After making a judgment in his mind, Maori Kogoro turned to look at the client beside him, "Ms. Kanae, it's getting late, you must be hungry, right? Why don't we go fill our stomachs first?"

The client, Miss Kanae, nodded woodenly, "Well, okay. I really trouble you today."

After seeing Miss Kanae's appearance, Tatsuno and the others looked at each other and did not speak.

Xiaolan looked at the client with worry in her eyes.

Obviously, the client and her husband were about to get married officially, but now such a thing happened.

Although her husband did not cheat, no matter how you think about it, the result of the "legendary killer" is not much better than "cheating", or even worse...

Thinking of this, Xiaolan did not care about her father's "dinner invitation" to Miss Kanae.

Besides, she and Tatsuno did not have dinner anyway...


At the same time, Yokohama Police Station in Kanagawa Prefecture.

In the dim interrogation room.

A middle-aged police officer who looked like an uncle looked at the suspect opposite him and frowned.

"You mean Kondo?"

"Yes, the man who handed me the truck keys once said so. He told me not to make any mistakes, because the person who assigned them to do this job was Mr. Kondo!"

At this point, the suspect's face showed fear and trepidation.

Under the reflection of the desk lamp, the police officer opposite could even see the trembling shadow of the suspect.

After thinking for a second, the middle-aged police officer with a beard chuckled and said, "Is the Kondo you are talking about the legendary terrible killer? That's just an urban legend at best. You don't believe this kind of thing~"

Hearing this, the suspect lowered his head even lower, and a few drops of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

The police officer thought that he was trying to fish in troubled waters by using the urban legend of the "Killer Kondo" in order to evade interrogation, so he spoke again:

"What do you mean? Do you have any evidence to prove that this legendary killer really exists?"

To the police officer's surprise, the suspect on the opposite side immediately slapped the table and half stood up after hearing this sentence, "Since you have caught me, you police will definitely take responsibility to protect me, right?!"

Seeing this, the middle-aged police officer on the opposite side frowned deeply.

Over the years, he has interrogated countless prisoners, and has seen countless suspects who tried to "play dumb" to avoid questioning.

But the suspect in front of him...whether it is his movements or his expression, or the look of fear on his face, it doesn't seem to be pretended.

Could it be that...the killer called Kondo really exists?

Before the middle-aged police officer asked again, the door of the interrogation room was knocked.

After getting the permission from the middle-aged police officer, a young police officer opened the door and walked in, whispering in the middle-aged police officer's ear: "Excuse me! Sure enough, the intelligence provided by the CIA does not match the number of bombs we found..."

"What?! There should be no mistake!"

"Yes, they have been asked to count and compare several times, but the number is still not enough..." the young police officer said seriously.

"Damn it! In that case, are there still some bombs hidden?" The middle-aged police officer looked at the ground and cursed secretly.

Why did this happen in the area he was responsible for? !

Since the number of bombs does not match, it means that someone must have secretly taken the remaining bombs.

No matter how many bombs he stole, it should not be underestimated.

After all, the purpose of the person who stole the bombs was definitely not to set off fireworks.

Just yesterday, the suspect in the interrogation room received a commission. According to the client's request, he drove a truck from the port and delivered the goods to the designated location.

This man is quite famous in the underground society, and seems to be called "Transportation Expert John".

After receiving the information, they set out immediately and arrested the suspect who transported the bomb.

But after being arrested, the suspect kept claiming that he didn't know the "bomb" he was transporting, and kept saying that he didn't know the identity information of the client at all.

The only name mentioned was the "Killer Kondo" mentioned just now.


On the other side, after dinner, Tatsuno and his friends walked out of the hotel.

Before leaving, Tatsuno quietly asked Xiao Jia to record Miss Kanae's data.

Because it was already late, after repeatedly instructing the client, Miss Kanae, several people said goodbye to her.

Not long ago, Tatsuno and Xiaolan parked their motorcycles downstairs of the office, so they happened to be on the same road as Maori Kogoro.

After everyone walked for a while, Xiaolan suddenly said: "Dad, is it really okay to do this? Miss Kanae..."

Before Xiaolan finished speaking, Maori Kogoro took out aCigarette, casually said: "It's okay~ According to Miss Kanae's description, her husband should not be a bad person. Besides, I will meet her early tomorrow morning, don't worry~"

"Besides, we don't know where her husband is now, so there's no point in worrying."

After saying that, Maori Kogoro looked up at the sky, his expression melancholy, "Compared to this, why is Miss Kanae such a good woman ready to get engaged, alas..."

Hearing this, Xiaolan's worried expression on her face instantly turned into another dangerous expression.

Soon after, everyone walked downstairs to the office.

Looking up at the dark office, Maori Kogoro remembered something and asked in confusion: "Speaking of which... Where is Conan? He went out to take a shower in the evening, so he should have come back a long time ago, right?"

Hearing her father say this, Xiaolan also frowned.

No wonder she always felt that something was missing beside her father, it turned out that Conan was not there.

"Don't worry, he asked Kudo to send me a text message. He happened to meet Kudo when he was taking a shower, and that guy took him to dinner~" Ryuno chuckled.

"That's fine, I'll go up first, you two should go back quickly." Maori Kogoro waved his hand casually.

After saying goodbye to Maori Kogoro, Ryuno took Xiaolan back home by bike.

After returning home, Xiaolan asked in confusion: "Do Kudo Shinichi and Conan know each other? It sounds like they have a good relationship."

"Well, I heard that Conan seems to be a distant relative of Kudo. I'll tell you about this matter when I have a chance~" Ryuno touched Xiaolan's leg and chuckled.

After saying that, Ryuno recalled while watching TV.

Both the 'text message' sent by Conan and the 'legendary killer Kondo' appeared in the original work.

Add to that the news of the 'bomb' incident on the news this morning and the arrival of 'Prime Minister Babio and his family from the Kingdom of Niborica', and he was certain.

Conan was obviously involved in this 'bomb attack' incident.

However, rather than saying he was 'involved', it would be better to say that Conan took the initiative to get involved...

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