
After hearing this news, Inspector Nakamori's face changed drastically.

"How, how is it possible! Didn't that old man just go out to have dinner with Inspector Chaki?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a middle-aged man in a brown suit and a mustache walked towards Inspector Nakamori, "Huh? Where did you say I was just now?"

Inspector Nakamori was surprised when he heard this familiar voice: "Inspector Cha, Inspector Chaki?! Aren't you going to have dinner with Consultant Suzuki tonight?"

"Idiot! In this extraordinary period, how could I have the leisure to go out for dinner?!" Inspector Chaki waved his hand and said angrily.

Hearing this, Inspector Nakamori looked at the maid and Tatsuno with a pale face, his face pale.

At this time, Inspector Nakamori's subordinates also ran over in a panic, "Inspector! I have just checked that the wardrobe containing Consultant Suzuki is full of iron wires, and there is a banner on it saying 'Do not touch, explosion danger'!"

After listening to his subordinates' words, Inspector Nakamori seemed to have thought of something and quickly reached out to open the door next to him.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, a card of Kaito Kid was posted on the vault, which clearly read:

-'I have thoroughly visited the belly of the raccoon~'

Seeing this, Chief Inspector Chaki frowned and said, "In that case, has Kaito Kid achieved his goal..."

"Okay! Just in case, call the explosive disposal team downstairs and ask them to rescue Consultant Suzuki in the wardrobe!"

Inspector Nakamori on the side also shouted, "The rest of you, follow me to chase that guy Kid!!!"

After that, Inspector Nakamori and Chief Inspector Chaki led the team away from the scene.

After the surrounding police left, Conan shook his head helplessly, "I didn't expect that what you said was right. Inspector Nakamori and his men would actually fall for such a simple trick..."

The 'maid' beside him smiled and opened the door in front of her, grinning, "I have been dealing with them for so long. If I didn't even understand their personalities, I would have been caught long ago~"

Tatsuno and Conan looked at each other and followed Kaito Kid into the room with the safe.

After entering the room, Kaito Kid immediately walked to the safe, put one ear against the safe, and then reached out to turn the golden password knob.

Conan looked at Kaito Kidd who was unlocking the door in front of him and complained: "By the way, do you have a fetish for cross-dressing? Why do you have to dress up as a maid?"

Kaito Kidd didn't care about Conan's ridicule and chuckled: "Of course it looks cuter this way~"

After that, Kaito Kidd turned his head and said: "Look at the door behind you. Are there many small holes that look like they were pierced by something?"

Hearing this, Ryuno and Conan turned their heads to look at the door behind them and nodded.

The position and height of the small holes on the door are just level with Conan's head.

"This must be because if this dial is turned incorrectly..."

Kaito Kidd hadn't finished speaking when the cover of the dial suddenly opened.

Before he could remind Ryuno and the other man in front of the door, an arrow suddenly shot out from the round hole of the dial.

Without waiting for Conan to lie down, Ryuno grabbed the arrow and threw it aside, "This kind of toy shouldn't hurt anyone, right?"

Conan: "..."

Kaito Kid: "..."

The two looked at Ryuno at the same time, squinting their eyes without saying anything.

After this episode, Kaito Kid took out a pen and paper from his pocket and concentrated on studying the vault in front of him.

Conan curiously observed the interior of the room.

Soon after, Conan walked to a floor tile and frowned slightly, "Takeda, look at this tile. It looks different from the surrounding floor tiles. It's obviously a new tile..."

Ryuno lowered his head to look at the floor tile Conan pointed to.

Kaito Kid also curiously turned his head and looked in the direction of Conan's finger.

Just then, his hand on the dial accidentally turned.

——"Click, buzz"

Accompanied by a mechanical sound, another mechanism was triggered.

A huge axe suddenly appeared from the right side of the vault, heading straight for Tatsuno and Conan's heads.

The moment they saw the huge axe, Kaito Kid and Conan's faces instantly turned pale.

Looking at the oncoming huge axe, Tatsuno quickly raised his arm, grabbed the handle of the huge axe, and forcibly stopped it in mid-air.

Seeing this, Conan and Kaito Kid also touched their chests and took a long breath.

But the next second, the two saw the half-smile on Tatsuno's face.

Conan immediately realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly scratched his head and changed the subject, "Hahaha... No wonder this floor tile is new..."

Kaito Kid also realized something, and started a question-and-answer exchange with ConanCome.

At this moment, the cover of one of the dials on the vault door suddenly opened.

A small doll carrying a fan with "success or failure" written on it popped out.

The three of them looked at the "mocking" smile on the doll's face and twitched their lips helplessly.

A few seconds later, the doll mechanism and the giant axe mechanism turned again, and both returned to the vault.

Just as Kaito Kidd and Conan breathed a sigh of relief and were ready to continue "working", they suddenly remembered Ryunosuke on the side.

The two turned their heads stiffly and met Ryunosuke's eyes.

In the horrified eyes of the two, Ryunosuke smiled slightly.

——"Bang, bang!"

The next second, accompanied by two crisp loud noises, Conan and Kaito Kidd fell to the ground, and each of them had a big bulge on their heads.

Ryunosuke kicked the two aside and turned the dial of the vault himself.

In the shocked eyes of Kaito Kid and Conan, it didn't take long for Tatsuno to open the vault.

Looking at the vault door slowly opening in front of them, Kaito Kid and Conan looked at each other and remained silent.

The next moment, Kaito Kid whispered: "Really... If you have this kind of technology, why do you ask me to come..."

Conan also said helplessly: "No need to say, I already know, it's Hawaii, right..."

"Oh? What did you say just now?" Tatsuno turned his head and looked at the two people beside him.

Kaito Kid, Conan: "No, no! We didn't say anything!!"


——"Woof! Woof!"

After the vault door was fully opened, Lupin inside shook his tail and pounced on Conan, hugging him and licking him excitedly.

Conan was frantically "fighting" with Lupin on the side, while Tatsuno and Kaito Kid took a curious look inside the vault.

In the center of the vault is a huge aisle, with two rows of safes on both sides.

As for the floor of the vault, there were many empty plates, which seemed to be the plates that Suzuki Jirokichi used to feed Lupin water and food.

Seeing that the matter had come to an end, Kaito Kid reached out and tore off the maid disguise on his body, revealing a white Kaito dress.

"Now that this little guy has been rescued, there is no reason for me, a Kaito, to stay here any longer~"

After saying that, Kaito Kid made a handsome pose and showed a handsome smile to Tatsuno and Conan.

Conan looked at Kaito Kid helplessly and whispered: "Although your pose does look very handsome, your head..."

Hearing this, Kaito Kid touched the slightly crooked top hat on his head.

Because the bump that was hit by Tatsuno just now has not disappeared, its position is just at the edge of the top hat, so... the bump on the head just lifted up the top hat.

Kaito Kid: "..."

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