Soon after, all members of the Torada family and the Ryuo family arrived at the scene.

After seeing the dead body on the ground whose appearance could no longer be seen, the head of the Torada family shed tears in pain.

A few days ago, his adopted son, the future heir of the Torada family, Yoshiro Torada, who he valued very much, was unfortunately affected by the tornado and fell to his death.

And today, his son with his ex-wife, the only remaining successor of the Torada family, Shigeji Torada, also fell on the railway in black, and died miserably.

In just a few days, both sons died.

Not only did the old send off the young, but the Torada family also ended here.

For a while, the head of the Torada family burst into tears and looked sad.

At this time, Hattori Heiji and Conan walked towards the crowd with a fishing rod.

"What fishing rods are you holding?"

Officer Yamato looked at the fishing rod in Hattori Heiji's hand and frowned slightly.

Hattori Heiji slowly said: "Mr. Shigeji was electrocuted and burned to charcoal because this long fishing rod touched the tram wire."

After saying that, he pointed to the woods next to him and told everyone where he found the fishing rod.

Mouri Kogoro looked at the fishing rod for a few times and suddenly clapped his hands and said: "I remember that Mr. Shigeji Torada seemed to have carried a long blue fishing rod bag before!"

Conan replied: "Well, the bag containing the fishing rod that uncle mentioned fell behind very close to the level crossing. And... next to the bag, there was also a dead centipede."

After learning the news, Officer Yamato immediately set off in the direction Conan pointed.

Only Maori Kogoro was left standing next to the victim to protect the scene.

Hattori Heiji and Conan placed their fishing rods near the victim, then walked towards Maori Kogoro and asked, "Uncle, I heard that you have been following Mr. Hanji. What happened?" Maori Kogoro closed his eyes and said: "Well, I have been looking for reasons to follow him. Not long ago, I followed him to a small house next to the 'cave', and he kept rummaging through the cabinets inside." "He said these things, I am afraid that he can't hunt for treasure for the time being. So I came to get some information. But the notebook that wrote about the treasure hunt is gone." "Later we went back to the Torada family, but just after I went to the toilet, he suddenly disappeared. I hurried out to find him, and at this moment, there was a loud noise..." At this point, Maori Kogoro shook his head, and Hattori Heiji and Conan also understood what he meant. After thinking for a few seconds, Hattori Heiji looked up and said, "Uncle, did he find the treasure-hunting notebook at that time?"

"No, he searched for a long time but couldn't find it... Oh, right! Before leaving, he seemed to have taken out his mobile phone, and it seemed that he received some text messages..."

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji and Conan's eyes lit up.

If nothing unexpected happened, the text message that Torada Shigeji received at that time was sent by the criminal.

The criminal called him away in this way and then killed him here.


Soon after

Officer Yamato's subordinates rushed to the scene. Under the instructions of Officer Yamato, they searched the area in a carpet-like manner and finally found a small notebook.

After a rough look at the contents of the notebook, Officer Yamato called everyone over.

"This notebook records the process of finding buried gold. However, this notebook seems to be an exchange diary at the same time..."

Hearing this, everyone turned their attention to the notebook.

Everyone has heard that Torada Shigeji seemed to be looking for this notebook before his death.

Officer Yamato continued, "Although I didn't look closely, it says something like this - six years ago, they accidentally killed someone."

"They seemed to have a heated debate about whether to call the police, and finally decided to keep silent and not call the police."

At this point, Officer Yamato turned to look at Long Weijing: "Long Weijing, it also says that all this is for you."

"What? For me?!" Long Weijing looked at Officer Yamato in confusion.

"Wait! Could it be that the person who died six years ago is..." Miss Yui also thought of something and asked hurriedly.

Officer Yamato sighed, "Yes, it was Mr. Kai Gento. They thought of a way to hurt Mr. Kai in order to help you win the Yabusame preliminaries."

"They used fireworks to scare Mr. Kai's horse, hoping to make him fall off. But the horse was so frightened that it ran out of control and eventually fell off the cliff."

As Officer Yamato's voice faded, everyone present was shocked.

Ryuo Kei froze in place, his face pale: "How could it be..."

"According to the handwriting, there are four people who wrote this diary. I'm afraid it was the one who died this time.Yoshiro and Shigeji of the Torada family, and Koji and Ayaka of the Ryuo family." Officer Yamato flipped through a few more pages of the notebook and analyzed.

Without waiting for everyone to say anything, Officer Yamato suddenly put away the notebook, looking at everyone and announcing:

"Okay, the truth has been revealed. After killing the other three people, Shigeji Torada wanted to take this notebook and turn it into ashes in order to conceal the truth! He did this to apologize to Mr. Kai."

"The reason he wanted to destroy this notebook was to prevent Ryuo Kei from knowing the truth. Unfortunately, the notebook was knocked out, so it was not burned."

Hearing this, everyone seemed to accept the truth and stood there sighing.

"In short, the incident is over. I wanted everyone to go home and have a good rest, but according to the procedure, we have to investigate your home..."

After saying this, Officer Yamato turned and walked towards his subordinates.

This operation made Hattori Heiji and Conan a little confused.


Soon after, in the woods.

Hattori Heiji and Conan walked to Tatsuno's side.

"Takeda, is Officer Yamato really capable..."

"Since you know what he said is wrong, why didn't you refute him in public just now? "Tatsuno asked back.

Hatsuno Heiji pressed his hat down embarrassedly: "Although we know who the criminal is, there is no evidence at present..."

Xiaolan and Kazuha on the side also looked at Tatsuno in confusion, like curious babies.

After all, according to the case of Miss Ayaka, the suspect must be among "Tatsuo Kei, Torada Yui and Torada Tatsuei".

Torada Shigeji should not be the murderer of these cases?

Tatsuno chuckled and said: "It seems that this Yamato police officer is a 'practical' police officer~ The reason why he made a conclusion on the case so quickly is precisely because of insufficient 'evidence'. "

"His 'case is over' is not for us, but for the criminal. If nothing unexpected happens, he will set a trap for the criminal next. "

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji was surprised and said: "You mean, he is going to lure out the criminal?"

Tatsuno nodded.

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