Looking at Conan who was pretending to be in front of him, Tatsuno rubbed his head fiercely.

Look at the big moon outside the window. Who

doesn't come home so late?" At this, Tatsuno stopped the movement of his hand, turned his head to the other children and said, "You too! You haven't come home so late, and your parents are worried about dying."

After that, he looked at the clothes worn by the tied people on the ground, and couldn't help but have some doubts.

These trapped guys are very fashionable, and they are wearing the clothes of Kamen Superman and the villain minions.

At this time, Mitsuhiko on the side noticed Tatsuhiko's gaze and explained excitedly: "They are jewelry robbers! These people are solved by our juvenile detective team!" After hearing Mitsuhiko's

words, Genta and Ayumi on the side unconsciously raised the corners of their mouths and straightened their waist.

Seeing their appearance, Tatsuno grinned: "It seems that you are very proud~ I hope you will be so proud when you go home to meet your parents!" Hearing

the word "parents", Mitsuhiko and the others realized the seriousness of the problem.

Thinking of how angry their parents would be after returning home, several people covered their mouths and showed a scared expression.

At this time, Conan, who was looking down and thinking, suddenly said: "Brother Tatsuno, let's go to the security room on the second basement floor!


Tatsuno on the side looked at the elevator not far away, and was just about to speak, telling Conan that the elevator could be used.

But by this time, Conan had already run away.

Looking at Conan's distant back, Tatsuno shook his head.

He instructed the three little ones behind him to keep an eye on these robbers here, and then turned and walked into the elevator.


When the elevator lady walked out of the security room outside the door

of the security room on the second basement

floor, she happened to run into Conan who rushed in.

Come on, let your sister take you out of here!"

I already know that you are the last member of the bandit group, right?" "

Little friend, what are you talking about..."

"The reason why the four of them were able to find us quickly was because someone in the security room was giving them instructions while watching the monitors!"

Hearing this question, Conan immediately came to the spirit.

He pushed the frame of his glasses with his small hand, and said handsomely: "My name is Edogawa Conan, I am a detective!" After

hearing Conan's confession, Miss Elevator Man smiled and spoke calmly: "Your reasoning is very clever, but... You don't seem to know that I'm the leader of this bandit group, right!?" After

listening to the woman's words, Conan was stunned.


this moment, the woman suddenly pulled out a pistol from her bag and pointed it at Conan.

Conan: ???

Nani, what the leader means is - you have a

gun? Don't talk about martial arts, right

? Against a child as young as me, you actually pull out a gun?

The woman fired a shot directly, but did not hit Conan.

Just as she wanted to continue shooting, she found a teenager walking towards her.

She recalled that the teenager seemed to be the same person she had just seen on the surveillance.

So, she immediately turned her gun on him and prepared to shoot.

But at the moment she blinked, she found that he had been pasted in front of her eyes.

The next moment, the gun in her hand was taken away.

On the stairs, Conan, who saw this scene, breathed a sigh of relief and was pleasantly surprised: "It's worthy of Tatsuno... Brother. "

All the robbers were solved.

After Tatsuno piled all the robbers to the door, Tatsuno turned around and found that Conan and the others had already been lying together, sleeping fragrantly.

Seeing this warm scene, Tatsuno smiled gently and sighed: "Sure enough, children are the cutest when they are asleep." Soon

after, Xiaolan, Officer Twilight and others arrived at the scene, and the jewelry robbers were also arrested by the police.

This concludes the incident.


At the same moment

, in a dimly lit bar

, a long-haired man with a black hat handed the information in his hand to the woman next to him.

"Got it? That's what you're going to accomplish!"

After completing this task, I can leave the organization with my sister, right!" When

the long-haired man heard this, he snorted coldly, and then said: "Let's wait until you complete the task first!" After speaking, the long-haired man

pushed open the door of the bar with a black suitcase and walked out.

Looking at the man's back, the woman gritted her teeth and muttered, "Shiho..."

A few days later

, Tatsuno came out of the Maori detective office and strolled through the streets.

I don't know why, the always stingy Maori uncle suddenly proposed to invite a few people from Tatsuno to eat out.

Along the way, Ran kept staring at Maori Kogoro with skeptical eyes.

Sensing his daughter's gaze, Maori Kogoro deliberately turned his head to the other side.

Seeing her father's obvious dodge, Xiaolan couldn't help but speak: "Dad, why did you suddenly invite us to dinner?" After

hearing Xiaolan's words, Maori Kogoro also knew that he couldn't hide it, so he had to scratch his head and explain: "It's my class meeting in a few days... Conan's imp will also go to Dr. Agasa's side when he arrives, and the detective agency can't be left unwatched. At that time, please ask you and this kid to help me take care of the office." "

Well, but without you, even Tatsuno and I can't take over the job!", after a pause, Xiaolan squinted her eyes again and said word by word: "Oh~ I see, it turns out that the invitation to dinner is to support me..." "In other words, didn't you take

me to your reunion five years ago?

Hearing Xiaolan's request, Maori Kogoro couldn't help but open his mouth and prepared to refuse.

But as soon as he was halfway through speaking, he found that he accidentally said something strange and immediately covered his mouth.

"Huh!?" After hearing her father's words, Xiao Lan's eyes suddenly lit up with anger.

She was just about to speak, when she suddenly heard an exclamation from behind her: "Robber, someone robbed the bank!!" The

three of Tatsuno turned and looked back, and saw a man wearing a hat and sunglasses carrying a package and pushing open the door of the bank and running out.

Seeing this, Maori Kogoro immediately took a step forward and chased after him.

At the moment when the man ran by, Tatsuno noticed that he seemed to be holding a pistol in his hand.

Therefore, although the system's danger warning was not triggered, he chased after it.

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