Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1003 Confusing

"Ms. Yuyi?" Xiaolan asked in surprise.

"Don't you want to know what happened six years ago? I can tell you." Yui Torada walked in as he spoke.

"Uh, okay, please tell me." Mouri Kogoro said.

"Six years ago, Mr. Kai, a Yabusame archer, suddenly disappeared. At that time, everyone in the village was frantically looking for him, but a week later, there was still no trace."

"Until someone found him at the foot of the cliff."

"Wait a minute." Meng Yu was a little confused: "If the whole village is really looking for it, will it take a week to find Mr. Kai under the cliff?"

"It's because of fallen leaves." Shigeji Torada came in from outside the yard with a pot of tea and explained: "Because Mr. Kai's body was covered by fallen leaves at that time. Unlike my brother Yoshiro, it fell into the field of view. On the better rocks, it was quickly discovered.”

"Although the situations are different, the point of not saving anyone in the face of death is the same." Yui Torada said quietly.

"Huh? Will you die without saving anything?" Hattori Heiji was confused.

Torada Yui nodded: "I should have said this before, right? Mr. Kai's body was very thin at that time. Although he did fall from the cliff, and there was blood on the gi that had turned black due to oxidation, but he The cause of death... was starvation."

"Starve to death?" Mouri Kogoro asked in surprise.

"A week is too long for not only humans but also horses... Yes, there is a horse next to you!" Meng Yu said thoughtfully.

"In this case, it should be easier to find!" Xiaolan also said.

"Did you look carefully then?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"Of course I searched carefully!" Yui Torada suddenly became excited: "The whole village and the police searched all the nearby places day and night, because the whole village respects Patrolman Kai very much! "

"Huh? Is he also a policeman?" Yu Gongming's expression changed slightly.

Torada Yui replied: "Yes, Patrolman Kai is a kind man, with a sense of justice, and he is kind and kind to others. I have never heard anyone in the village say a bad word about him!"

"So when he disappeared, the whole village was desperately looking for him!"

"You mean, in this case, it's impossible to find Mr. Kai. Someone should have found him, but deliberately didn't tell everyone?" Akira Hanamiya guessed.

Torada Yui didn't answer, but his expression clearly showed recognition.

"What about Mr. Yoshiro this time? Did we also send out the whole village to find him?" Conan asked.

"No." Shigeji Torada said, "This time our family started looking for someone at dawn after we found out that my brother didn't come back all night."

Torada Yui frowned: "Looking for someone? Didn't you say before that you accidentally discovered my husband when you passed the cave?"

Torada Shigeji looked panicked: "Uh, okay... I guess so?"

"Cave? What kind of cave is it?" Hattori Heiji asked.

"Ahaha! It's just a personal hobby of mine, a simulated treasure hunting adventure..." Shigeji Torada scratched his head and laughed.

"Hmph! What's your hobby?" Torada Naoxin came over at some point and glared at Shigeji Torada displeasedly: "If you don't work hard all day long, you always think about these unrealistic things, the face of our Torada family You’ve all been disgraced!”

Mrs. Torada also came over: "That's right, Shigetsu, you are now the only heir of the Torada family, so you have to live up to your expectations."

Shigeji Torada lowered his head and didn't dare to reply, but looking at him like this, he probably wouldn't change anything.

Torada Naobu glared at his unfilial son again, then looked at Hanomiya Akira and others: "Two detectives, have you discovered anything?"

Akira Hanomiya said: "Currently, we only know that there is a dead centipede next to Mr. Koji's body. This is probably a premeditated serial murder case."

"I would like to ask, did the two of them do anything unusual before they died?"

"Speaking of this..." Torada Yui showed a look of reminiscence: "Recently, Mr. Yoshiro and Mr. Koji often talked in secret together, as if they were talking about whether to go or not."

"Oh! I've heard about this too." Torada Naobu said: "They seem to be saying that they want to find a time to see the detective named Yamato. They also said that something big might happen by then, so let's be prepared. Prepare."

Mouri Kogoro's expression changed slightly: "Big deal? Did he say what it was?"

"We also asked him, but he can't disclose what he said for the time being." Mrs. Torada said.

"In this case, why not go to Longwei's house and ask." Yu Gongming said.

"That's right, then Kazuha, I'll go to Tatsuo's house to see, you stay here and wait for me." Hattori Heiji said to Kazuha.

"Hey! Why did you leave me alone again?" He Ye suddenly said dissatisfied.

"It's okay He Ye, I will stay with you too!" Xiaolan smiled.

"Then let me go and take a look, and I will tell you about the investigation when I come back." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Okay..." Although He Ye was still a little unhappy when he saw this, he didn't say anything more.

Later, several detectives came to Longwei's house together.

"Huh? You said that Koji and Yoshiro of the Torada family made an appointment to meet that detective?" The head of the Tatsuo family asked in surprise.

"Yes, so I want to ask you if you know anything?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"This doesn't seem to be the case..." the head of the Longwei family said with some uncertainty: "However, after learning about Yilang's death, he looked very scared."

"You look scared?" Hattori Heiji asked.

"Yes!" An old woman with a somewhat stooped figure came over. She was the mother of the head of the Longwei family - Longwei Moridai.

Ryuubi Moriyo sighed: "He was mumbling to himself while eating, saying that he would be killed next, and he also said that he would be killed by the curse and die miserably!"

"Don't you understand?" Ryuubi Moriyo suddenly shouted: "This is the curse that has been placed on our Ryuubi family and the Torada family from generation to generation!"


A thunder sounded, and in conjunction with what Ryuubi Moriyo said just now, it added a bit of a terrifying atmosphere.

At least Mouri Kogoro's expression was a little unnatural.

"Excuse me, why is the relationship between your two families so bad?" Conan suddenly asked.

Ryuubi Moriyo's expression gradually turned gloomy: "That's because, a long, long time ago..."

After a rather long pause, Ryuubi Moriyo said, "Yes...why?"

Yu Gongming and others were stunned when they heard this.

Ryuubi Moriyo grinned: "I have been taught to hate the Torada family since I was a child. As for why, I don't know exactly."

"I think the Torada family feels the same, right?" Tatsuo Kei came over with his wife Tatsuo Ayaka.

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