Everyone stayed in the lobby of the hotel.

Maori Kogoro walked back and forth while thinking about the prisoner's technique.

What he wants to unravel, in addition to the criminal's murder method, is the prisoner's alibi.

Judging by Yumi's physical stiffness, she should have been killed around three o'clock in the afternoon.

The yukata on Yumi's body was obviously a few sizes bigger, and it should have been worn by the prisoner for her.


did he change into a yukata for the deceased

, and at that time, everyone was in the pool room, and all the members had alibis.

Alibi... Alibi....

Just as he was meditating, a wooden figure on the hotel table caught his attention.

He whispered, "Benkei's statue

?" "After he fought the enemy, he seemed to be covered in blood, and he stood and died.

Standing to die? I remember learning it before in the police academy. After intense exercise, the protein in the muscles..."

Yumi's hand holding the gun was not on the trigger, and the shape looked like a horizontal ping-pong racket

! It seems that the time of death they judged before was wrong!

But if this is the case, the prisoner's alibi is overturned....

Thinking of this, Maori Kogoro's momentum became fierce, and he walked quickly to everyone in the hall.

In the surprised look of everyone, he stretched out his hand and pointed directly at Kazushi Nakachi.

The prisoner is you, right?" The

pointed Nakado Shihe quickly waved his hand: "Maori, don't make such jokes!

"Besides, the body was examined by me with you." You've checked it carefully, haven't you?" "

The results of the autopsy showed that Yumi was killed around three o'clock in the afternoon. Don't you know very well

, Maori too?" After hearing Nakamichi Shiai's defense, Maori Kogoro frowned and said seriously, "Yes, you do have a perfect alibi.

"But the premise is that Yumi really died around three o'clock in the afternoon!"

That's why I think she must have died more than 7 hours... "

If the deceased had exercised vigorously not long ago, the protein in the human muscles would have coagulated rapidly." Human tissues also stiffen faster than the average person

!" "That's right, just like the hero in this hotel, Musashi Benkei!" After

listening to Maori Kogoro's reasoning, everyone showed a thoughtful look.

Xiaolan said curiously: "Dad, the reason why Benkei would die standing up..." "

That's right, because he fought fiercely before he died." So it is also possible for him to stop breathing, which has been proven in medicine. Maori Kogoro nodded at Ran and affirmed.

Nakamichi Shihe spread out his hands and said with a wry smile on his face: "Maori, Yumi died in her room, what sports can she do there?" His

words were endorsed by the rest of Maori Kogoro's classmates, who all spoke for Nakamichi Shiga: "Yes, Maori, he is with us almost all the time." There shouldn't be time to attack Yumi, right

?" Maori Kogoro closed his eyes and said resolutely, "Yes, have any of you ever seen him while watching the fireworks?"

After playing ping-pong with Yumi, he shot Yumi's room and shot her. And at that moment, it should be half past six, that is, when the fireworks take off!"

"In order to hide the gunshot, you specially cooperate with the moment of the fireworks explosion, right?!" Seeing

that everyone's eyes had already focused on his body, Nakamichi Shihe smiled: "Maori, what about the evidence? If you don't show evidence, then your speculations won't hold up at all.

Why did Yumi's hand with the gun be like that, and you didn't notice that the muscles in her hand had stiffened in order to change her yukata first?" replied Maori Kogoro with his eyes closed.

"This is strong evidence that she held a ping-pong racket in her hand before she died!"

"What's more, only after the police come, they will definitely investigate the relationship and conflict between the deceased and the suspect." Since you chose to attack her, there must be a certain reason, right?" "

Do you think the police may let you suspect go???"

At this point, Maori Kogoro's classmates have fully understood what happened.

Although they don't want to believe that their longtime friend can do such a thing, the facts are already in front of them....

Jun Omura and Yukio Ayagi rushed directly to Kazushi Nakamichi, grabbing him by the collar while questioning why he was doing it.

But as soon as the words were asked, the two were easily thrown to the ground by Nakado and Shi.

Xiao Lan on the side saw it and took a step forward directly.

Without waiting for her to step forward, Tatsuno grabbed her arm directly and motioned her to look at Maori Kogoro with his eyes.

In Xiaoran's shocked gaze, her father Maori Kogoro had already walked in front of Kazushi Nakamichi and easily fell Kazushi Nakamichi with his over-the-shoulder.

After seeing this scene, Xiaolan covered her mouth in surprise.

She never expected that her ordinary father would be able to defeat the seemingly strong Nakado Kazushi so easily.

Tatsuno looked at the tears in Uncle Maori who were trying to hide them, and had mixed feelings.

Uncle Māori's serious look is still quite attractive.

No wonder, he and Concubine Yingli can give birth to such an excellent daughter as Xiaolan~


Soon after, Kazushi Nakamichi was taken away by the police officers who arrived.

After that, Maori Kogoro casually said hello to his classmates and silently went back to his room to rest.

The next day, on the train on the way back, Maori Kogoro drank glass after glass the wine that Tatsuno had given when he arrived.

This time, Xiaolan didn't say much.

She rested her head on Tatsuno's shoulder and quietly looked at her father in front of her, letting him drink happily.

Tatsuno gently touched Xiaolan's head, and then also turned his head to look at Uncle Maori who was immersed in a sad atmosphere.


At the same moment

, a teenager wearing a baseball cap in Mihua Station

walked down from the subway and pinched the brim of his hat hard.

He looked straight in front of him and suddenly grinned.

His already white teeth appeared whiter under his dark skin.

- "Hmph, Kudo Shinichi... "

I don't admit it!" "Let's

compare and see who is the best detective for high school students!"

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