Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1011 Suicide? leave temporarily

"Suicide note? Let me take a look!" Officer Yamato immediately took the suicide note from the police officer and read it.

After a while.

Officer Yamato handed the suicide note to Tatsuo Kei: "Look, is this the handwriting of Ms. Ayaka?"

Long Weijing took the suicide note in a trance, his hands sinking slightly, as if this thin piece of paper had an astonishing weight.

He looked down at the suicide note and read it word for word.

A few minutes later.

The suicide note left Long Weijing's hands and slowly fell to the ground.

"It's... it's Linghua's handwriting. Why did Linghua... do such a stupid thing?" Tatsumi Kage murmured to himself.

Officer Yamato picked up the suicide note and patted Tatsuo Kei's shoulder: "My condolences."

"Hey! What's going on?" Naotobu Torada, who arrived later, couldn't help but ask.

Officer Yamato raised the suicide note in his hand: "Ms. Ayaka committed suicide. She left a suicide note before committing suicide. The suicide note probably said that she was very guilty about what happened six years ago. Yoshiro and the others must have been tortured by Mr. Kai. The revenge of the wronged soul.”

"In this case, instead of letting Mr. Kai take action, it would be better for her to end it on her own. Then even if she goes to the underworld, Mr. Kai down there may be able to forgive her."

"According to my speculation, she chose to commit suicide here because she heard our analysis of Fenglin Shanshan and felt that filling in the last [Lin] would also calm Mr. Kai's anger."

"How could this happen!?" Long Wei Jing knelt on the ground with a collapsed expression.

Officer Yamato waved his hand: "Okay, what happened to Ms. Ayaka was just an accident. Let's continue investigating the previous three cases."

"Yes, indeed." Several detectives nodded.



"What, the police are going to our Torada house to investigate starting tomorrow?" Toranobu said in surprise.

"Yes, Officer Yamato has already returned to the station and is preparing to dispatch more elite police forces to investigate." The police officer who sent the message said.

"Excuse me, how long will the investigation take?" Toradaka asked.

"About four or five days?" the police officer replied.

"Four or five days? But, the sacrifice will start in three days!" Torada Naonobu frowned.

"I'm very sorry, but this is our job." The police officer apologized.

"Mr. Naotobu, let's leave for a while tonight. We have invited a friend to come over to help with the investigation. We need to pick him up." Hanemiya Akira said with a smile.

"But, the case is not over yet, is it really okay for you to leave like this for one night?" Heye asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, it's no problem!" Hattori Heiji said confidently: "Now that the murderers have gathered in Feng Linshan Mountain, all the targets are dead, and he should not kill anyone again."

"Besides, Ms. Ayaka's death should have also been unexpected by the murderer. I'm afraid her plan has also been disrupted. She needs to make a new plan. We won't do anything tonight!"

"So, Sister Xiaolan and Sister Ye, we can stay at Hutian's house together!" Conan said with a smile.

"You kid, don't be naughty and mischievous if you stay here!" Mouri Kogoro explained.

"Got it~" Conan nodded obediently.

"Then Mr. Naotobu, we will leave first. Xiaolan and the others will be left in your care." Mouri Kogoro finally said.

"Don't worry, you guys should be careful along the way." Hu Tian nodded confidently.

Afterwards, Akira Hanomiya, Mengyu, Heiji Hattori, and Wu Ang Maori took a police car and left the village.


Longwei's house, armor showroom.

Long Wei Jing's face was expressionless, holding a bow in his hand and drawing it to full capacity.

call out!


The arrow is an authentic bullseye!

But Long Wei Jing didn't show any information. He just took out an arrow again and put it on the bowstring.

He just repeated these actions like a tireless robot until...


The showroom door was pushed open.

Ryuuki Kage turned around with a look of surprise: "Mrs. Yui Torada?"

"It's me, I'm practicing quite hard!" Yui Torada said with a smile.

Long Wei Jing shook his head: "It's just a way to relieve depression. What's the reason for you coming here to see me?"

"Moves like thunder." Yui Torada spat out these four words softly.

"What?" Long Weijing was stunned.

An inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of Torada Yui's lips: "Didn't you notice? Although Shigeji was burned to death, what caused the fire was essentially high-voltage electricity on the wires."

Long Wei Jing's expression suddenly darkened: "In Sun Tzu's Art of War, in addition to Feng Lin Huoshan, there are two sentences at the end, namely, moving like thunder, and unknown like shadow."

"Yes, Fanci's death was actually not [fire], but [thunder]. As for the happened six years ago."

"You mean!?" Long Weijing's expression changed again.

"That's right, Mr. Kai, who was lying quietly among the fallen leaves, no one knew, silently took his last breath!" Yui Torada's voice gradually became colder.

Tatsuo Kei stared at Torada Yui: "So, you just watched your husband fall on the rock and refused to save him? Then kill all the participants back then, and finally deal with me as the beneficiary, right?"

"No, you are wrong. Although I know that Fanci's death was as violent as thunder, it does not mean that I am the murderer." Yui Torada came to the armor and slowly drew out the long sword:

"I'm here to protect you."

"Protect me?" Long Wei Jing was startled.

"That's right, protection, because, if nothing else happens, tonight, the murderer will attack you, the last target...!"

"This... I am also a target?" Long Wei Jing looked in disbelief.

Torada Yui's eyes suddenly became sharp: "Of course, because you have also hindered some people, they must let you die. Am I right? Ms. Darei?"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

There was a burst of applause, and the figure of Tatsuei Torada appeared outside the door and slowly walked into the showroom.

"Ms. Darong?" Longweijing asked.

Torada Tatsuei looked at Torada Yui with a playful look: "As expected of a criminal police officer, he is indeed sharp."

Torada Yui said calmly: "Before my husband passed away, he once said some words in his dream. Although I couldn't hear the bits and pieces clearly, what he wanted to express in general was that he heard the sound and saw the light."

"Combined with today's notebook and the abnormalities of Mr. Koji and my husband, I finally understand what it means."

"Six years ago, in addition to my husband and the four of them, there was a fifth person nearby, and Mr. Kai was probably killed by him!"

"As for the sound and light my husband mentioned, if I guess correctly..." Torada Yui looked at Torada Tatsuei's right hand: "Is this the one in your hand?"

In the right hand of Torada Darei, he was holding a shotgun!

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