After Maori Kogoro and his companions left, the client Torada Naobu and his wife and Torada Shigeji also left the room.

Only Tatsuno and his companions were left in the room.

Torada Yui sat at the table with a worried look on her face, her brows furrowed.

Seeing this, Xiaolan and Kazuha immediately changed the subject:

"Miss Yui, can you tell us about Mr. Kai?"

"Yes, he must be an amazing police officer to be respected and loved by the whole village!"

Hearing this, Torada Yui's originally low mouth corners raised a small arc: "Mr. Kai... He is a very kind police officer~ He often helps everyone in the village..."

Seeing that Miss Yui was a little more energetic, Xiaolan and Kazuha looked at each other calmly, with a smile in their eyes.

After everyone chatted for a while, Torada Yui said goodbye to Tatsuno and his companions on the grounds that she had something to do.

After Miss Yui left, Xiaolan and Kazuha sighed.

Miss Yui had been married for less than a few months when her husband lost his life in a tornado.

That would be fine, because "dead centipedes" appeared in both cases, and she has even become one of the suspects.



As the rain got heavier, Maori Kogoro and the other two were "trapped" in the Ryuo family, planning to stay there, while Ryuno and the other two planned to stay at the Torada family.

After dinner, everyone was ready to rest.

At this moment, Xiaolan and Kazuha were in the bedroom.

After chatting about some topics between girls, Xiaolan looked at Kazuha's face, opened her mouth, but finally did not speak.

After noticing Xiaolan's "abnormality", Kazuha smiled: "Xiaolan, do you have anything to say?"

"Well...but..." Xiaolan frowned and hesitated.

"It's okay, Xiaolan, just say whatever you want to say! Don't worry so much~" Kazuha waved her hand casually.

Seeing Kazuha's sincere eyes, Xiaolan hesitated again and again, and finally asked: "Kazuha, is there something wrong between you and Hattori Heiji?"

Xiaolan still remembers that when she first met Kazuha, Kazuha's eyes were always on Hattori Heiji.

She always heard things about Hattori Heiji from Kazuha.

But later, whether it was when they met or talked on the phone, the frequency of "Hatori" in Kazuha's mouth seemed to be getting lower and lower.

Today, although Kazuha still appeared with Hattori, she always felt that there seemed to be an extra "barrier" between the two.

Kazuha sighed, then turned to look at the ceiling and said seriously: "You really found it, Xiaolan. I wanted to tell you later..."

"You also saw it today. Hattori cares more about Conan and your Ryunosuke than me."

"Ah? But..." Xiaolan frowned.

"Did you notice the look in Hattori's eyes when he looked at Conan and Ryuno? He never looked at me like that before, with joy, expectation and excitement." Heye said self-deprecatingly.

Xiaolan covered her mouth, blinked a few times quickly, and said nothing.

Heye continued: "I gradually realized that the reason why I had a good impression of him before was just because we were childhood sweethearts. Our fathers worked together, so it was inevitable that we would have some intersections."

"To be honest, Hattori's feelings for me may be more like 'habit' than love."

"What's more, he pays more attention to cases and reasoning than love between men and women. This is his character and his shackles."

"He is destined to become a great detective or police officer. But it is difficult for him to become the 'right person' for a girl..."

Hearing this, Xiaolan looked at Heye silently, her eyes full of worry and loneliness.

Noticing that the air was a little depressed by herself, Kazuha shook her head: "Haha, don't worry, Xiaolan. Although we can't be lovers, Hattori and I are still friends!"

"Compared to me, you should worry about Conan and Ryuno! Maybe Hattori will really do something to them one day~" Kazuha smiled with narrowed eyes.

Xiaolan: "Σ(っ °Д °;)っ"

Kazuha: "= ̄ω ̄="

Although she was surprised for a moment, she was relieved to see that Kazuha could still joke with her.

The next second, the two smiled at each other.


At the same time

In the room where the armor was placed in the Torada family.

A Xiaohei wearing samurai armor was in it, and he was tying something to his helmet with his hands.

At this moment, a slightly lazy voice came from behind Xiao Hei:

"Ms. Yui, what do you want to do by tying those plastic ropes to your helmet~"

After hearing the voice, Miss Yui, who was wearing armor, immediately turned her head and stared behind her: "You, you are..."

"Don't worry, I can probably guessWhat are you going to do, Officer Yui? But it's late, let's keep our voices down~" Ryuno put a finger to his lips and said softly.

Hearing the word "officer", Miss Yui frowned, and then subconsciously put her hand on the hilt of the knife at her waist. Then, she withdrew her hand, looked at Ryuno and sighed.

"It's getting late, don't wear this armor to scare people, Xiaolan and the others are probably almost asleep~" Ryuno blinked.

Without waiting for Miss Yui to speak, Ryuno continued: "Don't worry, tomorrow morning, I will say that I saw a warrior in red armor~"

"Anyway, you do this to get information from someone, right?"

After saying that, Ryuno waved his hand, yawned, turned around and prepared to leave the room.

At this time, Miss Yui asked: "Wait, you...what's your name?"

"Ah? Oh, by the way~ I didn't introduce myself when we met before... My name is Takeda Tatsuno, Officer Uehara Yui~"

"Takeda Tatsuno... Takeda... Interesting~" Miss Yui looked down at the helmet in her hand, her eyes flickering.


The next morning

Everyone was having breakfast in the restaurant.

Tatsuno told everyone that he saw a samurai in armor outside the house when it thundered last night.

Except for Xiaolan and Kazuha, everyone was a little indifferent.

After breakfast, everyone walked out of the restaurant.

Just then, Maori Kogoro and others also came back with Tatsuo Kei's wife, 'Tatsuo Ayaka'.

After hearing about the "armor", they immediately surrounded Tatsuno and asked about the details of what happened.

When he heard that there was a thick head of hair on the armor helmet that Tatsuno saw, Hattori Heiji immediately frowned and said, "Isn't that the helmet of Takeda Shingen Suwa Hosei? ! "

Mouri Kogoro continued: "Speaking of Takeda Shingen, one can think of red armor..."

At this time, Ryuo Ayaka behind everyone suddenly hugged her head and screamed in fear.

The next moment, she turned and ran into the toilet and locked herself in the toilet.

Ryuo Ayaka's strange behavior made Hattori Heiji and Conan frown.

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