Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1060 Hiding behind the scenes

Judy rushed all the way to the door.

However, she still didn't see Akai Shuichi.

Her heart gradually sank.

If [Akai Shuichi] had already walked out of the department store, then he would have been exposed to the muzzle of the organization's sniper now!

"What should I do...what should I do?" Judy's mind was running rapidly, thinking about countermeasures.

After finally finding [Akai Shuichi], she will never allow him to have another accident!

At this moment, the cell phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

Judy was stunned and instinctively took out her phone.

It's an unknown caller number.

Judy frowned immediately. At this time, she was not interested in paying attention to such harassing calls from unknown sources.

However, just when she was about to hang up, the ringing stopped automatically.

At the same time, her phone uncontrollably switched to the text message interface.

A message appeared on the phone screen.

[If you want to save him, just do as I say]

Judy's pupils suddenly shrank!


"Report, the undead has been found." Tequila's slightly excited voice came: "It's on the left side of the front entrance."

"I also noticed it here. He should be on the right side of your car now, brother!" Vodka also said.

"I'm ready to snipe at any time!" Tequila said.

Gin nodded expressionlessly, then turned his head and looked out the car window.

In the crowd leaving the department store, he saw the man at a glance.

Wearing a black peaked cap and with burn scars on his face, the man is looking left and right!

"Akai Shuichi..."

Gin whispered the name.

He would never mistake this face no matter what!

Now that it has been confirmed, it’s time to take action.

Just when he was about to give the order, a motorcycle stopped by the window, blocking his view.

The motorcycle driver raised the windshield of his helmet, revealing a beautiful Western face.

Gin suddenly frowned: "Belmod?"

Belmode smiled at Gin, then approached Gin and said a few words to him.

After hearing this, Gin's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light: "Has this matter been approved by that adult?"

Belmod nodded and said with a smile: "Of course! After all, that person is also the type who sails a thousand-year-old ship carefully!"

"Brother! Do you want to take action?" Tequila's voice came from the communicator.

He has already locked his sights on [Akai Shuichi]'s head. As long as Gin gives the order, Tequila will shoot immediately!

At this moment, [Akai Shuichi], who was being targeted, suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Tequila, with a strange smile on his lips!

Tequila's pupils suddenly shrank, and she immediately reported: "Brother! He... he seems to have discovered me! He actually glanced at me just now, and showed a very uncomfortable smile!"

The expression on Gin's face didn't change much, except that he had to put out the cigarette butt much harder than usual.

At this time, news also came from Vodka: "Brother! Something is wrong! The company broadcast said that because of the inconvenience caused by the bomb incident, all guests in the company can go to the front desk to receive a 10,000 yuan voucher! and……"

"Everyone, don't leave yet! Go back quickly to get the vouchers to compensate the department store for the bomb incident!" A strong female voice sounded:

"This is a 10,000 yuan voucher! It's only available today! It would be a shame to miss it!"

The female voice repeated similar words several times.

These words, coupled with the company's broadcast, made the guests who had already left suddenly turn around and rush towards the company faster as if they had been given a shot of blood!

Seeing this, Belmode cooperated very well and drove the motorcycle away so that Gin could see this scene.

"Brother! The target has been lost! I don't know where it got mixed up in the crowd!" Tequila's voice came.

Gin immediately narrowed his eyes, turned his head slightly, and looked at the crowd with a cold gaze.

After a few seconds, his eyes locked on someone.

It was a blond foreign woman.

It's Judy!

"Hmph! It turns out to be the FBI's stinky rat." Gin sneered.

"FBI? Where is it?" Tequila immediately started searching subconsciously after hearing this.

"No need to look for it, that guy is very cunning and has already hidden outside your sniper range." Gin said calmly.

After a pause, Gin looked back and said calmly: "Tequila, vodka, retreat."

"Yes!" Neither of them asked why. After agreeing that it would be the same, Vodka evacuated the entrance of the company, while Tequila withdrew the sniper rifle and left the sniper point.

After Gin issued the order to retreat, he took back the gun that had been pressed against Kil's head.

"A dictatorial guy." Gin said coldly.

Keir breathed a sigh of relief, but a look of confusion appeared on his face: "Huh? Who are you talking about?"

Gin put the gun in his arms and said calmly: "It's that arrogant and annoying guy. He never believed that Xuanyi was dead. But also, he always claimed that only he could kill Akai Shuichi. He didn't believe this. That’s normal, right?”

"You mean...Bourbon?" Kil guessed.

Gin didn't answer.

Keir suddenly knew in his mind that it was indeed bourbon.

At this point, Vodka returned to the car.

"Let's go." Gin said calmly.

Vodka agreed, started the white Porsche, and left here.


Looking at the guests crowded at the front desk of the company, Judy, who was hiding in the corner, looked a little uncertain: "In this case, Shuichi should be able to blend in with the crowd and avoid the sniper attack, right?"

"Judy! You just..." Kamel came to her side at some point.

Judy smiled apologetically at Kamel, and then told Kamel about the mysterious phone call and text message.

"Text message? Can you let me see it?" Kamel asked.

"Well, of course." Judy operated on the phone for a while, and then her expression suddenly froze.

"What's wrong?" Kamel asked confused.

"The text message... was deleted?" Judy said softly.

Kamel was surprised: "What? How could you delete such an important text message?"

Judy shook her head: "No, it's not me. How could I delete such a text message? It's that person! That mysterious person directly invaded my phone and forcibly deleted the text message records!"

"But why did that person help us?" Kamel was puzzled.

Judy was also lost in thought.

Yes, who is that person? Why should he help himself?

A remote corridor in a department store.

Mengyu put away her phone and said with a smile: "All records have been deleted."

"Now that the matter has been resolved, it's time for us to leave." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"So, are you the ones behind the broadcast and the commotion from the guests?" A voice suddenly sounded.

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