As soon as she finished speaking, Hattori Heiji and Conan shook their heads frantically in place.

Uncle Maori also crooked his mouth: "Don't worry about this kid, if that prisoner really wants to attack him... If there is danger, it should also be a prisoner. "

After hearing Uncle Maori's words, Hattori Heiji and Conan on the side immediately nodded.

Seeing this, the female assistant and everyone were full of doubts.

After all, they weren't in the restaurant before, and they didn't know what had just happened.

After seeing everyone's confused looks, Hattori Heiji pointed to the hotel owner's car outside and said, "The hotel owner's car was stopped by him with his bare hands, and the car door was also torn off the car by him..."


After hearing Hattori Heiji's words, everyone looked at Tatsuno at the door in shock.

Noticing everyone's gaze, Tatsuno responded with a gentle smile from everyone.

Although they could understand what Hattori had just said, they didn't seem to understand.

What did you say?

This handsome young man in front of him who laughed like a spring breeze, broke down the door of the car with his bare hands?



Soon after

Tatsuno came to the garage.

As soon as he got here, he was smoked by the strong smell of gasoline.

With so much gasoline, if you mess with the electric gate here, won't it explode directly?

Without waiting for Tatsuno to start thinking of other ways, a familiar figure appeared in front of him, and it was Ayako Ohki.

After she saw Long Ye, her eyes lit up, and she said directly: "I remember... You seem to be called Tatsuno, right? What are you doing here? "

As soon as Tatsuno was about to answer, Ayako Ohki suddenly said gently: "Do you want to know who the murderer of the innkeeper is?" As long as you..."

She said as she pulled out the cigarette and lighter in her pocket, as if she wanted to smoke a cigarette.

After seeing her action, Tatsuno instantly widened his eyes and his head was full of question marks.


Lao Tzu didn't dare to move the electric gate on the side of the gasoline, so you are specially prepared to ignite it directly, right!?

- "Snap! "

The next moment, he immediately gave Ayako Ohki a big mouth, and then took away the lighter in her hand.

Ayako Ohki, who was beaten, was stunned for a moment, and after regaining her senses, she just wanted to open her mouth to curse, but she was shocked by Tatsuno's fierce gaze.

"I said, you really can't smell gasoline here?"

"Or are you going to play self-detonation with me!?"

Tatsuno's words made Ayako Ohki think.

In the next second, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

Oh, yes! Ignition next to gasoline, wouldn't it lead to...

After understanding how terrible his behavior was just now, Ayako Ohki's face instantly turned white, and a few drops of cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Seeing this, Tatsuno ignored her and returned to the hotel.

According to Xiaojia's tips, it seems that there is also a power switch in the kitchen of the hotel.


Soon after, Tatsuno found a reason to drink water and walked into the kitchen.

To his surprise, the power box in the kitchen seemed to have been tampered with.

After seeing this scene, a weird smile appeared on the dragon's face.

After a while, Tatsuno walked out of the kitchen expressionless and came to the dining room.

Ayako Oki also walked into the restaurant at this time.

Unlike before, her mood seemed to be very low.

Everyone who noticed this scene just wanted to step forward to inquire, but was suddenly interrupted by a violent voice.


Everyone who heard the voice immediately ran out of the hotel.

Next to the garage outside the hostel

Fierce red flames ignited the night, and the figures of everyone looked extremely small next to the towering flames.

"Why is the garage on fire?"

"Wait! Is that uncle not here!? "


At this time, Hattori Heiji looked at the people around him and found that the uncle named Fujisawa Toshiaki seemed to have disappeared.

After hearing his words, everyone suddenly felt bad in their hearts.

Uncle Maori immediately ordered, "Quickly bring the fire extinguisher!! "

Hearing this, Iwai's assistant on the side immediately rushed into the house to get the fire extinguisher.

Soon after, the flames in the garage were extinguished by everyone with fire extinguishers, and everyone walked into the garage.

The garage was filled with the pungent smell of soot and residual gasoline.

Hattori Heiji and Conan quickly looked around the ground, but did not find the uncle.

The two immediately turned to look at the charred car on the side.

Hattori stepped forward and opened the door, and Conan stepped in.

After seeing the situation in the car, the faces of the two changed instantly.

In the back seat of the car, there was a charred body.

Looking at his figure, it should be the missing Fujisawa Toshiaki.

Noticing the faces of the two, Uncle Maori and the others also stepped forward and looked inside the car.

After seeing the corpses in the car, everyone showed complicated expressions.


Everyone returned to the hotel restaurant with mixed feelings.

Although it was already late at night, after experiencing this kind of thing, everyone did not sleep.

While everyone was silent, Ms. Ayako Ohki put her hand to her mouth and whispered, "I know who the murderer of the innkeeper is, he is..."


Without waiting for her to reveal the identity of the prisoner, the lights in the restaurant suddenly went out with the thunder outside the window.

Everyone was shocked, and Ms. Ayako Ohki screamed in fear.

Hattori Heiji and Conan also guessed something, and immediately shouted: "Everyone don't move!" Ms. Ohki, don't make a sound either! "

As soon as his voice fell, two crisp voices sounded in everyone's ears.

"Boom! Boom! "

After the crisp sound ended, it was followed by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

After a few seconds, Tatsuno shouted, "Who are you!?" "

What followed was a violent crash.


After the sound was over, the lights in the restaurant came on.

The sudden light made everyone close their eyes for a while.

When everyone opened their eyes again, they saw a strange scene.

Conan was lying on the dining table, his head swollen with two large bags.

On the other side, Kento Toha also fell to the ground, holding a steel pipe in his left hand and an ice pick in his right hand.

Tatsuno stood beside him.

According to the movement just now and the current scene, it should be that Tatsuno took down Kento Toba.

Seeing that Kento Toba seemed to have been knocked unconscious, Ayako Ohki shouted, "That's him!" He definitely wants to kill me!! "

Her words immediately attracted the attention of Hattori Heiji.

Before the blackout, Ayako Ohki was about to say the name of the murderer.

At this moment, the power in the house happened to be cut off.

That's a coincidence, isn't it?

It seems that this is indeed a means used by the prisoner to seal her mouth.

According to her words, the prisoner who killed the innkeeper should be Kento Toha, who fell to the ground.

He did hold two murder weapons in his hands...

It seems that he should be a prisoner!

Thinking of this, Hattori Heiji turned his head to look at Conan, who fainted at the dining table.

But... Why did he attack Conan with a steel pipe?

Could it be that Conan caught something on him?


Soon after

Conan had woken up, and he was sitting in a chair clutching the bag on his head.

Although Kento Toha, who fell to the ground, had not yet woken up, he was also tied up by everyone.

In the doubtful eyes of everyone, Ayako Ohgi slowly spoke.

She told everyone what she knew and the evidence that Ken Toha was a prisoner.

After hearing her words, Hattori Heiji found the "1000 questionnaire" from Kento Toha's room that did not have an answer filled in. "

Another suspicious note was found from Toshiaki Fujisawa's room.

After seeing these two evidences, he agreed with Ayako Ohki's point of view.

It seems that this Toha Kento is indeed a prisoner.

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