After Ryunosuke and his group walked into the hotel, Ayumi suddenly saw a familiar face on the sofa in the hotel lobby.

"Look, it's the nurse from the daytime! Ah, the front desk lady is here too!"

Everyone followed Ayumi's gaze and looked over.

When Mitsuhiko and Genta saw who Ayumi was pointing at, their eyes lit up immediately.

The next moment, Mitsuhiko and the other two ran towards the sofa in the lobby.

Seeing this, Ryunosuke and his group followed curiously.

"Thank you so much for what happened before!" Genta ran to the nurse and thanked her.

"Good evening~ How is your stomach now?"

"No problem at all!" Genta rubbed his stomach with his hands.

Mitsuhiko also smiled and said, "Yes, because Genta has an iron stomach!"

Just as everyone was greeting, Conan suddenly found that there were two familiar guys sitting among these people.

They were the two suspicious men that he and Ryunosuke had seen at the city hall today.

Just as Conan was lost in thought, the man with glasses who dropped the 'stun baton' during the day stood up and said, "Come to think of it, we haven't introduced ourselves to each other yet~"

"The one sitting next to me is Yamao Keisuke, and the 'nurse sister' you know is Tachihara Fuyumi. As for this Tono Mizuki, you should have seen her, she is currently working in this hotel."

"As for this man over here, his name is Muto Takehiko. And my name is Hikawa Shogo."

After introducing the people present, the man with glasses Hikawa Shogo continued, "We are all residents of the old Kitanosawa Village. Yamao and I came back from Tokyo to attend the fifth anniversary ceremony."

Hearing so many 'keywords', Conan's 'radar' in his mind sounded frequently.

'Suspicious man with glasses', 'man in green comparing the old and new maps', 'residents of the old Kitanosawa Village'...

For a moment, Conan looked at these people with a look of scrutiny.

After Dr. Agasa introduced Ryuno and the others, Xiaolan said, "Are you all childhood playmates?"

"Yes, that's right. We were all elementary school classmates~" said nurse Tatehara Fuyumi with a smile.

Muto Takehiko on the side also complained, "That being said, there are only five of us in the entire grade of the village elementary school~"

"Yes, and we haven't been together for eight years." The bespectacled man Hikawa Shogo also laughed.

Hearing this, Mitsuhiko and the other two were very excited, and Mitsuhiko said directly, "I haven't seen you for eight years?! Then this reunion must be very touching!"

Without waiting for the others to answer, Conan interrupted, "But why haven't you seen each other for eight years?"

Hearing this, Hikawa Shogo took out a notebook from his pocket, then took out a folded paper from it, turned it over and showed it to everyone.

There was an old news printed on the paper - 'The suspect Yamao Keisuke, hit and run in Kitanosawa Village. ’

Seeing this, the nurse Tachihara Fuyumi frowned and said, "Why did you take this out, Hikawa!"

After saying that, she glanced at Tono Mizuki beside her and Yamao Keisuke opposite her.

Under the puzzled gaze of Ryuno and others, Hikawa Shogo chuckled, folded the paper in half and put it back.

"Eight years ago, this guy who lived in Tokyo hit a girl while driving on the way to the old village where his grandmother lived alone."

"He was scared at the time, so he abandoned the girl's body and fled directly back to the village."

"After a few hours, he finally figured it out and ran to surrender to the police."

Hearing this, Conan looked at Yamao Keisuke in confusion, "Big brother surrendered?"

"Well, after all, the car has been crashed into that state, I think it is impossible for me to get away with it." Yamao Keisuke explained.

Hikawa Shogo on the side added with a smile: "And this guy also owed a lot of gambling debts to underground money houses at the time, making his life a mess~"

"At the time, the court sentenced him to speeding, drunk driving, and hit-and-run. In addition, his driver's license was suspended at the time. With all these crimes added up, he was not free until this summer~"

"And the worst thing is that the victim killed by this guy turned out to be Mizuki's 18-year-old sister Natsuki~"

Hearing this, everyone looked at the front desk lady Tono Mizuki on the side in shock.

After noticing everyone's gaze, Tono Mizuki looked at Yamao Keisuke opposite and said angrily: "Yamao, I still can't forgive you!"

The air at the scene also instantly cooled down with the appearance of this sentence.

Seeing this, Muto Takehiko looked at Tono Mizuki with concern, then turned to look at Hikawa Shogo, "Speaking of unforgivable, I'm the same Hikawa! When we first talked about building a reservoir, your family immediately agreed with both hands.

Even directlyAfter selling the ‘replacement land’ at a high price, the whole family moved to Tokyo without any regrets! Was it your family who persuaded my parents to do the same? ! ”

“Hey, Muto. To be a man in this world, you must know how to adapt to the situation~" Hikawa Shogo smiled nonchalantly.

At this time, the nurse Tatehara Fuyumi, who had just advised him, also lowered her head. She didn't know what she was thinking of, and her face was full of sadness.

Seeing this scene, Dr. Agasa and others frowned.

Tatsuno looked at Hikawa Shogo helplessly and shook his head.

Adapt to the situation?

Really... You obviously don't know what it means to adapt to the situation, right?

Not to mention anything else, you can offend two people at the same time with one sentence. Just based on this, you probably won't survive for a few episodes.

If Tatsuno was not sure who among these people was the guy with the word "death" on his face before, he is now completely sure.

If this person named "Hikawa Shogo" is his friend, Tatsuno has the feeling of wanting to kill him.

Seeing that the atmosphere is getting more and more wrong, Dr. Agasa hurriedly looked at Mitsuhiko and others, "Okay, let's not disturb the big brothers and big sisters, everyone go back to the room and rest. "

After that, Ryuno and the others said goodbye to the few people and turned to their respective rooms.

Since it was already late and there was a "snow hiking" event tomorrow, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.


Early the next morning.

Conan followed the excited Mitsuhiko and the other two helplessly and yawned tiredly.

Last night he had been thinking about the true identity of the "bomber".

After knowing the general information of the five people yesterday, he had a feeling that the bomber might be among them. !

And these five people all seem to be ‘not quite right’.

Even the nurse Tatehara Fuyumi, who looks the most normal, seems to have a heavy heart and looks a little suspicious.

He thought for a long time, but still couldn't come to any conclusion.

There is still too little information now. Facing the five suspicious people, he can't make a judgment for the time being.

Thinking of this, Conan looked at Mitsuhiko and the other two who were running and jumping and making snowballs not far away, and sighed.

"Sometimes, I really envy these kids... carefree, nothing... ah!"

While Conan was complaining, Mitsuhiko and the other two's snowballs all hit Conan's face, and Conan's glasses were instantly covered by snow.

"Hahaha, we hit you, Conan!!"

Conan: "#%@#$"

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