Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 103 The joint reasoning of three famous detectives (Part 2)

Hearing this, Maya Ito's face changed slightly.

But the next moment, she regained her composure: "Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

"Ms. Ito, Mr. Shibata, I have to say that you are really cautious. The fingerprints at the scene are very clean. Even the contents in this bag have probably been wiped by you and will not leave any fingerprints. "

"So? What exactly do you want to say?" Maye Ito sneered.

"It's a pity that you two are so close after all." Yu Gongming raised the corners of his mouth and showed a confident smile:

"When the garbage bag was found, it was tied up and when the bag was opened, two pairs of gloves were inside."

When Shinichi Shibata and Maya Ito heard this, they suddenly looked panicked!

"It seems that you have also realized that when you were tying the garbage bag, you had already put your gloves into the garbage bag, so you must have left fingerprints on the bag when you tied the knot!"

"Whether the fingerprints belong to you or Mr. Shibata, neither of you can clear your suspicion of murder!" Akira Hanamiya concluded.

Maya Ito and Shinichi Shibata fell into silence.

"Let's go through the timeline of the case one last time." Conan made his final statement:

"At 11 o'clock last night, Miss Maya dressed as Miss Masako and Mr. Shibata came to the chess and card room to play cards."

"At 12:30 in the morning, Miss Maya left first, while Mr. Shibata stayed to play mahjong with us to create an alibi."

"After Miss Maya returned to the hotel, she unexpectedly met Daisuke Fukuda, the gangster who harassed Miss Masako in the afternoon, and had a keen insight into Fukuda's intentions."

"So, she pretended to seduce Futian, and then took him unawares and knocked him unconscious."

"Then you came to the top of the building and killed Miss Masako."

"Perhaps you had an idea at that time and wanted to pin the blame on Futian."

"So, you disguised Ms. Masako as if she was being violated, and went to the 10th floor. While Futian was still unconscious, you put the iron door key into Futian's pocket, and you may even have put his fingerprints on it! "

"After that, you should have gone back to your room and prepared to deal with the wigs and other murder props."

"Then, you may have waited for Mr. Shibata to come back, or you may have acted first. In short, you put all these murder props in a garbage bag, went downstairs from the safety staircase, turned to the back door of the hotel, and threw the garbage bag in In a nearby trash can.”

"After that, you just have to wait for the body to be found."

"This is why you want to dump Miss Masako's body into the water tank."

"The earlier the body is discovered, the more accurate the time of death will be confirmed, and the more credible Mr. Shibata's alibi will be."

"This is your complete murder process."

After Conan began to narrate, Shibata and Shinichi remained silent.

It wasn't until Conan stopped talking that the two of them breathed a long sigh of relief at the same time.

"As expected of a famous detective, everything is as if I saw it with my own eyes, I admire you!" Shinichi Shibata said with a wry smile.

"Despite all the hard work, you still can't escape the punishment..." Ito Maya also sighed.

"So, you admit that you are the murderer of Miss Masako?" Officer Henggou asked.

"Yes, we killed that woman." Shinichi Shibata said calmly:

"Zhenye and I were childhood sweethearts who grew up together. We have always liked each other."

"As for Masako, I met her when I was working in the company. She has expressed her love to me many times, but I rejected her every time."

"However, Masako seems to be very open-minded. After knowing that Maya and I were childhood sweethearts, not only did she not get into trouble with me because of this, but she also became good friends with Maya."

"Zhenye and I established a relationship many years ago and originally planned to get married six months ago."

"But last year, there was an explosion in the apartment where Zhenye lived! My parents happened to be guests at Zhenye's house that day, and they unfortunately died in the explosion..."

When Shibata Shinichi said this, he could no longer suppress the sadness in his tone:

"Zhenye was lucky enough to save his life, but a large area of ​​his skin was burned and his face was almost disfigured."

"After multiple investigations by the police, the explosion was caused by a remote-controlled bomb disguised as a doll."

"According to Zhenye's recollection, the doll was given to her by the boss as [the ten thousandth customer] when she passed by a souvenir stall the day before the explosion."

"The police followed Zhenye's guidance to the location of the stall, but it turned out that there was no stall there at all!"

"Later, the police caught the bomber. According to his confession, someone paid him a high price to kill Zhenye. As for who that person was, because they contacted him secretly on the dark web, he didn't know the other person. identity of."

"But I thought of Masako immediately!"

"Because I suddenly recalled that after the explosion, Masako's life suddenly became difficult, and the number of shopping trips was obviously less than before the explosion."

"Then, could it be that she paid a high price to hire the bomber to kill Zhenye?"

"So, in order to confirm this, after consulting Zhenye, I pretended to dislike Zhenye, broke up with her, and started to get closer to Masako intentionally."

"Masako already had a crush on me, and with my deliberate approach, we quickly became boyfriend and girlfriend."

"After that, I found an opportunity to get her drunk and lead her to tell about the explosion."

"Under unconsciousness, Masako quickly revealed the truth. She indeed hired a bomber to kill Maye, because if Maye dies, she can be with me!"

Shibata Shinichi gritted his teeth and his face gradually became ferocious:

"The moment I knew the truth, I decided to kill Masako!"

"So, I told Maye about it and expressed my thoughts."

"After Zhenye found out, he was so angry that he gritted his teeth and decided to conspire with me to kill Masako!"

"Two months ago, Masako and I came to this hotel for vacation."

"At that time, many rooms, including mine, had problems with reduced water pressure, so we reported the problem to the hotel."

"It was also at that time that I learned about water tanks, safety stair iron gates and other information."

"I had an instant inspiration. After returning from the resort, I contacted Maye and told her about my inspiration."

"After we worked together to improve it, we came up with this murder plan."

"Zhenye secretly completed plastic surgery two weeks ago, but in front of Masako, she is still the same woman whose face was burned and scarred."

"Originally, we planned to leave Japan and live abroad after this murder was completed. Now it seems that this can only be a luxury hope..." Shinichi Shibata sighed.

Maye Ito silently came to Shinichi Shibata, took his arm, rested her head gently on his shoulder, and closed her eyes gently.

Shibata Shinichi also put his arm around Ito Maya's shoulders very naturally.

Everyone watched this scene in silence.

After hearing their stories, everyone didn't mind giving them some time to comfort each other.

After a long time, the two slowly separated and came to Officer Henggou at the same time, silently extending their hands.

Officer Henggou looked at the two people and sighed:

"Take it away."


The two were handcuffed and escorted out of the guard room by several police officers.

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