After Kudo Shinichi finished his topic, Inspector Megure coughed lightly and turned to look at Officer Yamato opposite him.

"Mori, Tatsuno, I called you here today because Officer Yamato found a male suspect."

At this point, Inspector Megure nodded to Officer Yamato, indicating that he should share the information in his hand.

Just as Officer Yamato was about to speak, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

After apologizing to everyone, Officer Yamato answered the phone.

—— "It's me... um, and then... what?! I know!"

After hanging up the phone, Officer Yamato looked at everyone excitedly and said loudly: "There is good news! The male suspect is likely to show up in Mika!"

"What?!" Inspector Megure said in surprise.

The next moment, Officer Yamato walked to the whiteboard in front of the meeting room with a cane.

A photo was posted on the whiteboard.

"Minoru Fukase, 27 years old. Last year, one of the victims, 'Jinno Shuhei', was stabbed and seriously injured by this man. He was wanted by us last year and is a fugitive!"

"I have sent my men to monitor his girlfriend 'Yoshii Risa'. I just learned that his girlfriend has come to Beihua from Nagano..."

After listening to the information, Manager Matsumoto said, "What is the motive of this man named Fukase to stab Jinno?"

"It is said that he was in line at the Tropical Paradise and Jinno asked him to put out his cigarette and he was resentful." Officer Yamato replied.

Tatsuno nodded quietly. In the world of science, this reason for hurting people is barely justifiable.

After thinking for two seconds, Manager Matsumoto nodded and said, "Okay! Megure, you take your men and Officer Yamato and others to go together. Let's catch this man named Fukase first!"



In a moving police car

Officer Takagi and Officer Sato sat in the main and co-pilot seats respectively.

Tatsuno sat in the back seat.

When driving halfway, Officer Takagi looked at Tatsuno in the rearview mirror, and suddenly remembered something, and said in surprise: "By the way, Tatsuno, aren't you a high school student? Don't you have to go to class today?"

Hearing this, Officer Sato on the side also reacted, turned his head and looked at Tatsuno worriedly: "Yes, because of us, you didn't even go to class today..."

If Officer Takagi hadn't spoken, she would have almost forgotten that Tatsuno was still a high school student.

"It's okay, I've asked Xiaolan to ask for leave from the teacher for me. Besides, I've already learned all the knowledge in high school when I was in junior high school~" Tatsuno said casually

"What?" X2

Takagi and Sato turned their heads to look at Tatsuno in surprise. This sudden Versailles speech instantly disrupted their thoughts.

"Officer Takagi, pay attention to the front." Tatsuno glanced at Officer Takagi who turned his head, then glanced at the street lamp not far away, and blinked.

After a moment of hesitation, Officer Takagi immediately turned around and urgently adjusted the steering wheel to avoid an accident.

Soon after, everyone arrived at the destination of this trip - BEIKA shopping mall.

The suspect Minoru Fukase's girlfriend, Risa Yoshii, is currently in this mall.

According to intelligence, she is likely to be waiting for Minoru Fukase here.

"Okay, let's follow the plan and disperse to monitor." Inspector Megure whispered.

Everyone nodded gently and walked to their respective positions.

Not long after, Minoru Fukase really appeared at the entrance of the mall. His girlfriend also saw him and waved to him excitedly.

After Minoru Fukase waved to his girlfriend, he took the escalator and slowly rushed to the fifth floor where his girlfriend was.

Originally, Inspector Megure was ready to order the action, but there was a woman wearing glasses not far in front of the man.

In order to avoid accidents, Inspector Megure was ready to wait until he walked to his girlfriend before ordering the action.

Ryuno stared at the woman with glasses in front of the man for a few seconds, with a slight smile on his face.

Seeing that Minoru Fukase was almost next to his girlfriend, and the woman in front of him was a certain distance away from him, Inspector Megure whispered into the microphone: "Okay, now. Arrest him."

After hearing the instructions, all the police officers responded in a low voice.

Only one officer with a crooked mouth said loudly into the microphone: "Understood!!"

Seeing that Officer Yamamura was so loud, Officer Chiba on the side immediately widened his eyes in horror.

But before Officer Chiba could stop Officer Yamamura, he had already run towards the suspect.

Because he ran too fast, he accidentally fell to the ground and threw his police officer ID at the suspect's feet.

The suspect Minoru Fukase glanced at the police officer ID on the ground and his face changed instantly.

He looked around, then trotted two steps and held the woman with glasses not far away with a knife.

"Don't come over!!! If you come one step closer, I will kill this woman!!!

After saying this, he turned around and prepared to leave the mall through the escalator while carrying the hostage.

Because he had a hostage in his hand, for a moment, Inspector Megure and others had to watch the man get on the escalator.

While Fukase Minoru threatened the surrounding police not to come forward, he carefully looked around to make sure there were no police around.

Just as he was about to take the escalator down to the third floor, Tatsuno jumped directly from the fourth floor and accurately jumped behind Fukase Minoru.

Then, Tatsuno grabbed his arm with his left hand and squeezed it hard.


Accompanied by Fukase Minoru's cry of pain, the knife slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

The next moment, Tatsuno gently pulled with his left hand, and then directly hit the man's abdomen with his right fist.

——"Bang! "

After a muffled sound, the suspect fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

Seeing this, the surrounding police rushed over and handcuffed the man.

The next moment, the suspect's girlfriend screamed and rushed over.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, she took out a fruit knife from her bag while running.

"Get away from Minoru quickly!!!"

Seeing this, Officer Yui on the side immediately persuaded: "Ms. Risa, calm down. Even if you do this now, it will not help. Throw the knife aside first."

"No, I don't want it! Let my boyfriend go! "

After saying that, Yoshii Risa closed her eyes and rushed forward with a knife.

Tatsuno happened to be standing on her "target route".

Seeing this, all the police officers showed panic expressions and tried to stop him.

The nearest police officers Takagi and Megure ran directly to Tatsuno, ready to block the knife for Tatsuno.

But due to the distance problem, everyone had already imagined the scene of Tatsuno being stabbed.



The imagined scene did not come.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Tatsuno easily knocked the knife out of the woman's hand, and slapped the woman with his backhand, knocking her to the ground.

"Hurry up and control her! "Although he was still immersed in Tatsuno's skills, Inspector Megure immediately issued the correct instructions.

Hearing this, the police officers immediately came to their senses, ran to the suspect's girlfriend and controlled her.

Seeing that the scene had been completely controlled, Inspector Megure breathed a sigh of relief and turned his head and smiled: "Tatsuno, this time it's really thanks to you! If it weren't for you... eh? Brother Tatsuno?"

At this time, Inspector Megure found that Tatsuno was gone.

The woman with glasses who was taken hostage before was also gone.


Underground garage

Next to a yellow sports car.

Tatsuno walked straight behind the woman with glasses and chuckled: "Oh~ De Tomaso sports car~ You can buy such a rare sports car?"

"Huh~ As expected, you found me again. Is there something wrong with my disguise? "The woman with glasses chuckled and turned around.

Ryūno shook his head: "No~ Vermouth, among the people I have ever met, your disguise skills are already top-notch."

The next moment, Vermouth took off her glasses and mask, revealing her true face.

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