After confirming the identity of the deceased, Officer Yamato immediately turned around and looked around, looking for the body of the deceased.

"Where is his body? It doesn't look like it's in the river..."

"Here." Officer Takaaki Morifushi answered softly.

Hearing this, everyone turned to look at Takaaki Morifushi.

At this moment, Takaaki Morifushi was squatting under the bridge, carefully observing the "body" on the ground that had long been burned.

"Unfortunately, the body has been severely burned, and some parts have even been broken. It seems that there is no way to put the head and body together like "Yamamoto Kansuke"."

Conan looked at the head in Officer Yamato's hand for a few times, then turned around and ran to Takaaki Morifushi and looked down at the body, busy and happy.

At this time, Officer Yui, who had reported to the bureau, rushed over.

In addition to being shocked by the head and body of Team Leader Takeda, she also saw "Conan" who should not have appeared next to the body.

After hesitating for a while, she turned to look at Ryuno and the others, and said in surprise: "Speaking of which, Conan is really brave. Most children would have already..." Hearing this, Maori Kogoro reacted immediately. No wonder he always felt that something was missing around him. Before Officer Yui finished speaking, he walked behind Conan angrily and gave Conan a "love fist". "Ah! It hurts!" "Smelly boy! You are interrupting the police investigation here again! How many times have I told you not to interrupt others' work!!" After saying that, Maori Kogoro carried Conan, who had a bump on his head, to the side. ... Soon after, several police cars arrived at the scene. Since the victim was a "policeman", this case was also taken very seriously. In addition to the basic forensic personnel, the members of the deceased's team also rushed to the scene. "Team Leader Takeda?! Who on earth...?"

"Why did this happen?"


Soon after, the forensic personnel also came to a simple conclusion.

According to the situation at the scene, the victim's body had been burned for more than half a day.

Although most of his body had been burned to pieces, it was not certain that this was Team Leader Takeda's body.

But the forensic personnel barely found the big toe of the right foot in the remaining toe of the shoe, and the DNA comparison between this big toe and the head could be done.

In addition, there was a strange mark in the center of the victim's forehead that looked like the English letter 'X'.

After seeing the mark, everyone speculated about the origin and meaning of the mark.

Just then, a deep voice sounded from the side.

-"It's the foot of a woodpecker. The claws of a woodpecker are in the shape of an 'X' in order to firmly grasp the tree trunk."

After hearing the voice, everyone hurriedly looked back.

A one-eyed burly man in a brown suit and a white tie appeared in front of everyone.

After seeing the newcomer, Officer Yamato and others immediately greeted him: "Section Chief Kuroda!"

The burly man nodded to everyone and continued to analyze: "Looking at the death, the murderer probably has a deep hatred for Takeda. But of course, we have to wait for the forensic personnel to confirm that this is Takeda's body."

"As for the head that suddenly appeared..."

At this point, Section Chief Kuroda looked up and saw something like a rope tied to the fence on the bridge.

"It should be that the criminal used something like a plastic bag to make a simple small mechanism. After a long time, the rope will break, and the head and blood bag will fall into the river." Zhu Fu Gaoming thought.

Officer Yamato nodded and said: "Yes, I also heard a 'plop' at the time. That should be the sound of the head falling into the river."

Hearing this, Conan looked at the two in surprise. He didn't expect that the reasoning ability of the Nagano Prefecture police officers was so excellent.

If it was the Yamamura police officer from Gunma Prefecture...

Section Chief Kuroda nodded, then turned to look at the officers of the Takeda Group, including Mamoru Sanzhi, and said, "Speaking of which, shouldn't you, the Takeda Group, take a search warrant to the wanted robber's hideout today?"

Seeing this, the three members of the Takeda Group immediately lowered their heads to explain:

"That's right, but we haven't been able to contact the team leader since this morning. We agreed to meet at Hachiman Shrine, but he didn't come..."

"In the end, we had no choice but to break into the robber's house by ourselves. But the robber seemed to have noticed us and had already escaped."

"After that, the three of us split into three groups and kept looking for Team Leader Takeda until we received the notification that his body had been found..."

"Could it be that the team leader had contacted the robber before us and was..."

After listening to the three people's words, Section Chief Kuroda and everyone present lowered their heads to think about the possibility of this situation

At this moment, Officer Yamato on the side said: "No, Team Leader Takeda will never do that. He is the kind of person who doesn't mind killing people as long as he can catch the suspect."

"Compared to this, I am more concerned about what the woodpecker mark on his head means." Zhu Fu Takaaki on the side also spoke up.

After listening, Section Chief Kuroda looked at everyone and asked: "Does anyone know what the relationship between Takeda and the woodpecker is?"

Everyone shook their heads and said they didn't know.

After a few seconds, Officer Yui suddenly said slowly: "The Woodpecker Society."

After hearing this word, a trace of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the three officers of the Takeda Group.

Officer Yamato and others also turned their heads to look at Officer Yui.

"When I married into the Torada family, I heard from my late husband that there was a group called the 'Woodpecker Club' within the Nagano Prefectural Police. But after he knew that I had been a criminal police officer, he never mentioned it again."

"But from his tone, this Woodpecker Club should not be a 'decent' group."

Section Chief Kuroda lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, then opened his mouth and ordered: "Anyway, since the murderer burned the body under this bridge, someone might have witnessed the fire or smoke. Sanzhi, Shikano, Akiyama, you Ask around here!"

"Yamato, Morobushi and Uehara, go investigate the cases that Takeda has handled and find out who might have a grudge against him!"

After saying that, Section Chief Kuroda's eyes changed: "Don't take it lightly! If that woodpecker mark is really a 'shoot down' mark, the criminal is likely to use this as a starting point to kill our detectives one by one."

"It's time to show the ambition and ability of our police force! !"


This scene surprised both Maori Kogoro and Conan.

They didn't expect that the observation, judgment and command ability of Section Chief Kuroda, who looked scary, was so outstanding.

If Inspector Megure said the same thing, he would definitely not have such momentum.

Seeing that his subordinates had already started to act, Section Chief Kuroda walked in front of Tatsuno and the others.

"Detective Maori, I'm sorry, but I still have to trouble you to go with Uehara and the others for the time being. After all, you are also the first discoverers of the remains."

Mauri Kogoro looked at the terrifying face in front of him and was very nervous: "Okay, okay! Of course no problem..."

At this time, Section Chief Kuroda turned his attention to Tatsuno and Conan again, and nodded with a smile.

"You should be Takeda Tatsuno and Conan, right? I heard them mention it. Thank you for helping my subordinates before."

Although Tatsuno and the others could see that he was trying to act "kind", this face with this smile still gave people a creepy feeling.

Not only did Xiaolan blink in fear, but even Maori Kogoro, who had seen big scenes, couldn't help but stand up straight, his legs trembling slightly.

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