After hearing Long Ye's words, everyone covered their mouths in surprise.

Tatsuya Kimura immediately yelled, "What are you talking about!? How could I possibly like this ugly girl?

Mari Terahara, who was on the side, fell silent after hearing his words, and a sadness flashed in his eyes.

Seeing Tatsuya Kimura yelling at him, Tatsuno stared at him with dead eyes.

I don't know why, looking at Tatsuno's stunning gaze, Tatsuya Kimura seemed to feel that the air around him suddenly became a little cold.

A few drops of cold sweat also flowed from his forehead.

At this time, Xiao Lan on the side suddenly spoke: "Long Ye? Why don't you talk?

After hearing Xiaolan's words, the murderous aura in Tatsuno's eyes suddenly disappeared, and he continued to say to him: "Let me guess, the reason why you keep calling her an ugly woman... Could it be because this is not what she is? "

Like, she had a facelift?"

As soon as these words came out, Tatsuya Kimura and Mari Terahara, both lowered their heads, their faces full of shock.

They didn't know why someone who had just met for a short time could guess that Mari Terahara's plastic surgery had undergone a facelift.

When the crowd of the band saw the appearance of the two, they were also silent.

"Although I don't know why the love between you has become so twisted, but... What the hell is this about me?

"All I know is that Xiaolan and Yuanzi are cheerfully coming to your celebration, and they must also go back cheerfully."

"No matter what deep hatred you two have, hold it for me!"

"Wait until we get out this door. Miss Terahara, if you want to use poison, use poison, if you want to use a knife, use a knife.

These seemingly illogical words instantly broke Mari Terahara's heart.

She slumped on the sofa, covered her eyes with her hands and cried.

"I'm sorry... Tatsuya, I'm sorry..." Seeing

her appearance, Tatsuya Kimura seemed to have guessed something.

He also covered his face and sat on the sofa, not saying a word.

Soon after, Miss Mari Terahara, told everyone the truth and prepared to turn herself in.

To her surprise, Tatsuya Kimura grabbed her....

In the flushed faces of Xiaoran and Sonoko, Tatsuya Kimura said those words to Mari Terahara.

The celebration came to an end.


Outside the karaoke shop

, Xiaolan looked at Tatsuno with a look of adoration: "Tatsuno, how do you know?"

The garden on the side also echoed: "Yes, yes! Seeing

the two of them looking curious about the baby, Tatsuno smiled: "I guess." Seeing that the atmosphere between them is so strange, there must be a problem. Just scam them~"

"Nani??" X2

"Don't talk about this, it's not too late now, how about we go for a late-night snack?" I'll treat you~ Say whatever you want to eat!

"Good! Then I'm going to eat

..." "Yuanzi, didn't you say there was one last time..." "Yes, yes, let's

go there!"


A few days later

, in the afternoon

[Bindable characters appeared nearby]

heard the sound of the system, and Tatsuno, who was holding a green onion, was stunned in place.

Didn't I just listen to Xiaolan and go out to buy some Sukiyaki materials?

Can this also meet characters that can be bound?

I'm also lucky too... No, is it really Xiaolan's luck?

After coming back to his senses, Tatsuno looked at the location marked by the system-Silishi Bank,

"Are there characters in the bank that can be bound?" Could it be Akemi Miyano? No, what should she be called now... Yeah! Masami Hirota! Thinking

of this, Tatsuno walked into the door of the bank.

Sure enough, at the counter not far away, there was a very beautiful looking lady.

The moment he saw her figure, Tatsuno immediately walked up.

"Hello, is your name Masami Hirota?"

"Huh? That's right. I'm Masami Hirota, that's right... Are you? Looking

at the handsome young man holding a green onion in his hand, Masami Hirota was a little puzzled.

Have you seen him somewhere?

Without waiting for Masami Hirota to recall, Tatsuno took her hand and pretended to be excited, "Have you forgotten?" I am your sister's teacher's sister's sister's uncle's own nephew! "

Masami Hirota: ???

Before Masami Hirota could react, Tatsuno withdrew his hand and smiled: "Oh, I'm sorry, I seem to recognize the wrong person!" Sorry, sorry.

After speaking, Tatsuno walked out of the bank directly with the green onion.

After Tatsuno left, a trace of doubt flashed in Masami Hirota's eyes.

This teenager doesn't look like the organization sent to spy on her....

The people in the organization are cold, but the teenager just now felt stupid, which should not be.

Is it really the wrong person?


After walking out of the bank gate, Tatsuno quickly fled the scene.

His face was dark and red.

What a shame!

If it weren't for the premise of binding to contact the other party, he wouldn't have played such a monkey trick in front of so many people.

Fortunately, he usually does not buy vegetables around here....

When Tatsuno walked forward quickly, he suddenly found that there were several police cars parked not far away,

that is... Rice Flower Library?

It's a rice flower! Even going out to buy a grocery, so many things can happen.

Since there are so many police cars parked there, there must be something happening over there in the library.

After thinking of this, Tatsuno turned around and left.

Just kidding, there are still several dishes that I haven't bought, and now is not the time to be an onlooker.

What if you can't buy vegetables and Xiaolan doesn't make sukiyaki tonight?

Well! Let's go grocery shopping first!

"There are still tofu, greens, shiitake mushrooms, beef..."

In the evening

, Tatsuno and Xiaoran ate hot sukiyaki while eating.

After the meal, the two leaned together and watched TV.

Both of their faces were filled with happiness.

At this time, Xiaolan's phone suddenly rang.

"Hey, Daddy? What the? Conan didn't come back again!? Okay, I see! Seeing

Xiaolan's worried look after putting down the phone, Tatsuno sighed helplessly.

Damn Kudo, day by day, loves to run around outside.

Without waiting for Tatsuno to finish complaining, Xiaolan spoke: "Tatsuno, I heard my father say that Conan and his friends went to the library in the afternoon. Hearing

the news that Conan had gone to the library, Tatsuno remembered the police car he had seen in front of the library in the afternoon.

Late night library... Could it be the red-eyed curator?

Thinking of this, Tatsuno nodded and said, "Okay, okay, you wait for me at home, I'll go out to find him."

"Don't worry, I'll find it." By the way, remember to help me put away the bath water~"

After hearing Long Ye's words, Xiao Lan's face was slightly red, and her voice was as thin as silk: "Hmm..." Seeing Xiao Lan's

appearance, Long Ye laughed a few times and walked out of the house.

After leaving the house, Tatsuno rushed to the library while picking out the steel pipe of the right weight.

"Well, this can't work, it may kill the curator and Conan with a stick

..." "This is a little light, I don't feel like a fight..." Soon

after, Tatsuno finally found a steel pipe that he had in hand.

He looked in the direction of the library, and his eyes showed fierceness: "This hatred that disturbed my rest, you... Ready to take it? "

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