Reiji Moriya, who returned home in the middle of the night

, carefully placed the bag full of gunpowder on the floor of his study.

Looking at these gunpowders, his eyes were full of joy and excitement.

Soon, soon!

When he turns this gunpowder into a bomb, he can blow up the unaesthetic buildings that were once built!

Those mortals simply do not understand!

Perfectly symmetrical architecture is the real beauty!!

Thinking of this, Moriya Teiji took off his disguise, took off his gloves, and walked to the table, ready to start making plastic bombs now.

In the dark, a camera is silently recording all this.


A few days later

, Tatsuno and Ran were sitting in the living room eating breakfast.

A news item suddenly appeared on TV - "According to reliable information, a large amount of ammonium nitrate gunpowder was stolen by unknown persons in the Toyo gunpowder magazine the other day. The security room of the Toyo Powder Depot was also blown up by the prisoners, but fortunately there were no casualties. At present, the police have dispatched more than 100 police officers to investigate the matter.

"In addition, Mr. Kurokawa's house was set on fire, and many neighbors in the neighborhood were also affected."

After listening to the news, Xiaolan was surprised: "Kurokawa family, isn't it the one we went to some time ago!?" "

It's really not peaceful lately, it's gunpowder stolen again, it's arson."

Hearing this, Tatsuno nodded, both in affirming Xiaolan's statement and lamenting the action power of Moriya Emperor II.

In the past few days, Teiji Moriya has been making bombs at home all night.

Tatsuno estimates that he definitely doesn't sleep more than 3 hours a day.

But even so, he was able to take the time to go to Kurokawa's house to set fire, which is really a model for my generation.

Probably because of the grenade, the Toyo powder magazine was stolen, and the police did not manage to suppress it for long.

Therefore, unlike the original book, Professor Moriya has not yet finished making the bomb, let alone arranging it.

Apart from arson, he didn't even go out.

As for why Tatsuno is so clear....

"I calculate that tomorrow morning, Professor Moriya should be able to finish making the bomb." It seems that I am busy tonight~"

In the middle of the night

, Tatsuno quietly came to the house of Moriya Teiji.

It seems that because the bomb was almost finished, Professor Moriya went to bed early.

Looking at Professor Moriya, who was already asleep, he tiptoed back all the bugs and removed all the hidden cameras that had been arranged.

Then, according to Xiao Jia's calculations, he took out various bombs in the system's backpack and installed them in various hidden corners of the mansion.

After fixing everything, Tatsuno flew back home.

Input all the video files into the computer and instruct Xiaojia to cut them basically.

Tatsuno then copied the edited video onto several CDs.

After writing an exaggerated headline, he sent it to several newspapers and media.


Early the next morning

, after Tatsuno changed his face, he pretended to be a courier and came to the second mansion of Emperor Moriya.

He took out a "one-time" phone and dialed the landline of the Moriya Emperor's house.

After the call was connected, Tatsuno changed his voice and said, "Hello Mr. Moriya!" Sorry to bother you so early, but you have an urgent item that must be signed in person to pick it up. Can you come out and sign it?

The sleepy-eyed Professor Morigu rubbed his eyes, put down the phone, and walked to the gate of the compound in his dressing gown.

Looking at him as if he hadn't woken up, Tatsuno decided to help him wake up and secretly said: "Xiaojia, the fireworks show can start~"

[Received, ready to ignite. ] 3, 2, 1...]

- "Bang!! Bang!!! Boom!!

At the moment when Xiao Jia read "1", all kinds of bombs in the second mansion of Emperor Sengu were detonated.

For a time, with a loud sound, the mansion became a sea of fire and light.

At the moment of the explosion, Moriya Teiji immediately turned his head and looked behind him.

He saw with his own eyes that his home was destroyed in the violent explosion.

At this moment, although he opened his mouth wide, there was no expression on his face.

After the explosion, he looked at the mansion that had been blown up to the ground so obsessively and stayed in place.

After seeing Professor Moriya's reaction, Tatsuno nodded in satisfaction and quietly left the place.

After a while, the police immediately arrived at the scene.

Looking at the ruins in front of him, the Twilight Police Department silently patted Moriya Teiji's shoulder, as if he wanted to comfort him.

Moriya Teiji turned to look at the Twilight Police Department, his expression was demented, and he opened his mouth several times, but he couldn't say anything.

Seeing his reaction, the Twilight Police Department understood that he had been frightened and stupid, and immediately asked his subordinates to take a blanket and draped it over his body.

At this moment, the phone of the Twilight Police Department suddenly rang.

After seeing the name of Minister Oda Kirito on the phone, he immediately picked up the phone.

"Hey, hello! I am Twilight. "

He was next to me and his home was bombed... What, what!?

After hanging up the phone, the Twilight Police Department looked at Teiji Moriya again.

But this time, his gaze was no longer pity, but deep doubt and horror.

On the phone, Minister Kirito Toshiro Oda told the Twilight Police Department a very important news.

Just now, many newspapers and media called the police.

It is claimed that they suddenly received an inexplicable disc, and the title of the disc is - the story that Moriya Teiji and the bomb have to tell.

They opened the disc with curiosity.

To their shock, the video completely and clearly captured the whole process of Moriya Teiji stealing gunpowder from the Toyo Gunpowder Warehouse.

There is even the whole process of making bombs and setting fire to Kurokawa Mansion.

Seeing this, they asked employees to write reports urgently, and called the police department at the same time.

After hearing the news, the Twilight Police Department immediately roared: "White bird!! Come and bring this Mr. Moriya back! He seems to be the prisoner who stole explosives from the Toyo powder depot! After

hearing the order of the Twilight Police Department, not only Officer Shiratori was very surprised, but even the face of the party Moriya Teiji had a double expression of doubt and shock.


The Metropolitan Police Department searched the interrogation room of the first division

, and Officer Sato and Officer Takagi showed a video to Emperor Moriya.

The content in the video is the whole process of stealing gunpowder in disguise, setting fire to Kurokawa Mansion, and making bombs.

After watching the entire video, Moriya Teiji fell silent.

A moment later, he showed an incredulous expression: "How is it possible!? Who the hell shot this video?!

"Who the hell is !!?"

Looking at the increasingly crazy Moriya Teiji in front of him, Officer Sato stepped forward and slapped the table heavily and scolded angrily:

"Why the hell are you making bombs?" And why set fire to Kurokawa's house?!

"As a master builder who has been famous for many years, why would you do such a thing?!"

"Isn't the Kurokawa Mansion that you set fire to also an excellent building designed by you!?"

Hearing this, Moriya Emperor II looked at Officer Sato viciously and scolded angrily: "That's not an excellent building!"

You people don't understand my aesthetics at all!!

"The unaesthetic buildings I designed don't deserve to be in this world!"

After hearing his speech, both Officer Sato and Officer Takagi, as well as many high-ranking police officers outside the interrogation room, fell silent.

This Professor Moriya - is both a paranoid genius and a pathological maniac.

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