Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1049 Reason, prank?

"Yes, she is my girlfriend." Kuma Takuya whispered: "My girlfriend passed away due to illness recently. She has always been a fan of that home run player."

"Until the last moment before she died, she was still talking about getting that player's home run ball. I just wanted to put that player's home run baseball next to her before she was cremated. .”

"I specially picked up my baseball glove today and was always ready in the outfield area of ​​the stadium. As a result, I really caught it!"

"Wait a minute! Isn't Mr. Kunisue the one who caught the ball?" Xiaolan asked confused.

"No! It was really me who received it!" Takuya Kuma said with excitement: "I was really excited at the time, but soon the surrounding audience crowded over."

"When I came to my senses, the baseball was already in the hands of the bandaged man."

"But, there was nothing we could do about that situation at that time, right?" Xiaolan raised her voice slightly.

"Just because of this, you have a grudge against Mr. Kunisue. Not only did you hit him, but you also took the ball away? That's too much!" Kazuye's face was filled with anger.

"No! That's not the case!" Takuya Kuma shook his head repeatedly: "I found him at first, explained the situation to him, and begged him again and again to return the ball to me."

"But he never agreed, and in the end he even said, 'How could I give the ball to you! Who knows if you want to give it to your girlfriend after taking it away?'"

"Seeing his attitude, I suddenly became furious and thought that I could only win the ball with my own strength!"

Kuma Takuya covered his face with his hands and lowered his head in regret: "I'm really... really sorry! I just... I just want to fulfill my girlfriend's last wish!"

"I'm sorry for saying this, you'd better talk to him personally." Officer Takagi put down his cell phone and smiled at everyone: "There is news from the hospital that Mr. Kunisue has regained consciousness!"

"Great!" Xiaolan and Ye cheered at the same time.

"Fortunately, no one died this time, so congratulations!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Yes! In this case, He Ye's amulet can finally be obtained." Meng Yu also smiled.


In a hospital, in a certain ward.

Everyone finally saw Mr. Kunisue Illumination.

"Huh? It's because his girlfriend passed away due to illness, that's why he desperately wants me to give the ball to him?" Kunisue Akira asked in surprise.

"Eh? Don't you know? Didn't he tell you everything?" Xiaolan asked doubtfully.

Kunisue Akira shook his head: "No, not really. I just heard that he wanted to give the ball to his girlfriend. As for the part about his death from illness, I didn't hear it at all."

"But, why?" He Ye was puzzled.

Kunisue Iraku glanced at Kazuha with a slightly complicated look, then turned his head, with an unhappy look on his face: "Because I was recently dumped... by a girl I like very much!"

"Huh?" Kazuye's mind immediately came to Yu Gongming's reasoning on the train, and a blush gradually appeared on his cheeks.

She tilted her head slightly and asked: "Um...the amulet I gave you before was accidentally taken by mistake. Can you give it back to me?"

Officer Takagi smiled on the side and said: "Oh! I have already asked for that amulet from the forensic personnel and returned it to Hattori."

He Ye was shocked: "What? When did this happen!?"

Officer Takagi was a little confused by Kazuha's overreaction, but he still replied: "Just now, in the corridor!"

Heye's entire face turned pale, and he shouted "Idiot!" as he rushed out of the ward like the wind.

Xiaolan stared blankly at Kazuye who was thrown out of the ward, and said: "So, what Hanomiya-senpai true?"

"Then let's verify it with myself!" Conan came to Kunisue Illumination and asked with a smile: "Mr. Kunisue, may I ask if the girl you just said dumped you is Sister Kazuye?"

This time it was Kunisue Iraku's turn to be surprised: "Ah? did you know?"

So, Conan briefly recounted the reasoning on Hanomiya Akira's train.

After listening to this, Kunimue Lighting said clearly: "So that's it, you guessed it right!"

"When I received the amulet, I always felt strange. A newly made amulet should not be so worn and old. Out of curiosity, I opened it and took a look, and then I found the dark-skinned boy. photos.”

"I still remember that boy said that this amulet was taken off the handle of Heye's bag. When I thought that it was actually Heye's amulet, I really had the urge to cry."

"Originally, I wanted to confess to her after I won the tennis championship."

"Confession..." Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly screamed: "What did you say?"

"That's right." Kunisue Akira said with a wry smile: "I originally thought that getting that home run was because of my luck, but now it seems that I really thought too much..."

He turned his head and looked at Officer Takagi: "By the way, where is that home run ball now?"

"It is currently being kept as evidence in the forensics department." Officer Takagi replied.

Kunisue Lighting nodded slightly: "Okay, after the evidence collection is completed, just return the ball to the person who hit me! By the way, let me say that I am really sorry for deliberately making things difficult for him."

"Okay!" Officer Takagi smiled and nodded.

"And..." Guomo Illuminating's eyes turned to Xiaolan: "Can you help me and He Ye?"

"Say...what did you say?" Xiaolan suddenly became nervous. If she was asked to say something strange, she would be too embarrassed.

Kunimue Illumination paused for a moment before saying, "I made a prank, I'm sorry, that's it."

"Eh? A prank?" Xiaolan blinked, looking confused.

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows slightly: "Hey! I said you didn't do anything on that amulet, right?"

At the end of the country, Illumination smiled and said nothing.

in the corridor.

Hattori Heiji held the photo tightly in his hand, and the look in his eyes was concealed by the shadow of his peaked cap.

Opposite him was He Ye, whose head could no longer be lowered.

At a certain moment, Hattori Heiji finally raised his head and whispered: "Kazuha..."

"Wha...what?" Heye shrank instinctively.

Hattori Heiji was silent for two seconds, and his tone became complicated: "So you treat me..."

He Ye instantly felt his heartbeat speeding up and his face getting hotter and hotter.

Just when she was at a loss, Hattori Heiji suddenly showed the photo and shouted: "You are treating me like a fool, right?"

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