber nearby.

Hearing this, Concubine Yingli smiled slightly, she already understood it all.

Just wait for the police to come and find the "evidence" around.

According to her reasoning, the president may have been killed by Kikuya and Imai.

They have a clear division of labor, with Vice President Kikuya in charge of hands-on work and Imai Finance in charge of handling the president's wallet.

The previous quarrel should have been only for her and the female secretary.

The goal should be to make their alibi appear more reliable.

After all, the alibi provided by two people who are hostile or even feuding with each other is easier to believe.

Thinking of this, Fei Yingli walked back to the female secretary and waited for the arrival of the police together.


On the other side

, "Tatsuno, let's go and see, I don't know how my mother is doing."

"Okay, then you'll try not to look at the person who has fallen to the ground."

He was worried that Xiaolan would be afraid, and did not use the word "corpse", but only described it as "the person who fell to the ground".

Xiaolan also discovered Long Ye's intentions, and her eyes were a little more firm and gentle.

She looked up at Tatsuno's eyes and said firmly: "It's okay, I'm not afraid anymore!"


Xiaolan's blushing face after grabbing his hand, Tatsuno smiled gently: "It's okay, if you're afraid, just grab my hand."

After hearing Long Ye's words, Xiao Lan immediately pinned her face and secretly said, "Hmph, it's not because I'm afraid!"

Hearing the sound of police cars in the distance, Fei Yingli comforted the female secretary: "Don't worry, when the police come, they will definitely conduct a carpet search of the vicinity."

"We didn't hear or see the president's movements and voices of resistance because he was killed unconsciously."

"In that case, there will definitely be corresponding evidence left nearby, such as sleeping pills and something." "

That's right, as long as you don't care about the alibi of these two men, this is a very simple homicide."

Concubine Yingli noticed it when she observed the blood stains on the president's clothes.

That kind of blood distribution can only be formed by the president lying flat on the ground and being pierced by the murderer's front.

The president should have been given sleeping pills first, and then killed unconsciously.

When the police came, as long as they went through a preliminary autopsy and found the hidden "drugs" and murder weapons, they would naturally come out.

In addition, both Kikuya and Imai seem to have conflicts with the president, and as long as they investigate a little, the prisoner will not be able to escape.

Then just wait for the police to arrive.

Thinking of this, Concubine Yingli was ready to leave to find Long Ye and Xiaolan.

At this time, Imai Finance on the side heard Concubine Yingli's reasoning, and cold sweat broke out.

He had just patronized the murder weapon and wallet, forgetting that there was still a medicine bottle that had not been disposed of, and the medicine bottle was in his pocket at this time.

Moreover, this medicine was obtained by Vice President Kikuya from a certain channel.

There must be fingerprints of the two of them on the bottle, and even in the tablets inside....

Thinking of this, he quickly touched his pocket.

A small but very crisp sound of "click"

attracted the attention of several people present.

A small transparent pill bottle fell out of the coat of Mr. Imai, the financial manager, and contained several suspicious white pills.

Princess Eiri

: "..." Imai Finance: "..." Vice President Kikuya: "

..." Vice President Kikuya

was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes became red.

He couldn't wait to strangle Imai on the spot, this guy couldn't even hide a small medicine bottle?!

Now, at this juncture when the police are about to arrive, he actually exposed such important evidence in public!

"Mom, what's wrong?" At

this moment, a sweet voice came over. Xiaolan and Tatsuno came into everyone's sight.

The moment he saw these two children, Vice President Kikuya had a countermeasure, he threw his head back at Imai, and pointed at Koran and Tatsuno.

Imai immediately understood his thoughts and nodded.

In the next instant, the two pulled their legs and ran towards Xiaolan and Long Ye.

They understood that since the facts had been revealed, the only way now was to escape

! First catch the two children and use them as hostages, even if they are surrounded by the police

, there is a chance to escape! If they are lucky, they will escape to some places where there is no extradition treaty, and with the money they have made in the company, they will be able to live a rich life in the next life!

- Well, that girl looks thin and weak, and she looks very weak at first glance, so there is no need to worry at all.

As for the boy, he looked white and clean, except for his good face, there was nothing special about it, and there was nothing to be afraid of.


Yingli found that it was too late to stop it, and quickly shouted in the direction of Xiaolan and Tatsuno: "Be careful! They are prisoners, run !!"

Looking at the two people rushing towards him, Tatsuno instinctively wanted to protect Xiaolan behind him.

But after he gently tugged on Xiaolan's arm, he found that Xiaolan didn't mean to move at all.

Tatsuno looked down at Xiaolan and found that Xiaolan was looking at him seriously.

There was no fear in her eyes, and she even nodded at him.

At this moment, Tatsuno understood her thoughts.

Because of his intervention, Koran learned karate several years earlier than in the original book.

Plus there is him, the "cheater" on the sidelines to guide....

Even if he didn't make a move, Xiaolan didn't seem to have any problem facing these two trash fish alone.

Thinking of this, Long Ye let go of Xiaolan's hand and agreed with her thoughts: "The one on the right will be handed over to you."

"Good !!"

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