The next morning

Due to the "escort car hijacking", Tatsuno and his friends refused Suzuki Jirokichi and Sonoko's kindness to let them stay in Osaka for two days.

They took the earliest Shinkansen and returned directly to Beihua.

Since Xiaolan was a little worried about her mother, Tatsuno sent her to Kisaki Eri's law firm first.

Maori Kogoro and Conan took a taxi directly to the Metropolitan Police Department, ready to ask Inspector Megure about the case yesterday.

After arriving at the law firm, Tatsuno and Xiaolan saw Kisaki Eri working hard at her desk.

Just as they imagined, Kisaki Eri seemed to have no idea what happened yesterday. As usual, she was completely immersed in her work.

But it's no wonder.

If not, how could Kisaki Eri become the "unbeaten queen" of the legal profession in such a short time?

Talent is important, but without this kind of full-hearted effort, no matter how talented she is, she can't dominate the industry in such a short time.

After seeing Kuriyama Midori and Tatsuno Xiaolan enter the room, Kisaki Eri raised her head and said, "Ah, Xiaolan, Tatsuno~ you are here!"

After greeting the two, Kisaki Eri stretched and stood up and walked towards them.

Without waiting for Xiaolan to speak, Hibiki Eri smiled and waved her hand, "You must have come because of what happened yesterday, right? Officer Chiba and his team withdrew yesterday. I heard that the three kidnappers have been killed..."

At this point, Hibiki Eri reached out and patted Xiaolan and Tatsuno, "You two don't have to worry about me. Since that incident, Kuriyama and I have been more vigilant. The situation like last time will not happen again~"

Xiaolan looked at Hibiki Eri worriedly, "But mom..."

Seeing the worry on Xiaolan's face, Hibiki Eri sighed, "How about this, if you two are really worried, come to the apartment and live with me for two days? Mom hasn't cooked for you two for a long time."

Tatsuno and Xiaolan looked at each other, and the next second, they both shook their heads at the same time.

"Auntie, how can that be possible?! How about this, you come to our house!"

"Yes, mom, we're on vacation these two days anyway, and 2-chome is not far from your law firm..."

Hiki Eri looked at the two of them strangely and blinked in confusion.

What's going on?

Did I say something wrong just now?

Why are the reactions of these two little guys different from what I imagined?

Soon after, everyone confirmed the next arrangements.

Hiki Eri accepted the two's proposal and stayed with Tatsuno for two days before the storm of the 'escort car hijacking' incident passed.

After a brief chat, Tatsuno and Xiaolan did not continue to disturb Hiiki Eri's work and left the office.

Half an hour later, the Metropolitan Police Department searched the small meeting room of the First Division.

After knocking on the door, Tatsuno and Xiaolan walked into the meeting room.

The two came at the right time, and the meeting had not officially started yet.

After seeing Tatsuno and Xiaolan, Inspector Megure nodded and asked the two to sit down casually.

Then he turned around and pointed to the whiteboard beside him, and started talking about the robbery of the escort vehicle that day.

Although there was a surveillance camera near the court, it fully recorded the scene of the man in black knocking out the police and hijacking the escort vehicle.

But I don’t know whether it was a coincidence or the man in black had strong anti-reconnaissance ability, the surveillance camera did not capture his face.

And there was no surveillance camera at all where they finally found the escort vehicle.

Not to mention the murder process of the man in black, even how and when he brought the three victims into the warehouse could not be determined.

When the three victims were found in the warehouse, Inspector Megure immediately sent Officer Shiratori to collect witnesses nearby.

But few people passed by the abandoned warehouse, and there were no residential houses nearby, so Officer Shiratori did not investigate any useful eyewitness testimony.

According to the identification results of the forensic personnel and the forensic doctor, the time and cause of death of the three of them have been confirmed.

All three died of suffocation in the evening.

However... this identification result is of no use in solving the case.

So far, they can't even determine the number of murderers.

- It took them a long time to find the three kidnappers hanging in the warehouse.

It took three police officers to get one victim down.

How could the man in black lift these three people and hang them on the rope?

There was no sign of a ladder at the scene...

Even if the man in black was strong, it was impossible for him to climb the ladder while carrying people and put a rope around the victim's neck.

Therefore, Inspector Megure judged that there was probably more than one perpetrator..

In addition to the man in black, there were at least two or even three accomplices assisting.

After the small meeting, Maori Kogoro followed Inspector Megure out of the meeting room, ready to investigate the relatives and friends of the three victims one by one.

Officer Takagi and Ryuno stayed in the meeting room to continue sorting out clues.


After hearing the yawn, Ryuno and Xiaolan turned their heads to look at Officer Takagi, and then noticed the dark circles under his eyes.

Xiaolan couldn't help but ask: "Officer Takagi, didn't you get enough rest last night?"

Officer Takagi scratched his head uncomfortably, "Sorry, Officer Sato and I rushed back to Beihua last night. It was very late. We rested in the office..."

Hearing this, Ryuno and Xiaolan looked at Officer Sato on the side.

Unlike Officer Takagi, Officer Sato looked very good and energetic.

Officer Takagi also noticed the gazes of the two and lowered his head embarrassedly.

In fact, there was one thing he was embarrassed to tell the two of them.

There was actually another important reason why he didn't sleep well.

Last night, Officer Sato slept on the desk next to him, and he could see Officer Sato's beautiful sleeping face as soon as he opened his eyes.

That's why he didn't sleep well all night...

At noon.

Inspector Megure and Kogoro Mori returned to the Metropolitan Police Department.

They had visited several relevant people, but did not get any useful information.

After talking with Inspector Megure for a few words, Tatsuno and others prepared to go downstairs for lunch.

Looking at the backs of Tatsuno and others, Inspector Megure's eyes flickered.

There was one thing he didn't mention to Tatsuno and others, that is, they were also included in the reference range of "suspects" at the beginning.

After all, these three people had just had contact and conflict with them before they were killed.

However, neither he, Shiratori, Sato and others raised this point in public.

In addition to the friendship and trust in Maori Kogoro and others, what is more important is that Tatsuno and others have absolute alibis.

At the time of the incident, they were still on the airship, accompanied by the "murderous bacteria".

And Eri Kisaki, who was in Beihua and had a deep "connection" with the three kidnappers, worked in the law firm all day.

At the time when the three were killed, Eri Kisaki was being protected by Officer Chiba and his subordinates, and she also had a perfect alibi.

Thinking of this, Inspector Megure breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it has nothing to do with you...

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