Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1008 The Fifth Person of the Year

Everyone found Torada Naobu and asked him about the whereabouts of Torada Shigeji.

"That unfilial son is probably still looking for those illusory treasures in that cave!" Torada Naobu said with a look of hatred that iron cannot be transformed into steel.

After asking about the location of the cave, Heye and Xiaolan still stayed at Hutian's house, while Mengyu and several detectives came to the mountains near the village.

"Look, there is a wooden house down there, which should be the place Mr. Shigetsu used as a temporary base!" Conan pointed downwards.

At the bottom of the cliff, there is a very simple wooden house. The wooden house is about the size of an ordinary room. The door of the wooden house is open.

"It looks like Mr. Shigeji should be inside, let's go there." Hattori Heiji said.

At this time, he walked out of the house.

And that was not Shigeru Torada.

"Is it Ms. Darong?" Hattori said in surprise.

Yes, that is Naobu Torada’s wife—Tariei Torada!

"Shh!" Yu Gongming made a silent gesture, and then motioned for everyone to hide first.

Everyone hid in the nearby woods.

After Torada Tatsuei walked out of the wooden house, he also came towards the direction where Hanomiya Akira and others were originally.

Soon, she passed by the woods where Yu Gongming and others were hiding.

She obviously didn't notice Yu Gongming, so she just walked past.

Akira Hanomiya glanced at everyone and pointed to Tatsuei's right hand.

She is holding a notebook in her right hand.

Several people looked at each other and nodded tacitly.

Then, with Conan as the leader and several others hanging behind, they silently followed Tatsuei Tatsuda.


Near the village, in the woods not far from the tram tracks.

Hanomiya Akira and others hid inside, silently observing the movements of Tatsuei Torada.

"What is she doing here at the tram track?" Hattori Heiji asked confused.

"Hey! She put on plastic gloves. What is she doing?" Meng Yu frowned.

"Keep reading." Yu Gongming said.

In the sight of several people, Torada Tatsuei waited there for a moment. Then, a man came to her and handed her a long and narrow box.

After she exchanged a few words with the man, he left.

Torada opened the box and took out a fishing rod.

Then, she took out a rope and a stone from her bag, and tied the rope to the stone and the notebook respectively.

Finally, Tarei Torada used a fishing rod to catch the rope and slowly brought these items to the overhead wires above the tram.

Finally, with the notebook and the stone as two ends, the rope was hung on the wire.

Torada took back his fishing rod, looked at his masterpiece on the line, nodded with satisfaction, and then left quickly.

Several people hiding in the woods watched her leaving, and they all marked her as a "murderer".

"I didn't expect it to be Mrs. Darong?" Meng Yu said in surprise.

"Yes, it seems that she is probably the fifth person besides Ms. Ayaka who was hiding in the dark six years ago." Hattori Heiji said.

"However, if she is the murderer, then the timing she chose to kill is very subtle." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"Yes," Hattori Heiji nodded: "Mr. Yoshiro and Mr. Koji were about to tell Officer Yamato something. Yoshiro was swept away by a tornado. The murderer refused to save him, leaving the dead centipede behind, and then killed him directly. Koji.”

"Judging from Ms. Ayaka's reaction, she seems to believe that the four of her were the ones who killed Mr. Kai. If Koji and Yoshiro think so too, then if they tell Officer Yamato about the matter, at most, only the four of them will suffer. Darei There is no need for the madam to kill you."

"Based on the secret conversations between Koji and Yoshiro, maybe they also know some other things, and these are things that Mrs. Darei will never allow the police to know."

"That's right, it's a pity that both of them have encountered unexpected events now, so they can only count on Mr. Fanci's side." Meng Yu said helplessly.

"How about we get that notebook? Maybe there are any clues in it?" Hattori Heiji suggested.

"No, this is inappropriate." Yu Gongming shook his head: "Don't forget, someone just gave the fishing rod to Mrs. Darong. In other words, there is more than one accomplice. Maybe the villagers who looked like ordinary people passing by were actually under surveillance. The people here.”

"Is it that exaggerated?" Hattori Heiji didn't believe it.

"In a relatively isolated village like this, it is easiest for clan forces to form, so we have to guard against it." Yu Gongming said.

"Yes, just like the last time we went to Shikishima, four people almost beat up most of the strong men in the village." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Okay... okay." Hattori Heiji twitched the corner of his mouth and gave up the idea of ​​retrieving the notebook.

"Let's go find Mr. Shigeji first. Maybe he can recall something." Akira Hanomiya finally said.

Everyone nodded and returned to the cabin.

At this moment, Torada Shigeji was rummaging for something inside.

"Mr. Shigeji, what are you looking for?" Hattori Heiji asked.

Shigeji Torada turned around: "Oh! It's you! I'm looking for information on treasure hunting, but I don't know why, but I can't find it. I clearly remember putting it in the box..."

"Is the information you are talking about a notebook?" Yu Gongming asked with a smile.

"Yes! Have you seen it?" Shigeji Torada immediately looked at a few people expectantly.

Several people looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"Where is it? That is my very precious information, so I must not lose it!" Shigeji Torada's tone immediately became urgent.

Yu Gongming smiled: "We saw it, but the location of the notebook doesn't seem to be good."

"Ah? The not good? What do you mean?" Shigeji Torada was confused.

"Now that notebook is placed on a deadly trap, waiting for someone to step into it!" Hattori Heiji laughed.

"You...what are you talking about?" Shigeji Torada became more and more confused.

"Looking at how anxious you are, we can tell you what the notebook looks like, but there is a condition." Yu Gongming's voice suddenly dropped.

Torada Shigeji's expression changed: "What are the conditions?"

Akira Hanamiya's eyes gradually became sharp: "The condition is, please tell us, what exactly did you go through during Mr. Kai's last practice six years ago?"

Shigeji Torada was shocked when he heard this, then hurriedly shook his head and said: "What are you talking about? Mr. Kai, what kind of practice..."

"Then let me be more specific." Akira Hanomiya said calmly: "We found a diary in Mr. Koji's room."

"The diary says that six years ago, four people planned to frighten Mr. Kai's horse and injure him in order for Mr. Akei to succeed in the selection of Yabusuri horse shooters."

Yu Gongming did not continue.

But Shigeji Torada's face was already as pale as paper.

Hattori Heiji chuckled: "Mr. Shigeji, now... you should be able to speak, right?"

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