Ignoring the noise from the audience, Minister Odagiri on the stage crossed his arms and frowned, saying, "The bacteria were taken away indeed..."

Counselor Uno turned his head and said, "Minister, wasn't the organization called Red Siamese Cats wiped out by us ten years ago?"

Minister Odagiri stared at the crime statement on the computer screen and nodded silently.

After a while, a police officer stood up and said, "Minister, we don't have to control the reporting now, right?!"

Minister Odagiri nodded.

Seeing Minister Odagiri nod, the police officers and reporters in the stage immediately dispersed.

Early the next morning.

At Tatsuno's home.

Xiaolan was making breakfast in the kitchen, while Tatsuno went out to take out the newspaper from the mailbox.

After seeing the headline of the newspaper, Tatsuno smiled and blinked.

I just thought of the 'Red Siamese Cats' yesterday, and I actually saw news about them on the front page of the newspaper this morning.

"Tatsuno! Look!"

At this time, Xiaolan's voice was heard from inside the house.

Seeing Tatsuno enter the house, Xiaolan immediately pointed to the news on TV.

——'Now, please let Professor Chiaki Ota explain it to everyone! '

'Once infected with this bacteria, some parts of the body will itch and rash will appear. Then there will be a high fever for several days in a row, and finally death after systemic failure. The main route of infection is droplet transmission, and children are particularly susceptible to infection. Once infected, symptoms will appear immediately...'


After reading the news, Xiaolan frowned and said, "It's really scary that such a thing actually happened..."

"Well, but after this happened, the saddest person should be Uncle Suzuki Jirokichi~"

Tatsuno handed the newspaper in his hand to Xiaolan.

Xiaolan flipped through the newspaper in confusion, and immediately understood what Tatsuno meant.

The headline of the newspaper was about the "terrorist group stealing the murder virus" this time.

The next few pages are the "declaration of war" issued by Suzuki Jirokichi to Kaito Kid.

He wants to display a gem called "Lady of the Sky" on his newly built world's largest airship, and specially "invites" Kaito Kid to come.

If it weren't for the "murder bacteria" incident this time, Suzuki Jirokichi would definitely have won the "headlines" this time.

But because of this incident, the public and the media's attention is now all on the "murder bacteria", and he has completely missed the headlines.

"By the way, Xiaolan, did Auntie still say she doesn't have time to take the airship?"

"Well, she said that because of what happened the day before yesterday, many of her work has been postponed. This time she really doesn't have time... But I heard from the doctor that Auntie Xiaoxing has time to come this time!"

"Really? Then the doctor must be very happy!"


At the same time, Suzuki's residence.

Suzuki Jiroyoshi tightly grasped the newspaper in his hand, and veins popped up on his forehead, "Damn it! These damn red cat thieves!!"

"It was so easy to snatch the front page of the news about the world's first airship and Kaito Kidd, which I led and completed!"

At this point, he angrily crumpled the newspaper in his hand into a ball and threw it on the ground.


The next morning.

Tatsuno and others came to the airport where the airship was parked.

After looking at the blonde beauty next to the doctor, Maori Kogoro quietly walked to Tatsuno and Xiaolan, "Who is the foreigner next to Dr. Agasa? Why does he look a little... intimate with him?"

"Really, Dad! Didn't I tell you a long time ago? She is the doctor's lover, Ms. Fusa!" Xiaolan narrowed her eyes.

Hearing this, Maori Kogoro widened his eyes, looked at the blonde Fusa in shock, opened his mouth but couldn't say a word.

At this time, Dr. Agasa took Fusaei to Ryunosuke and others, and hesitantly introduced Fusaei to Maori Kogoro.

Fusaei saw Dr. Agasa's face flushed, and smiled with her hands covering her mouth, "Agasa, let me tell you~"

"You should be the famous detective Maori Kogoro, right? I often hear about you from Agasa!"

"I've been too busy recently and haven't had time to say hello to you. My name is Fusaei Campbell Kinoshita, please give me more advice~"

Maori Kogoro nodded dully, "This is me, please...please give me more advice..."

After introducing each other, Dr. Agasa and Fusaei took the Junior Detective Team and others on the airship.

It was not until the backs of Dr. Agasa and others disappeared that Maori Kogoro turned his head to look at Ryunosuke and others beside him, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"She, she, she is the aunt 'Xiao Xing' you mentioned before?! When she was young, she must have been a super beauty!"

Tatsuno and the others looked at Maori Kogoro speechlessly, nodded and said nothing.

Sonoko said, "Uncle, you may not know. She is the founder of the Fusa brand!"

"What?! That Dr. Agasa...he actually..." At this point, Maori Kogoro stood there blankly, like a breathing sculpture.

This time, Ryunosuke and the others ignored Maori Kogoro and turned around and walked into the airship.

After boarding the airship, while Xiaolan and Sonoko were chatting, Ryunosuke walked to Ai Huihara.

"Ai, isn't your sister coming?"

"Well, although I told her, she was afraid of any accidents and afraid of causing trouble for you."

Ryunosuke patted Ai Huihara's head and chuckled, "Maybe...the day when you sisters live in the sun with your 'true faces' is not far away~"

After that, Ryunosuke walked to Conan on the side.

As early as when the two were chatting, Ryunosuke saw Conan not far away constantly hinting him to go over and chat with his eyes.

Ai Huihara looked at Ryunosuke's back and fell into memories.

She remembered that Ryunosuke seemed to have said something similar to her before, saying that 'maybe there will be some surprises waiting for her'.

Not long after that, she met her 'dead' sister.

This time...

Thinking of this, Ai Huihara's mouth slightly raised.

Although she never saw this man clearly, nor did she understand the secrets hidden in him.

But she knew - she could believe this man's words unconditionally.


Seeing Ryunosuke coming, Conan quickly pulled Ryunosuke aside.

"Takeda, did you read the news yesterday?"

"Of course, whether it's newspapers, TV, or even the Internet, aren't they all discussing this matter~"

Conan nodded and continued:

"Yesterday I talked to that guy Hattori, and there was one thing we both found very strange. Why did the terrorist group want to blow up the research institute before leaving?"

"Since their goal is the killer bacteria, couldn't they just leave directly after they succeeded? Why did they have to go to such lengths?"

Hearing this, Ryuno looked down at Conan and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

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