The next morning

Tatsuno and Xiaolan went to the detective agency again.

Since she had received help from Toru Amuro and Azusa Enomoto yesterday, Xiaolan was going to take her father to express her gratitude to the two in person.

Even Maori Kogoro, who was always thin-skinned, did not refuse his daughter's proposal. He followed Tatsuno and the others downstairs and came to the coffee shop downstairs.

Although Maori Kogoro no longer remembered what happened two days ago, nor did he remember how he solved the case.

But when he learned from Tatsuno and the others that Toru Amuro and Azusa Enomoto cared about him, he was moved and a little embarrassed.

As soon as Tatsuno and the others entered the store, they were noticed by Azusa Enomoto at the bar.

"Mr. Maori! I have seen the report. Congratulations on your successful case!"

"Ah..." Maori Kogoro scratched his head uncomfortably and nodded to him with a smile.

After Ryūno and the others sat down, Conan looked around and asked, "Sister Xiaozi, are you the only one watching the store today?"

Azusa Enomoto nodded and smiled, "Well, Mr. Amuro's classmate in Hokkaido seems to be getting married, so he specially asked for a few days off~"

Hearing this, Conan nodded, then frowned, staring at the table in silence, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ryūno on the side blinked and smiled slightly.

Attending a classmate's wedding?

A public security undercover went to attend a classmate's wedding?

If he really did that... I'm afraid he would have attended the funeral right after attending the wedding.

It was both his own funeral and the funeral of his classmate's couple.

After looking at his phone yesterday, Toru Amuro immediately left on the pretext of having something to do.

In addition, he also asked for leave in the store...

It seems that the winery or the public security must have contacted him, and Ryūno thinks it is most likely the winery.

Soon after, Tatsuno and his friends were eating breakfast while chatting with Enomoto Azusa.

As time went on, Maori Kogoro also changed from being "embarrassed" at the beginning to "smiling", and kept bragging about his glorious deeds to Enomoto Azusa.

At this moment, the man sitting next to Tatsuno and his friends put down the newspaper in his hand and said lightly: "You are really happy..."

Hearing this familiar voice, Tatsuno and his friends immediately turned their heads to look at the man.

"Nakamori?" Maori Kogoro said in surprise.

Inspector Nakamori did not answer, but raised the coffee cup in his hand and slowly said: "You guys who often win battles... I have been suffering because I can't catch that cunning and hateful thief."

After speaking, Inspector Nakamori took a sip of the coffee in the cup.

The next second, his expression instantly became extremely ferocious, and he stuck out his tongue and shouted, "Ah! It's so hot!"

Seeing this, Azusa Enomoto near the bar immediately stepped forward to apologize, "Sorry! Is the coffee too hot?"

Inspector Nakamori blew his tongue himself, and then put on an expression as if he saw through everything, "It's okay, for someone like me who has already cooled down to the bottom, this temperature is just right~"

Tatsuno and the others on the side suppressed their laughter and did not speak.

After a moment, Conan asked, "Officer Nakamori, why do you say that?"

Inspector Nakamori looked at Ryunosuke and explained, "Because there has been no news from Kid recently, I have no motivation at all now."

Hearing this, even Maori Kogoro put down his sandwich and said in surprise, "Nakamori, weren't you reading the newspaper just now? Didn't you see today's headlines?"

Hearing this, Inspector Nakamori raised the newspaper on the table and chuckled, "This is the newspaper I bought while on duty yesterday, not today's newspaper~"

After saying this, he looked at the surprised faces of Ryunosuke and others, and seemed to realize something, and froze in place.

At this moment, Azusa Enomoto handed today's newspaper to Inspector Nakamori.

The moment he saw the cover of the newspaper, Inspector Nakamori widened his eyes and shouted in shock.

The entire page of the newspaper published the same news-'Kaito Kid: This time, a challenge letter to the old enemy Suzuki Jirokichi! ’

It also has the ‘challenge’ that Kaito Kid sent to Suzuki Jirokichi printed on it.

——‘Suzuki, adviser, stop struggling in vain and let others manipulate you like a baby…’

According to the challenge, this time Kaito Kid is going to attack the Suzuki family’s big treasury that was built by the legendary mechanical master ‘Sanshui Jiemon’ before his death.

After reading it, Inspector Nakamori took out a 10,000 yuan bill from his wallet and put it on the table, then rushed out.

Not long after Inspector Nakamori left, Xiaolan’s cell phone rang, and Sonoko called.

Sonoko invited Ryuno and others to her house in a few days to ‘join in the fun’.

On the phone, Sonoko also said that her uncle was busy answering calls from various media outlets, and they all wanted to be in the notice letter.interviewed his uncle and reported the scene in real time.

After hanging up the phone, Xiaolan relayed Sonoko's words to Ryunosuke and others.

Maori Kogoro said on the spot that he didn't want to go.

He said that he had finally solved the case yesterday and wanted to take a good rest for a few days.

Ryunosuke and Conan were ready to accept Sonoko's invitation and visit the "legendary big vault" together.


Three days later.

The day written in the notice letter.

Ryunosuke and the other two came to the door of Sonoko's house.

At this moment, the front door of Sonoko's house had been surrounded by reporters from various media and newspapers.

From a distance, Ryuno and his friends heard the conversation between Suzuki Jirokichi and Inspector Nakamori:

——"That iron wall that made all the thieves return empty-handed, I want to see if Kid can break it! I'll wait and see!"

"What do you mean wait and see!!! After receiving this kind of notice, you actually chose to let the news media publish it first! Where do you want us police officers to put our faces?!!"


Just as Ryuno and his friends were thinking about how to get in, Sonoko appeared behind them and quietly hinted that they should follow her.

A few minutes later, everyone followed Sonoko through a hidden 'secret door' and entered Sonoko's villa.

Sonoko led Ryuno and the others into the reception room and chuckled, "You can do whatever you want. My parents and sister are out for business meetings these days, so only my uncle who just arrived in Mika and I are at home~"

After a brief exchange of greetings, Sonoko took out her cell phone and sent a photo of the notice letter sent by Kaito Kid to Ryuno and Xiaolan.

"Take a look, this is the notice letter my uncle received this time~"

Hearing this, Xiaolan and Ryuno both took out their cell phones and prepared to take a look at the photo sent by Sonoko.

Conan also leaned over to Ryuno's cell phone.

After taking a few glances at the notice letter, Ryuno and the other two frowned.

This notice letter is obviously different from the notice letters sent by Kaito Kid in the past.

At this time, Sonoko also noticed the expressions of Ryunosuke and the others, and said, "You have also discovered it, right? Uncle Jiroyoshi also said that the one who sent the notice this time was a fake Kaito Kid."

"Yeah! Both the pictures and the layout of the text are a little different." Xiaolan nodded.

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