Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1022: Riding the tiger away from the mountain?

"You must have heard of this, right?" Officer Sato replied: "Recently, there is a hammer-headed man who attacks long-haired women at night."

"It's that case! I've heard about it!" Xiaolan suddenly said: "I heard that he is 1.8 meters tall, holds a hammer in his hand, and specializes in attacking women with long hair. The news calls on women to be careful when going out at night. Be careful."

"I have the impression that two women were seriously injured and two others died." Meng Yu said.

"Yes, it's a pretty bad case." Officer Sato said with a cold expression.

"Why are you monitoring this apartment now..." Akira Hanomiya looked at the apartment not far away from the two police officers.

"That's it." Officer Sato explained: "Just last night, a witness saw the Hammer Man in a nearby park, and followed the Hammer Man all the way to this apartment."

"Oh? That witness had the courage to follow the hammer man?" Meng Yu said in surprise.

"Because the witness was drunk at the time and was not very clear-headed. Maybe the alcohol made him bolder?" Officer Takagi said with a smile.

"I think the more important reason is that because the man with the hammer was discovered at that time, he ran away in a panic and dropped a hammer on the ground." Officer Sato explained:

"Perhaps it was because there were no weapons that the witnesses dared to follow."

"But there is another problem." Yu Gongming said calmly: "If the hammer man had thrown the hammer and was discovered by someone, then he should be able to move forward at full speed. How could he be followed all the way by a drunkard? That discovery How far is it from here in Hammer Man’s park?”

"About one kilometer, right?" Officer Sato said.

"A normal man should be able to get rid of a drunkard in one kilometer, right? Unless there is something wrong with the hammer man's feet, or he is physically weak, or he is a woman whose overall strength is weaker than that of a man..."

"Eh? We didn't consider this." Officer Sato said thoughtfully.

"So do you have any specific goals now?" Conan asked.

"Yes! Yes!" Officer Takagi replied: "After we received the news, we rushed over immediately and conducted questioning and interrogation of the residents in the apartment."

"In the end, most of the residents had alibi, and in one house, there was obviously someone in the house, but no one opened the door when the doorbell was pressed."

Officer Sato pointed to the third floor: "It's the one in the middle of the third floor!"

"Since it's an apartment, you should already know who is inside, right?" Mengyu asked.

"Actually, it's hard to say." Officer Sato said: "The landlord said that because the original tenant of the house had recently traveled, he temporarily lent the house to a male friend of his."

"We also verified this with the tenant's parents."

"Are you really sure he is the Hammer Man? Could he be a copycat?" Conan questioned.

"It shouldn't be wrong." Officer Sato said: "I just said that the man left the hammer in the park because he ran away in a panic, and on that hammer, we detected the blood of several previous victims. "

"That seems correct. At least the hammer man does live in this apartment." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"What else did you find out about the person in the room?" Mengyu asked.

Officer Takagi replied: "We asked the neighbors and they all said that this man had brought his girlfriend to live here for a while, but then his girlfriend never showed up again."

"Moreover, he usually doesn't go out during the day and only leaves the room at night. But even if he leaves, he always wears a scarf and hat, so no one has seen his face."

"So, this person is really suspicious..." Xiao Lan said.

"We think so too," Officer Sato said.

"Officer Takagi! Officer Sato!" Officer Chiba's voice sounded, and soon his figure came in front of several people.

"What's wrong, Chiba?" Officer Sato asked confused.

"Just now, three people entered the house!" Officer Chiba said.

"Oh? Three people?" Officer Sato's face changed slightly: "Take us over and see, who are the three people?"

"Okay!" Officer Chiba nodded.


"That's them!" Chiba pointed at the three people.

In front of them were a burly man, a woman wearing a safety helmet, and a man wearing a takeout uniform.

"Okay, so what are you doing in that room?" Officer Takagi asked.

"I didn't do anything." The burly man replied: "I just received the call and went to that room to receive the goods."

Then there was a woman wearing a safety helmet: "As for me, I came here on a motorcycle to collect the luggage of the tenant in that room."

"As for me, I'm here to deliver the pizza ordered in that room." the delivery man replied.

"Then have you seen that person?" Officer Sato asked.

"No." The burly man replied: "When I came outside, I saw a note left on the ground, saying that he had a cold and needed to rest. He asked me to go in by myself and take the box on the table."

"Then I went in and saw a box on the table, and I took it away. The envelope on the box also contained the payment for the delivery."

"What about you?" Officer Takagi looked at the woman.

"I didn't see it either." The woman said, "I also saw the note on the ground, saying just take the backpack off the table."

She said, showing a transparent plastic bag to Officer Takagi, which indeed contained a backpack.

"As for the location, it was already determined during the previous contact." The woman added.

"Me too." The delivery man said: "The note also said something about pizza. He said he had a cold and rested, so he asked me to just put the pizza on the table. The envelope on the seat also contains the cost of the pizza."

"Oh? You have a cold, so you haven't seen anyone..." Officer Sato frowned.

"Yes, when I received the call, the voice on the other end of the phone was very hoarse." The burly man said.

"Me too, the voice on the phone is really uncomfortable." The female delivery person said.

"Me too." The man outside said.

"You obviously have a cold, why do you have to call so many people over..." Meng Yu asked doubtfully.

"Wait!" Officer Sato seemed to have thought of something and looked at Officer Chiba: "Besides you, Chiba, there should be two police officers at the front door, right?"

"Yes, the home delivery and motorcycle delivery man were stopped by two colleagues, and the other one was me..." Officer Chiba's expression became more and more wrong as he spoke.

"How many police officers are monitoring the entrance to the apartment now?" Conan asked a very fatal question.

The expressions of all the police officers changed. Officer Sato turned around and ran away, shouting at the same time: "Quick! Go to the apartment!"

The other people also reacted and quickly followed.

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