Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1020 No more pretending?

Yu Gongming and others returned to the boy's side.

Just at this moment, the young man who first discovered the boy also came back with a middle-aged woman in his arms.

Injured woman holding a roll of blanket.

"Thank you very much!" Yu Gongming took the blanket and took off the boy's coat.

"How was your rest?" Yu Gongming asked.

"I should be able to walk..." the young man said with some uncertainty.

"Okay, let's go back to Toao Sui Village first." Hanemiya Ming said.

The young man nodded slightly and did not express any objection.


Dongaosuicun, police station.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" The patrolman stared blankly at the group of people walking into the police station.

There is usually nothing going on in this village. Apart from daily patrols and occasionally mediating conflicts in the village, he has nothing else to do. No one usually comes to him.

Seeing so many people coming at once, the patrol officer was really confused.

Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "Sorry to bother you, Mr. Patrolman, we have something to ask you for help with."

"Looking for me? What's the matter?" the patrolman asked doubtfully.

"Let you meet someone." Yu Gongming stepped aside, and the young man's figure came into view of the patrolman.

" are." The patrolman's expression moved slightly, as if he had an impression of the young man in front of him.

"Do you still remember the famous detective Kudo Shinichi who came here to handle the case a year ago, Mr. Police?" Akira Hanomiya reminded from the side.

"Oh! I remembered it! It's Kudo-san! It's been so long!" The patrolman's attitude immediately became enthusiastic.

However, Yu Gongming shook his head: "I'm afraid he can no longer recognize Mr. Patrolman. He has lost his memory now."

The patrolman immediately showed surprise: "Amnesia? What's going on?"

"We fished him out from the lake near the village, and then he pretended not to remember anything." Mengyu added

"Then...what can I do to help?" the patrolman hesitated.

"That's right." Akira Hanomiya said, "We suspect that Shinichi came here because of the suicide case of the former village chief and his wife a year ago, which eventually led to amnesia."

"So, we want Mr. Patrolman to recall what happened in the case that year. Maybe after hearing these contents, Shinichi can think of something."

"So that's it!" The patrolman looked astonished: "Then you have asked the right person! I do know the truth about the incident that year better than other villagers."

"I would like to hear the details." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

The patrolman found a chair and sat down, coughed slightly, and said, "The matter started a year ago."

"One day, the former Hihara village chief and his wife were found dead at home. In such a small village, this was a big deal, so we immediately notified the police station in Okuho Town."

"And Mr. Kudo also came to the village to investigate the case under the entrustment of the village chief's adopted son, Mr. Yada. After some investigation, the police finally announced that the village chief committed suicide and forced his wife to commit suicide."

"The announced motive is that the village chief committed suicide because he gave up on himself because he was suffering from cancer."

"But the village chief's cancer is actually benign, right?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Yes, so the motive announced was originally false. It was Kudo-san who asked the police to do this."

There was a slight fluctuation in the eyes of the young man who had always been confused.

Yu Gongming, who had been paying attention to the boy, smiled inwardly and continued to ask: "Oh? Why did the police deliberately announce such a motive?"

"This..." the patrolman glanced at the boy, hesitated for two seconds, and said, "Actually, the village chief himself knew that his cancer was benign, and he was very happy at the time."

"But while he was in hospital, he learned something else."

After a pause, the patrolman sighed: "The village chief's blood type is actually type AB."

Hearing this, the boy's expression changed significantly!

Yu Gongming pretended not to notice and asked: "Oh? What does this have to do with blood type?"

"The village chief's wife and their youngest son, Dashu, both have type O blood," the patrol officer said.

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows slightly: "The combination of AB blood and O blood should not give birth to O blood. In other words..."

"Yes, Master Dashu is not the biological son of the village chief." The patrolman confirmed Hanemiya Akira's unspoken guess.

"That's why the village chief would kill his wife first and then commit suicide, right?" Yu Gongming said calmly.

"Yes. Moreover, the village chief also created suspicions and made it look like the scene had been looted, making it look like robbers and murderers. He also specially asked Master Dashu to go to a relative's house to play."

"I think he still has feelings for Master Dashu after all, right? I'm afraid he won't be able to accept this fact."

"Then have you told Makoto Yada about this?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

"Of course! That was what Kudo-san specifically told me. That night after he left after investigating, I told Master Makoto the whole truth about the matter," the patrol officer replied.

"You lied! When did you tell me!?" The boy on the side suddenly roared!

"This..." The patrolman was stunned when he was yelled at.

Yu Gongming looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile: "What? No more pretending?"

The young man, no, it should be Makoto Yada, gritted his teeth and glared at Hanomiya Akira: "You must have teamed up to deceive me, right!?"

Yu Gongming looked at him with an indifferent expression, suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed his neck and lifted him up.


Yada Makoto immediately showed a look of pain.

Umiya Akira's hand shook slightly, and Yada Makoto immediately stumbled and fell to the ground.

Yu Gongming looked at him condescendingly: "Now, please think about it with your head that is already filled with hatred. Did Mr. Patrolman tell you this?"

Yada Makoto looked stunned. After a few seconds, he covered his forehead in pain: "I don't believe it! Even if the village chief really has such a motive, but! How to explain the missing jewelry and a statue? Then The murderer must have taken it!"

Akira Yumiya sighed: "Forget it, let Kudo answer your question."

He took out his cell phone from his pocket and pointed the screen at Makoto Yada.

The screen now shows Call in progress.

"So, Makoto, is this the error in your reasoning?" Shinichi's voice came from the phone.

Yada Makoto stared blankly at the phone in front of him, not knowing how to react for a moment.

"As for the missing statue and jewelry in the room, it was the village chief who threw them into the nearby lake. No one else came."

"You're talking nonsense! The village chief's house is twenty or thirty meters away from the lake. The village chief is so old and has no shoe prints. How could he throw so many things into the lake?"

"Have you forgotten that the village chief Hihara used to be a field athlete when he was young!" Shinichi pointed out.

"Uh?" Makoto Yada's expression changed!

Shinichi's voice continued: "The head of the village used the statue as a heavy object and put it into a bag together with jewelry, weapons and other items. Then he used the loops and medal ropes in the room as handles and traction, and then took all the things in one hand. Everything was thrown into the lake... like a hammer throw."

"If you don't believe it, you can go to the village chief's room now and have a look to see if any medals are missing a rope, and is there a ring missing in the room?"

"No...impossible! I don't believe it!" Yada Makoto shouted and suddenly rushed out of the police station.

"Follow up." Yu Gongming calmly gave the order.

So, the group of people quickly followed Yada Makoto.

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