After more than ten minutes, Tatsuno and Xiaolan finally walked to a street house.

Looking at the familiar word "Maori family" on the door number, Tatsuno thought thoughtfully.

In the original work, Maori Kogoro and Concubine Eiri lived in different places after separation.

The house in front of me has also been transformed into a "Maori Detective Agency".

You can buy a multi-storey house on a busy street at a young age....

Whoever said that Maori Kogoro was poor, Tatsuno rewarded him with a delicious big mouth on the spot.

But of course, only for the moment.

After Maori Kogoro resigned from his job as a criminal policeman, he did not have any good commissions, and he could not make ends meet every day. This also led to his later life being relatively tight.

After walking up to the second floor, Tatsuno knocked lightly on the door.

It didn't take long to hear footsteps approaching in the house.

A young woman wearing glasses and a ponytail opened the door.

Tatsuno recognized at a glance that this was the young concubine Yingli, Xiaolan's mother.

It's just that at present, she does not have that "queen" momentum on her body, and the current concubine Yingli should still be a rookie lawyer.

Without waiting for Concubine Yingli to speak, Tatsuno took the lead and said, "Hello Auntie, I am Xiaolan's classmate Takeda Tatsuno. I'm sorry for bringing Maori back so late today.

The two of us went to the school library with Kudo-san and worried you. Since I have already sent her back, I will go first, and please do not blame her.

Concubine Yingli originally wanted to question why they came back so late, but after listening to the very polite words of the child in front of her, her anger inexplicably subsided.

After learning that Tatsuno specially sent Xiaolan back, he also specially thanked Tatsuno.

After seeing Xiaolan enter the house, Tatsuno left.

After entering the house, Concubine Yingli originally wanted to lecture Xiaolan a little, but the child just now really made her a little curious.

At the opening ceremony, she brought Xiaolan to attend. She always had a good memory, but she couldn't remember seeing the child.

"Xiaolan, that kid was your classmate just now?"

Lately we've been coming home together a lot after school!"

I also specially sent you back, it seems that you are a sensible child. "

Uh-huh, and Tatsuno is still very powerful, and he has protected us from bad boys before!" After talking about Tatsuno's affairs, Xiaolan's emotions were obviously mobilized.

Seeing Xiaolan's excited look, Concubine Yingli became a little more interested in Long Ye.

However, remembering that Xiaolan came back so late today, he still opened his mouth and instructed: "Xiaolan, you can't come back so late in the future." "

Well, I see..." Seeing

that Xiao Lan knew that she was wrong, Concubine Yingli nodded.

Then, Eiri seemed to remember something and asked, "By the way, Kudo Shinichi also went with you, what about the others?"

Xiaolan replied after thinking about it.

"Yes, he really should learn from that kid just now, I really don't know how Yukiko's guy taught it..." After hearing Xiaolan's answer, Concubine Yingli complained with her arm inserted.

At this time, the bedroom door was suddenly opened.

Maori Kogoro walked out with a yawn, and while getting dressed, said, "Isn't this very similar to Yukiko's laissez-faire." Seeing

Kogoro put on his coat, Concubine Eiri immediately asked, "Husband, do you want to go out to work again?"

You should also be careful, and don't forget to close the doors and windows. I heard that the exaggerated thief before is still running around. Kogoro looked at Concubine Eiri's face and instructed carefully.

Concubine Yingli stepped forward and straightened Kogoro's collar, with a gentle expression: "I am also the wife of the criminal police, and I still know this common sense." Be careful on the road~"

Xiaolan on the side looked at her parents' loving appearance, and a happy smile appeared on her face.


Shinichi, who returned home on the other side

, gave Yusaku Kudo the code he had just got today, and lied that it was a guess given by his teacher.

As soon as Kudo Yusaku saw the beginning of the code, "calm HIDO's anger", he understood its true meaning.

I also understand that this is not the so-called "teacher's guess" in the new mouthful at all.

However, he did not debunk Shinichi, but knocked on the side to remind: "By the way, let's go to the beach another day?... as

expected, Shinichi immediately had his own conjecture after hearing the words HIDO and the seaside.

Seeing his son's look of understanding, Kudo Yusaku smiled, but he was not ready to meddle in his son's "adventure".


The next day, Shinichi called Tatsuno and Koran, and the three of them traveled to the port of Cupdo together in Dr. Agasa's car.

Dr. Agasa asked worriedly while driving the car: "Even if your guess is correct, but is this really good, wasn't that dangerous man still there waiting for you to pass yesterday?

Hearing this, Xiaolan looked at Tatsuno next to her and plucked up her courage and said, "It's okay, there is Tatsuno." He will protect us!" After

listening to Xiaolan's words, Tatsuno always felt that something was not quite right, but seeing Xiaolan's glowing eyes, he still nodded and acquiesced to her words.

Anyway, this matter itself is a farce, there will be no danger.

At this time, Kudo Shinichi also spoke: "It's okay, that guy said that when I solve the mystery, he will tell me his identity, and it will not be too late to call the police." Seeing

the three of them so determined, Dr. Agasa didn't say anything more.

After the small talk, everyone came to the port of Cupdo, and Shinichi deduced another location based on the puzzle on the fire hydrant, Toya Water Gate, and then found a new puzzle on the broken trunk of the train...

After moving around, Kudo Shinichi found the final location of the puzzle - the city office according to Maori Kogoro's prompt.


At dusk, everyone came to the city office.

According to Shinichi's conjecture, several people went up to the top of the city office building and found the final code word - S→W from the flagpole.

Judging by the direction, everyone looked to the west and was greeted by a beautiful sunset.

After seeing this sunset, Shinichi said: "This sunset should be what we are looking for." It seems that this puzzle should be my father, who specially found a friend to lead us here in order to let us see this beautiful sunset.

The man in the library was supposed to be my dad's friend. I've been reading at home a lot lately, and he probably came up with this puzzle to get me out for a walk.

"The truth is that we're all led by the nose." Shinichi leaned against the railing, looking helpless.

After Kudo Shinichi finished speaking, Tatsuno understood that he needed to reveal the real answer: "I don't see it, Kudo. Although this sunset is indeed beautiful, it is not the final answer to the puzzle.

Under everyone's puzzled gazes, Tatsuno continued, "Your father's full name should be Kudo Yusaku, right?"

He never seemed to have mentioned his father to Tatsuno, did he?"

"Kudo, that cowhide wallet is still on you, right? Instead of answering his question directly, Tatsuno asked Shinichi Kudo to take out the wallet in his pocket.

Kudo Shinichi took out his wallet from his pocket in confusion, and after tearing it along the edge of the wallet, he found that there was actually a message written on the inside of the wallet.

It clearly says - TO: There

is also a big question mark under Kudo Yusaku.

The person who paid the money wrote: 1412

Everyone looked at this "note" in amazement, and for a while felt that they had returned to the original point of the puzzle.

When everyone was confused, Tatsuno explained: "If you guess correctly, the real target of that man should be your father, Mr. Kudo Yusaku. And his real identity - should be the recently famous strange thief Kidd.


heard this, everyone showed a blank expression, and Dr. Agasa asked, "What does this question mark mean?"

Tatsuno looked at Dr. Agasa and explained calmly.

Shinichi frowned after listening to Tatsuno's "reasoning": "Then what does S→W mean just now?"

If you turn the previous symbol in this direction, it will become OXHIDE, which is the English cowhide, which refers to this cowhide wallet. Kudo

Shinichi silently looked at the question mark written on his wallet, and he understood that Tatsuno's reasoning should be correct, so that everything would make sense.

Xiao Lan and Dr. Lang on the side also understood at this time that Tatsuno's reasoning was correct.

Hearing that everyone began to praise himself, Tatsuno secretly turned his back and pretended to glance at the setting sun, but in fact it was to block a blush on his cheeks.

After all, these contents are not deduced by themselves at all, but just "learned and used" by themselves.

A moment later, Kudo Shinichi showed a helpless smile to Tatsuno: "Although I am very unwilling, but this reasoning is that I lost, next time I will definitely win!"

Xiaolan on the side interjected: "What does it matter if you win or lose?


been so long since I came to this world, and this is the first time that Tatsuno has calmed down to feel the beauty of the world.

Everyone silently watched the sunset and was intoxicated.

After a long time, Xiaolan's slightly nervous voice broke this tranquility: "Tatsuno, can you call me Xiaolan in the future?

"Don't call me Maori again in the future...

Glancing at Xiaolan, Tatsuno nodded and smiled, "Of course it's no problem, Xiaolan." Hearing

Tatsuno's reply, Xiaolan excitedly rushed over and hugged Tatsuno and spun around a few times.

Long Ye, who was in the air, was a little more surprised in his heart, with Xiaolan's thin body, he could easily pick himself up, and even turn in a circle?

This is no longer an ordinary elementary school student???

Long Ye because of the system, in order to have a physical quality comparable to an adult now, even if it is not difficult to hold several elementary school students at the same time.

But Xiaolan, who has not yet touched karate and has not exercised, can easily pick herself up and spin in circles.

It can only be said that it is worthy of this world, and worthy of being the "broken girl" of the future.

This innate physical fitness is simply outrageous.

Fortunately, he has a system, otherwise, the world would be more dangerous for ordinary people like him.

You crush steel bars with your bare hands, he dodges bullets at close range, and someone violates a gunship in a small black hat ....

This world is also too dangerous.

After receiving assurances from Tatsuno and Shinichi, Xiaoran also smiled.

Everyone accompanied the sunset and returned to their homes by car.

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