
A few months ago

, a young man with a wheat complexion had just finished training at the Tokujin-ryu Dojo in Tokyo

, and he wiped the beads of sweat from his head and looked at the elder in front of him.

"Coach, is it really okay to let me represent the dojo competition, it stands to reason that Fujiwara-senpai should go to participate, right?" The

coach raised a hand and waved it casually: "It's okay, it's okay! Everyone agrees to let you represent our dojo.

"Just show your true level, our dojo is not worried, even if you don't participate in this kind of competition, it doesn't matter, you don't have to have too much pressure."

Seeing the teenager in front of him looking so serious, the coach cleared his throat and said slowly: "Of course, you don't have to be so serious." You have to take care to control the strength of your shots and be careful not to hurt your opponent.

Your talent and strength are the strongest I have seen in so many years, and this stage is your starting point at best

!" "I will not live up to everyone's trust!" Hearing that the coach recognized himself so much, Kyogoku really became a beanie eye, a little embarrassed.



the Tokyo Karate School Exchange Event

, Tatsuno changed into his uniform and returned to the stands.

"Tatsuno-chan, you are very handsome in this outfit~" Yukiko carefully looked Tatsuno who came over and praised with a smile.

Concubine Yingli also echoed on the side: "Yes, much more handsome than a certain bearded uncle when he was young~" Saying that, Concubine

Yingli also glanced at Maori Kogoro who seemed to have not woken up yet.


After hearing this, the latter glanced at Tatsuno and then quickly turned his head away.

He was complaining in his heart.

"This stinky imp is about to cheat our daughter away, you actually praise him for ???

" "Idiot woman!"


Hearing that everyone was praising him, even if Long Ye's face was thick, he was a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, the game officially started at this moment, and everyone's eyes were attracted by the game in the field.

To Tatsuno's surprise, Kudo Shinichi actually came to see his match.

Tatsuno asked suspiciously: "Kudo, I remember you said that you made an appointment with someone else today to practice football, how did you...?"

Kudo Shinichi pouted, his tone was full of helplessness: "You know, it's not my mother..."

Before he finished speaking, Kudo Shinichi suddenly felt a coolness around him.

He slowly turned his head and found his mother staring at him with a smirk.

Although it was a smile, he still read a bit of warning from the bright eyes, and immediately turned his head and shut up.

After seeing him shut up, Yukiko nodded slightly, turned her head and communicated with Concubine Yingri.

Tatsuno immediately understood, presumably Yukiko "suggested" Kudo Shinichi to push off his soccer practice.

Over the years, Yukiko has always paid close attention to things in Tatsuno.

Although this is related to his life since he was a child, this concern is not fake.

Soon after, the competition was officially announced.

Tatsuno walked backstage to the cheers of Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

Many players and coaches are making final preparations here.

Many coaches are telling their disciples something.

"Xianguang, you must pay attention to the center of gravity when fighting, your only problem now is that the center of gravity is unstable. You

..." "When fighting, pay attention to the opponent's movements, don't let go of the opponent's small movements before each shot..." "Don't

be nervous, you can launch an attack in advance for a while, your speed is your biggest advantage." Remember not to fall into the rhythm of your opponents!"

Looking at the serious and careful guidance of the coaches, Tatsuno raised his head curiously and looked at his coach, wondering what the coach would say to him.

Coach Ishikawa lowered his head to meet Tatsuno's gaze, and in Tatsuno's expectant gaze, he slowly spoke: "Well, Tatsuno." When you play for a while, remember

to show mercy to your subordinates..."Tatsuno: ??? saw that Tatsuno did not answer, the coach suddenly put his hands on Tatsuno's

shoulders and instructed solemnly: "It is precisely because there are no restrictions in this game that you have to show mercy to your subordinates."

"I know that you had reservations when you fought me, and your current strength is no longer even clear to me.

"I don't know how much you're hiding, but your current strength is tricky even to me. Not to mention the participating disciples of various dojos. "

There are no rules in the format, and this kind of full-contact rule game is more dangerous for the players."

You must control the power of the shot, defeat the opponent, and try to avoid attacking their weak points!" Hearing the

coach say this, Tatsuno was stunned for a moment.

Since his five-dimensional data has almost exceeded the B level, he has controlled his strength to a limited extent every time he competes with his coach.

But every time he practiced, the coach looked relaxed, making him mistakenly think that the strength he showed was far below the coach.

Now it seems that the coach he may... Thinking

of this, Tatsuno nodded silently to the coach.

After seeing Tatsuno nodding, the coach put down the hands on Tatsuno's shoulders and walked to the audience satisfied.

Tatsuno looked around, and suddenly saw a slightly dark-skinned boy in the northernmost part of the waiting area.

It stands out especially against the background of snow-white karate uniforms.

Tatsuno looked at the somewhat familiar face and was surprised, "Kyogoku Jin?

But when Kyogokuzhen appeared, it was already a "striking noble son" who won 400 consecutive games.

Presumably, Kyogoku has participated in many competitions since he was a child, and it is normal to see him here.


"Red wins!"

announced one of the referees on the stage, raising a red flag.

Tatsuno and the players saluted each other and walked off the stage.

Several spectators in the front row also began to discuss.

"This teenager is so good, I watched the few games he had just now, the movements were clean and neat, and every game was won easily.

"yes, as if the other side is cooperating with him." His attacks always accurately knock down the opponent's flaws.

"Hahaha, shouldn't he have bought all his opponents?"


, in addition to this teenager, there is also a black-looking teenager who seems to have never lost a game." Interesting

, I don't know when the two of them will be able to face each other.

"These two teenagers are actually more powerful than so many adults..." Just

as their discussion was hot, someone behind them suddenly said: "Yes, these two teenagers are really powerful, maybe they have reached the professional level."

Hearing this, several people who were discussing looked back in unison.

What came into view was a cheerful man with short hair and slightly dark skin.

Although they seem very easygoing, they always feel that under this easy-going exterior, there seems to be something deeper.

"You are?" one of them wondered.

As soon as he asked, his friend suddenly tugged his arm and excitedly said: "Have you forgotten!? He is Mr. Satoshi Maeda! Former national champion of karate!!

"Ah! I remembered!" As

veteran karate enthusiasts, several people can hardly miss a heavyweight karate competition, let alone a national competition.

They have watched Satoshi Maeda countless times and witnessed the moment when he won the championship.

As the hottest karate player in the past decade, Satoshi Maeda is the idol of countless people who love karate.

After the rest of the people reacted, they were also red-faced, and they stretched out their hands excitedly, wanting to shake hands with them.

Seeing that several people recognized him, Maeda Satoshi also smiled and shook hands with several people in turn.

After shaking hands, he slowly spoke again: "The two teenagers you just mentioned are not simple, and I have watched their matches." "

The gap between the two of them and their opponents is just too big.

"Before the opponent makes a move, they have already analyzed the opponent's offensive line through the opponent's movements and posture. Then, in the most direct way, they attacked the opponent's momentary weaknesses.

"This kind of match, which looks like acting, just reflects the strength gap between these two teenagers and their opponents."

"It sounds easy, but I want to do that." Comprehensive physical fitness, observation ability, and karate skills are indispensable. "

To be able to meet these standards at this age, these two teenagers... It's horrible, and thankfully I'm retired. After

hearing Maeda Satoshi's explanation, several people stood in place and remained silent for a long time.

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