In the kitchen of the Tatsuno


Mao Lilan drizzled tomato sauce on the omelet rice that had just been made, looked at his masterpiece, and called out with a smile: "Tatsuno, can you come and help me serve the plate?"

Omelet rice! Haha, I've wanted to eat your omelet rice for a long time. Tatsuno saw the exquisite omelet rice on the plate, and his appetite was lifted.

Ever since he tasted Xiaolan's omelet rice a few months ago, he's wanted to eat it again.

At the dinner table, looking at Long Ye, who was eating omelet rice in front of him, Xiaolan covered her mouth and smiled: "Eat slowly, no one will rob you!"

Tatsuno stuffed a mouthful of omelet rice and replied with a frown.

Looking at Tatsuno's funny look, Xiaolan also laughed, and then she picked up the napkin on the table and wiped the ketchup on her cheeks for Tatsuno. After wiping it, she realized what good she had just done, and her face was blushing like a little pepper.

She secretly looked at Tatsuno and was relieved to find that Tatsuno didn't seem to care.

Then, she remembered something and asked, "By the way, Tatsuo, what did Uncle Yusaku say to you before, why didn't Kudo come back with us?" Tatsuno

picked up the water cup on the table, took a large sip of water, and replied: "Oh, Uncle Yusaku wants to take Kudo to Hawaii, it seems that he wants to sign Kudo for some make-up class." He asked if I wanted to go with me. What

make-up class?" "

Harm, it's just a metaphor." Uncle Yusaku said he was going to take him to learn how to fly a helicopter or something.

"Oh, then why didn't you go along?"

Besides, if I don't come back together, how can I eat such delicious food?"

Really!" After

hearing Long Ye's words, although Xiaolan pouted, she was very happy in her heart.

After eating, the two sat on the sofa and watched TV.

At this time, Xiaolan remembered the call from the teacher in the morning, and turned her head and said, "By the way, Tatsuye, the club teacher called again this morning." Next month, the school's karate club will hold an exchange meeting with the high school next door.

The teacher said that he would be unwell at that time, and hoped that you could go instead of him and lead the team. Hearing

this, Long Ye still didn't understand the little Jiujiu in the teacher's heart, and sighed: "I promised him that it would always be okay, a small exchange meeting, what about him?" "

His superpowers can predict that his body is not feeling well a month in advance." If I refuse him, won't he curse me with superpower circles?" Hearing

Tatsuno's complaint, Xiaolan also laughed: "No way, the martial arts club of the entire Kowa University in the Eastern District, which one has not been 'kicked in the gym' by you? Losing every year, he naturally wants you to help and find a field again!"

Hearing this, Tatsuno wondered: "Losing every year, the karate department of our Didan High School is not so weak, right?" Hearing this

, Xiaolan was silent for a moment and continued: "The exchange meeting is no better than karate." "

Not better than karate?


"Tatsuno: "???"

After hearing Xiaolan's words, Tatsuno was full of question marks.

Karate club exchange meetings, no better than karate than table tennis?

Thinking of this, Tatsuno asked: "Xiaolan, how did Harada-sensei know that I could play billiards?" Hearing

Gao Longye's question, Xiaolan glanced to the side weakly and whispered: "No... Harada-sensei didn't know you could play billiards. But they all know you, your deterrent power is relatively great, the teacher said that as long as the opponent sees you on the opposite side, they will immediately tremble with fright and lose without a fight

..." "Tatsuno: "..."

"Do I have such horror in their eyes, Xiaolan?"

Over the years, in order to complete the weekly tasks of the system, he has almost pushed all the surrounding dojos and schools, and many people have been forced to know him.

Just when Long Ye was about to let the system back the pot, Xiao Lan on the side suddenly whispered: "Demon, Demon King..."


Nani? Really fake, who gave the title, is it so ugly?" Looking

at Long Ye with black lines, Xiaolan finally couldn't hold back and laughed.


Long Ye couldn't sleep

late at night

, although there was also a reason why Xiaolan was sleeping in the next room, but more importantly, it was the current timeline.

After this summer vacation, he and Xiaolan will be promoted to the second year of high school.

In the original book, Kudo Shinichi became smaller at this time.

In other words, the time of this world is about to turn.

Those familiar cases, childhood shadows, impressive characters, and even himself are about to enter the world stage!

Even the police academy five-person group in the original book is still alive because of his intervention.

He had previously worried about how this would affect the original.

Will Kudo Shinichi still be given medicine, and how will the fate of the characters in the original book change?

But now, as his strength has improved, his mentality has also changed significantly.


of this, Tatsuno moved his mind and opened the long-lost personal panel


System: Under Force

Host: Takeda Tatsuno

Age: 16

Strength: S Speed: S Physical Strength:

S Reaction



Spirit: S


: S Grade: Jeet Kune Do, Karate, Transfiguration, Firearms, Pole Love, Voice Changer, Hawkeye, Danger Warning, Vehicle Driving, Maga

Class A: Judo, Kendo, Patton, Bomb Mastery, Skiing, Airplane Piloting, Assassination...


Tasks: 1. Weekly tasks: interfere with one person, and after success, rewards will be issued according to the results of the intervention and the situation of the intervened person2

. Special tasks: rescue the bound characters, and give advanced rewards after successful rescue.

[Currently bound characters: Moriran, Maori Kogoro, Sonoko Suzuki, Eiri Princess, Yukiko Kudo, Dr. Agasa...]

System backpack: 1. Universal mechanical wing V3 2. Beretta 92F pistol 3. Barrett M109

system functions: 1. Bound personnel danger warning 2. Malicious perception V2 3. Advanced AI


Seeing such a personal panel, even Tatsuno himself felt a little too perverted.

Plots change? Change.

Winery hostility? Come on.


matter what happens, he has absolute confidence to carry out his will, control everything, and protect everything.

If there is anyone in this world who can restrain him, it can only be himself!

Thinking of this, Tatsuno turned his head and looked at the next room.

- At most, add a little Lan?

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