Seeing the pink-haired woman so decisive, a strange light flashed in the eyes of the man in black.

After two seconds, the man in black nodded slowly: "Don't worry, I will abide by the agreement."

The pink-haired woman stared at the black-haired man's eyes quietly for a while, then laughed and pulled the trigger in her hand.


Accompanied by a gunshot, the pink-haired woman fell straight to the ground.

Seeing the relieved smile on the woman's face, the man in black closed his eyes and clasped his hands together to show a little respect.

Although he could not let the pink-haired woman go anyway-after all, she was the killer she sent, and the target was still Xiaolan.

But seeing the pink-haired woman so decisively shoot herself to avenge her son, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

However, he did not feel sorry for the woman.

No matter what purpose she hired the killer, from the moment she chose to attack Xiaolan, her fate was doomed.

Since you have chosen to "shoot", you must be prepared to be hit by the "bullet".


At the same time

Underground commercial street.

An office building stands in it, brightly lit.

In the dark place not far from the building, the fully armed Inspector Megure and others listened to the movement in the headset while carefully watching the entrance of the office building.

Just now, Officer Takagi and Officer Sato dressed up and walked into the casino as "guests".

Inspector Megure and others kept an eye on the situation of the two, ready to close the net when the time is right.

Although the main target of this operation is the "robbery group" that has been at large for many years, in fact, they also have a secondary target that needs to be vigilant at all times.

——That is, the organizer of this "underground casino" and its members.

According to intelligence, the members in the underground casino all have guns and are extremely dangerous.

Therefore, in addition to the first search section, Inspector Megure also reported to his superiors and invited colleagues from the third section of organized crime countermeasures to cooperate in the operation.

As long as they wait for Officer Takagi and Officer Sato who enter the casino to give instructions, they will rush in and immediately enter the casino to subdue the robbers and casino members.

Although it sounds simple, since the targets this time are all armed, any mistake in any link may lead to irreversible consequences.

At this moment, the roar of the engine resounded in the quiet street.

——"Boom, boom!"

After hearing the sound, Inspector Megure and others instantly looked into the distance.

A Harley motorcycle drove from a distance and slowly stopped at the door of the office building.

The next second, a young man in a polo shirt stopped the motorcycle aside and took off his helmet.

After seeing the man's appearance clearly, Inspector Megure's eyes widened instantly and said in surprise: "Brother Tatsuno?! How could he appear here?!"

Just when Inspector Megure was in astonishment, Tatsuno put one hand in his pocket and walked into the office building in a chic manner.

Inspector Megure watched Tatsuno's back disappear from his sight, frowning.

He wanted to tell Takagi and Sato in the casino about this news, but since there would be a body search when entering the casino, Takagi and Sato did not bring any communication devices, so he could not contact them.

Only the "watch" on Officer Sato's wrist could unilaterally contact Inspector Megure and tell him when to start the action.

Inspector Megure gritted his teeth and glanced at the building, praying secretly, hoping that nothing would happen.

Not long after, in the casino.

After the two waiters at the door saw Tatsuno, they immediately stepped forward and scanned Tatsuno with a metal detector.

After finding that there were no suspicious items on Tatsuno, the two bent down and invited Tatsuno to enter.

After officially entering the casino, Tatsuno looked around and smiled slightly.

Although he often saw it on TV, it was actually the first time for Tatsuno to see a real underground casino.

In addition to various "games" that he had never seen before, there were even waitresses wearing rabbit ears wandering around with drinks.

Surprised cheers, lost sighs... Although the store was not noisy, there was indeed an inexplicable "atmosphere".

If he hadn't known that the timing was wrong, Tatsuno would have even wanted to go to the front desk to exchange some chips.

After a while, Officer Takagi and Officer Sato, who were constantly observing the customers in the store, also noticed Tatsuno not far away, and their pupils shrank slightly.

After sensing the sight on him, Tatsuno also turned his head and looked at the two, nodded slightly and smiled.

Then, Tatsuno focused his sight not far away.

——Several sneaky guys wearing black hoods crawled out of a hidden sewer in the store.

After seeing one of the slightly familiar figures, Tatsuno couldn't help but smile.

Although he was wearing a hood and had done some disguise, Tatsuno recognized the man's identity at a glance——"The robber Maori Kogoro"!

Tatsuno always felt that Uncle Maori with a hood seemed to be more funny than him without one.

After moving his eyes away from "The robber Maori", Tatsuno looked around again, taking in everything around him, ready to take action at any time.


A few seconds later, one of the men wearing a hood suddenly jumped up, jumped onto the table, and shot at the ceiling.

The moment the gunshot was heard, all the staff in the store turned their eyes to the man.

Seeing everyone looking at him, the man yelled: "Everyone, don't move! I will shoot anyone who moves!!"

After the man at the table finished speaking, several men wearing hoods immediately appeared in various places in the store.

Some held knives, some used fists, and threatened the guests around them.

Seeing that the situation had been controlled by his teammates, the masked man standing on the table shouted again: "I say it again! Everyone, don't move! If you don't want to die, hand over all your wallets! Put them in these two bags!!"

"Quick! Come over and line up! Put all your wallets in the bags!"


Seeing this, the guests present hurriedly followed the instructions of several robbers, lined up, and threw their wallets into the bags provided by the robbers one by one.

At this time, the man on the table also climbed down from the table, walked in front of the "robber Maori", and said lightly: "It's your turn to show, Mr. Beard! You can't get much money from the gambler's wallet, follow me!"

After that, "Mr. Eyes" walked in front of Maori and led him to a hidden room.

In the room, there is a dark green double-door metal safe.

It contains the operating funds of this "underground casino".

According to the investigation, the cash and gold inside add up to at least 1 billion yen.

This safe is the main goal of their trip.

Looking at the safe in front of him, Mr. Eyes stretched out his hand and said, "This is your task. I heard that there is no vault that you can't open. Please~"

"Okay, I know!" Maori Kogoro said confidently.

After that, Maori Kogoro walked to the safe and squatted down.

At this moment, unlike "Mr. Eyes" who was a little excited and expectant. Maori Kogoro looked at the safe in front of him and shed a few drops of nervous cold sweat.

"Damn... What should I do now?! I don't know how to open a safe at all!!!"

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