Conan looked down at his feet, touched his head and laughed dryly a few times.

He obviously realized that he had destroyed the scene.

Everyone: "..."

The next second, Maori Kogoro stretched his neck and walked to Conan with a dark face: "You stinky kid!!!"

——"Bang, bang!"



After a while, everyone stayed where they were and analyzed the current situation together, while Conan squatted aside with his head covered.

If you look closely, Conan has two big bags like ice cream on his head.

After thinking for a while, Xiaolan also found the doubts, "But if this method wants to work, someone must find the body immediately after the first snowfall, right?"

"Yes, if no one finds it and it snows again during this period, the footprints left on the ground will disappear." Tatsuno nodded.

"In other words, the murderer knew that we would pass by here at this time, right?" Maori Kogoro also lowered his head to think.

Hearing this, Mizuki Tono thought: "The time we all passed here can be easily calculated as long as we read the brochure of the snow hiking activity."

Mouri Kogoro shook his head helplessly.

If that's the case, then things will be troublesome.

As far as he knows, the poster of the snow hiking is posted in the hotel lobby.

Anyone who has seen the poster or learned about this project can calculate their walking route and the time it takes to get here.

Conan also looked at Mizuki Tono helplessly and shook his head.

He originally thought that the person with the greatest suspicion was Miss Mizuki who brought them here.

But from this point of view, Miss Mizuki's suspicion was instantly reduced.

Conan looked down at the direction of the victim's footprints, then turned to look at Mizuki Tono, "By the way, Sister Mizuki, what is the place in front of this footprint?"

"Muto's mountain cabin. But as far as I know, there is a road that leads directly there, and you can drive there."

At this point, Mizuki Tono frowned and said, "By the way, if Hikawa was going there, why didn't he take that road?"

After getting the answer, Conan put his hands in his pockets and thought seriously.

He felt that Hikawa and the murderer might have deliberately not taken that road.

Although he didn't know why, the two of them might have deliberately chosen to walk from this sparsely populated snowy road to the mountain cabin.


That afternoon

The Niigata Prefectural Police arrived at the scene.

After a brief investigation of the scene, the police sent Mr. Hikawa's body to the university hospital, preparing to ask the forensic doctor to conduct a detailed investigation.

After listening to Kogoro Mori's description, Officers Watanabe and Sasamoto decided to question several friends of the victim in the hotel restaurant.

Except for Miss Mizuki, Yamao Keisuke, Tachihara Fuyumi and Muto Takehiko did not have alibis.

After recording the alibis of several people, Officer Watanabe turned to look at Muto Takehiko.

Judging from the location where the victim was found, his destination was most likely Mr. Muto's cabin in the forest.

"Mr. Muto, do you know why Mr. Hikawa went to your cabin?"

"How could I know that?!" Muto Takehiko shouted.

Hearing Muto Takehiko's answer, Yamao Keisuke stood up immediately, "Were you really not in the cabin at that time? Could it be that you called Hikawa, pretended to talk to him about Mizuki, and then took the opportunity to kill him?!"

"What did you say?!" Muto Takehiko also stood up angrily.

At this moment, Officer Watanabe interrupted the two, "What are you talking about? Can you tell me more details?"

Yamao Keisuke nodded and said, "Because Hikawa once proposed to Mizuki when she was young, but was rejected. But Hikawa still misses Mizuki until now. So as long as Muto mentions her name, Hikawa will definitely keep the appointment!"

"Explain it clearly! Why do I have to kill Hikawa?!" Muto Takehiko asked loudly.

"Of course it's because you have a lot of disputes about the reservoir!"

"It's ridiculous, killing people for that kind of thing? I'm too lazy to tell you!"


Seeing that Officer Sasamoto beside him had written down everyone's words in a small notebook, Officer Watanabe nodded and said softly, "I understand, let's stop here today."

"Wait until we confirm that Hikawa was murdered and not died of a sudden heart attack, and then ask you further."

After that, Officer Watanabe said goodbye to everyone and left the hotel restaurant.

After the police left, Yuanzi looked at Longye in confusion and asked in a low voice: "Longye, thatWhat? The stun gun hasn't been found yet? Why didn't the police check our things? "

"Before the autopsy is completed, the police cannot be sure that Mr. Hikawa was killed. According to the requirements, they cannot forcibly check our luggage and personal belongings." Tatsuno said lightly.

"That's right, and it has been so long. Even if the stun gun has really been stolen by someone, that person may have hidden it somewhere else long ago." Maori Kogoro nodded.


After dinner, Conan found a reason to call Tatsuno outside the hotel.

"Takeda, who do you think is more suspicious, Ms. Mizuki or Mr. Yamao?"

"Oh? Did you forget someone? "Tatsuno chuckled.

Hearing this, Conan looked at the smiling Tatsuno and was slightly stunned, "You mean..."

After hearing Tatsuno's "reminder", Conan immediately lowered his head to think.

Although based on the conversation yesterday and just now, it seems that only 'Tono Mizuki' and 'Muto Takehiko' have hatred for the deceased.

In fact, 'Yamao Keisuke' and 'Tachihara Fuyumi' are also suspects.

The victim, Mr. Hikawa, said that he came back to attend the village's fifth anniversary ceremony. Before that, he had been working in Tokyo.

Except for the person who went to the city with him yesterday, Except for Yamao Keisuke from the town hall, other people may not know that he has a stun gun on him.

After all, who would tell others that they have a stun gun on them for no reason?

In addition, Mr. Hikawa took out the criminal news about Yamao Keisuke from his notebook yesterday, and Mr. Yamao asked for the old map from the city hall yesterday...

Although I don’t know if these two things are related, both of them are very suspicious.

Therefore, Yamao Keisuke is also a big suspect!

Thinking of this, Conan asked: "Takeda, there is one more thing. Why do you think the criminal took the stun gun away? Could it be... um? Takeda?"

When Conan raised his head again, he found that there was no trace of Ryuno around.

Conan sighed, smiled and shook his head, turned around and walked back to the hotel.

"Damn, this guy really hasn't changed..."

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