Conan, who had just stepped into the kitchen, heard Maori Kogoro's words clearly.

Conan, who was originally full of thoughts, looked at Maori Kogoro stupidly after hearing this, and shook his head helplessly.

What? You know who the criminal is again?

Who are you going to identify this time? Me or Amuro Toru?

Thinking of this, Conan turned his head and looked at Amuro Toru, gritted his teeth.

With this guy around, he couldn't use the anesthetic needle casually!

But the problem is that this guy has already noticed his "strangeness". If he finds out that Uncle Maori's reasoning ability is very poor, he might guess something...

For a moment, Conan was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do.

While Conan was trying to think of a countermeasure, Maori Kogoro also began to talk about his reasoning:

"First of all, Miss Umejima Machi, who confirmed the existence of dry ice, can be directly excluded from the list of suspects."

"And Mr. Takanashi Noboru already knew that Conan was sleeping in the victim's room, so he can also be excluded."

"After all, if you know that there is a child sleeping in the room, it is impossible to kill someone nearby~"

"In this case, the person who got up first and went to the victim's room and had enough time for the ice and dry ice to melt... is only you - Miss Momozono Kotone!!"

At this point, Maori Kogoro opened his eyes and looked at Momozono Kotone, his eyes sparkling.

Momozono Kotone did not dare to look Maori Kogoro in the eye, and was panicked.

Tatsuno looked at Maori Kogoro and blinked.

Although Uncle Maori did not point to the wrong criminal, this identification method...

Is this the long-lost "Maori elimination method" in the detective world?

The reason why he eliminated the other two people can be said to be completely based on subjective inference, without any objective facts or evidence.

The criminal would definitely not say such an important clue as "dry ice" to confuse the audience and prove his innocence?

The criminal would definitely not choose to kill people if he knew that there was a child sleeping in the room?

To put it bluntly, these two reasons for excluding the criminal are not so "absolute".

However... for Maori Kogoro, this is already a huge improvement!

At least this time, the criminal he identified is indeed the "real criminal", it is indeed correct!

At this time, Maori Kogoro saw that Momozono Kotone was obviously a little shaken and nervous, and smiled confidently.

Just looking at Momozono Kotone's current reaction, he knew that he was definitely not wrong.

At this moment, Officer Yokomizo leaned over to Kogoro Maori's ear and whispered, "Mr. Maori, aren't you posing in your usual pose?"


"It's the pose of 'Sleeping Kogoro'!"

Kogoro Maori was silent for a few seconds, then coughed lightly, "Anyway, Miss Kotone. The order of your crimes is as follows. You stole the ice used to make Chinese cold noodles and put it in the pocket of your tennis skirt."

"Then you found a reason to walk into Mr. Ishikuri's room and killed him with a vase near the bookshelf at the door. After that, you stuffed ice into the murder weapon vase and placed it on top of the bookshelf."

"After you walked out of the room, you used the method of placing dry ice under the tennis racket to move Mr. Ishikuri's body to the front of the door to block the door."

"After doing this, you returned to the kitchen and successfully completed the entire process of the closed room murder."

As Kogoro Maori spoke, Kotone Momozono's face became paler.

Finding that Momozono Kotone did not question him, Maori Kogoro crossed his arms and laughed arrogantly.

At this time, Sonoko frowned, "I always feel that the uncle's movements when reasoning are so weird..."

"You are right..." Xiaolan nodded.

Seeing that Momozono Kotone did not speak to defend herself, Meijima Machi could not stand it anymore.

She plucked up the courage to say: "Mr. Maori, since you said Kotone is the criminal, can you tell me where the spare key is?!"

"That's right! Isn't Ishikuri's room locked?!" Takanashi Noboru also questioned.

Maori Kogoro blinked, and his tone became a little unconfident, "This... this... I guess I should find it somewhere later?"

At this time, Amuro Toru on the side said: "If I'm not mistaken, the key should be in the drink bottle."

Officer Yokomizo frowned and said: "Drink bottle? We have also investigated the frozen sports drinks in the refrigerator, but we didn't find the key."

"If the key is thrown into the drink bottle, the key will definitely sink to the bottom. Even if the drink is frozen, we should be able to see it."

Hearing this, Amuro Toru chuckled and said: "The criminal used the method of 'supercooled water'."

"That is a method that can be used even if the water is frozen.The water has reached the freezing point and the temperature has reached below zero, but the water will not freeze into ice. "

"As long as the supercooled water is stimulated by vibration, it will begin to freeze rapidly."


Then, Amuro Toru explained the method of making "supercooled water" and why Momozono Kotone put the key in the sports drink bottle.

By using the principle of "supercooled water", Miss Kotone can freeze the key in the center of the sports drink bottle before it freezes.

And, since the color of the sports drink itself is darker and it freezes into a gel, the key inside is not easy to be found.

After listening to Amuro Toru's explanation, Officer Yokomizo asked: "So, as long as we thaw the bottle of sports drink..."

"Yes, I think the key will be found. There should be traces left on the key after Miss Kotone killed Mr. Ishikuri. "Amuro Toru nodded.

During Amuro Toru's explanation, Momozono Kotone kept her head down and remained silent.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Umejima Machi and Takanashi Noboru stood in front of Momozono Kotone and said:

"Let's wait until the key is found before we talk about this!"

"If the key is not found, you guys..."

Before Takanashi Noboru finished speaking, Momozono Kotone behind them smiled bitterly, "No, they will definitely find it... They will also find my fingerprints on the key. "

"Besides, I was so nervous when I did it, and the spare key fell into Mr. Ishikuri's blood..."

Momozono Kotone's 'self-explosion' not only shocked her two friends, but even Xiaolan and Sonoko looked at Tatsuno in astonishment.

In that case, the sports drink that Ms. Kotone handed to them at that time...

Fortunately, Tatsuno stopped them at that time, otherwise... wouldn't they have almost drunk the drink filled with 'that thing'?!

Two seconds later, Umejima Machi, who was shocked by her friend's self-explosion, turned to look at Momozono Kotone, "But... why did you give Ishikuri to..."

"Of course it was to avenge Uekusu, because I like him very much."

Although Momozono Kotone's face was full of bitterness, she still showed a hint of tenderness when she mentioned Uekusu.

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