Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1026 A false alarm

Meng Yu looked at the number and her expression moved slightly: "Is it Xiao Ai?"

"Not necessarily, let's get through the phone first." As Yu Gongming spoke, the car started moving again.

Mengyu nodded silently, answered the call, and pressed the speakerphone.

"Hey!" Xiao Ai's familiar voice came from the other side.

"Is it Xiao Ai?" Meng Yu asked.

"Yes, it's me. You should have received my request for help, right?" Xiao Ai asked.

"Well! We have arrived near the rest stop where you are now. What is the situation there?" Mengyu replied.

"It's like this. Today, Dr. He and I went out together, but the doctor's car broke down halfway, and he lost his wallet, and he couldn't take the bus."

"Then, a passing car offered to give us a ride, and we got in the car. But after we got in the car, we found that the person in the car was very suspicious."

"Oh? What do you say?" Mengyu asked.

"The woman driving the car had strong reasoning skills and seemed to be no ordinary person. Moreover, I found bullet holes and blood stains that had not been wiped off in their car, and there was a pistol hidden in their glove compartment."

"More importantly, they claim to be looking for you!"

"Looking for us?" Meng Yu frowned instantly.

"Yes, it's not just you, they are also looking for Detective Maori. No, it should be said that they are looking for Edogawa." Xiao Ai replied in a condensing voice.

"Number of people." Yu Gongming said.

"How many are there? What do they look like? Did you propose going to the rest area or did they propose it?" Mengyu immediately asked Yi Lianchuang the question after Yu Gongming's prompt.

Xiao Ai replied: "Two people, a man and a woman. The woman is quite beautiful, wearing a knitted hat and scarf, and is responsible for driving. There is also a man who looks ferocious and has obvious scars on his face. He doesn't look like he is. Good kind.”

"As for going to the rest stop, I proposed it on the spur of the moment."

"Did they say they came to see us for anything?" Mengyu continued to ask.

"That doesn't sound like a good thing." Xiao Ai said, "They said they prepared a gift for you, and they also said that beating them half to death would be enough. If they want to kill them all, it will take some time."

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu's expressions became solemn at the same time.

"Do you think that's someone from the organization?" Mengyu asked.

"No, I don't feel that way." Xiao Ai denied: "The doctor is chatting with them now, and I secretly came out to call you in the name of going to the toilet."

Meng Yu heard this and looked at Yu Gongming.

Yu Gongming left one hand free and made a [5] gesture.

Meng Yu nodded slightly and said, "We'll be there in five minutes. You try to hold them off."

"Okay! This is simple!" Xiao Ai's tone was obviously much more relaxed.

"Okay, go back quickly, so as not to arouse suspicion. They should also want to get some information about us from you. Just tell them some irrelevant information." Meng Yu said.

"I understand, let's hang up first." After Xiao Ai finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Mengyu put down her phone.

And Yu Gongming found an intersection and changed lanes to the direction of return.

Tens of meters away in this direction is the rest stop where Xiao Ai is.

Following the somewhat congested traffic, Yu Miyazaki took two or three minutes to drive through these dozens of meters, and finally turned into the rest stop.

After finding a parking space, the two got out of the car and looked around.

"The resting point is over there!" Meng Yu pointed at a building.

The two of them didn't waste any time and walked straight towards the building.

Soon, the two entered the rest stop building.

"This is the lobby..." Yu Gongming looked around: "Oh! There is a cold drink shop over there, it should be over there, right?"

"Well, that should be right." Mengyu agreed.

The two came to the cold drink shop.

After scanning the scene, Yu Gongming and his wife almost noticed Xiao Ai and the doctor sitting on the same seat at the same time.

Opposite them, there was also a man and a woman sitting.

"Hey! Aren't those two..." Yu Gongming's expression immediately became weird.

"It turns out it's them. It seems to be a false alarm." Meng Yu couldn't laugh or cry when she saw the man and woman.

"Let's go over and say hello." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

The two of them walked towards Xiao Ai's table.

Xiao Ai actually noticed Yu Gongming and the others when they first came in, but she had seen the world after all, so she didn't let her expression change.

Then, she saw Yu Gongming and his two men walking straight towards this side.

"Is this... so direct?" Xiao Ai was a little confused.

Then, she watched as Akira and Hanomiya came to their table.

"Officer Yamato, Officer Uehara, we meet again!" Akira Hanomiya said with a smile.

That’s right, the man and woman Xiao Ai and the doctor met were none other than Nagano Prefecture police officers—Yamato Gansuke and Uehara Yui!

The two police officers were stunned when they saw Yu Gongming.

"Detective Hanomiya? Miss Mengyu? Why are you here?" Yui Uehara asked in surprise.

Yu Gongming looked at Xiao Ai: "It was my cousin who called me and said that she met a suspicious person with a gun, but judging from her description, I felt a little familiar."

"Now it seems that it is indeed you!"

"Eh? It's this little sister..." Uehara Yui looked at Xiao Ai with a strange look.

Xiao Ai's expression at this moment was also quite exciting: "You... know each other?"

"They are the two police officers from Nagano Prefecture whom we met in the last case. Don't worry, they are not bad people." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile.

"What's the matter with the two bullet holes and blood stains on the car?" Xiao Ai asked.

"Well, it's because A Gan and I arrested a man before. In the car, he took out a hidden pistol and shot him randomly. When I subdued him, my eyes were bruised, and A Gan's forehead was also injured. It's an injury." Yui Uehara explained.

"Then what they said about beating them half to death, and what about killing them to death..." Xiao Ai continued to ask.

"Ah! Did you really hear what we said?" Uehara Yui looked surprised at first, and then looked at Dahe Dahe with some teasing: "Agan just likes to scare people with such weird words."

"Tch~ How did I know that a kid could be so sensitive? What's wrong with kids nowadays..." Officer Yamato muttered unhappily.

"Didn't you hear what Detective Hanomiya said? This is his cousin, is it not surprising to get some of his true biography?" Uehara Yui teased, then looked at Xiao Ai and said with a smile:

"Actually, when we say beaten to death, we mean Peony Cake!"

Xiao Ai blinked in confusion: "Pe... peony cake?"

"So that's it." Yu Gongming suddenly said: "Peony cake is a cake made from half-crushed glutinous rice, so it is called half-dead. As for killing them all..."

"It's rice cakes, right?" Meng Yu said with a smile: "That's why I said it will take a while to kill them all, because it's still early in the first month of the year to eat rice cakes!"

"Yes, that's it!" Yui Uehara said with a smile.

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