Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1062 Toru Amuro’s speculation

In the file are videos of varying lengths.

Toru Amuro clicked on the first video first

The video started to play, and a slightly shaking picture appeared.

It can be seen from the picture that the location where the video was shot is Mihua Department Store.

The footage shakes from time to time, as if the photographer was shooting these videos while on the move.

No matter how the screen shakes, there are always two people in the frame.

It was a blond foreign woman, and there was a burly man beside her.

It was Judy and Kamal!

In the overall picture, Judy and Kamel seem to have just entered the department store and are walking upstairs.

The photographer also followed along.

Finally, the two of them arrived at the counter on the third floor. Judy took the hat with the strange logo on the back and started negotiating with the clerk at the sports counter.

The photographer also found a corner so that the camera could clearly capture the expressions of the two people.

After a while, Yu Gongming, Meng Yu and Conan also came to the counter.

The video ends abruptly here.

Toru Amuro clicked on the next video without any pause.

The protagonist of the next video became Akira Hanamiya, and the part where Akira Hanamiya negotiated with the counter clerk was filmed.

During this period, Akira Hanomiya and others looked at Judy and Kamel under the guidance of the clerk, but they quickly retracted their gaze, and then found a place to wait seemingly idle.

The second video ends.

Afterwards, videos were clicked one by one, including those of Akira Hanomiya and others, as well as those of Judy and Kamel.

But after the bomb incident, it was basically Kamal and Judy's.

An hour.

The last video has finished playing.

Amuro Toru closed his eyes slightly, seeming to be recalling and sorting out what he had just seen.

Probably a few minutes later.

Toru Amuro hesitated, then stood up and said to Kazama, who had been standing silently behind him, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"These are all what I should do." Kazama said solemnly.

Toru Amuro patted his shoulder: "Okay, I'm leaving now. I'll contact you again if necessary."

Fengjian nodded slightly, without any intention of staying.

After a while, Toru Amuro left the safe house.

Half an hour later, he returned to the apartment he was renting.

His body was relaxed and leaning on the soft sofa, but Toru Amuro's head was running rapidly.

"... Judging from the reactions of the two FBIs, they seem to really think that Shuichi Akai is dead. If Shuichi Akai's fake death is the FBI's plan, then he must be arranged somewhere now."

"And I suddenly appeared in front of the woman named Judy and another investigator in that image. Their reactions were very incredible, and there was also a hint of surprise!"

"After that, I deliberately put myself in [danger], and Judy's reaction was also like [cannot lose again]... Could it be said that Akai Shuichi is really dead..."

Amuro frowned slightly: "No, there is another possibility. Maybe he did not tell the FBI's companions about his plan, so in the eyes of the FBI, he is indeed dead..."

"But if he is alone, it will not be easy to hide it from Gin..."

Amuro Toru's brows furrowed more and more tightly. Two consecutive tests told him that Shuichi Akai was indeed dead, and his reason was also leaning towards this conclusion.

However, he always felt something was wrong.

He didn't believe that Shuichi Akai would die so easily!

"What's the problem?"

As Amuro's thoughts raced, several figures flashed through his mind.

A young man wearing a black coat, a beautiful girl who was inseparable from him, and a boy who looked very extraordinary.

"Is it them..." Toru Amuro recalled the content of the video: "At that time, when they saw the reaction of the two FBI... they were a little surprised at first, and then seemed to keep a distance..."

"If they had contact before, they shouldn't have such expressions... They know that those two people are FBI, but they are not interested in FBI matters?"

Toru Amuro recalled for a while, it seemed that on the day Akai died, a murder occurred in a hotel near Acupido, and one of the FBI was one of the suspects at that time.

The one who finally solved the case was also Akira Yumiya.

"Did you know it at that time?" Amuro Toru guessed.

After thinking for a while, Amuro Toru put a big question mark in his mind about Hanomiya Akira and the others.

Judging from the current situation, Akira Hanomiya seems to have nothing to do with the FBI. Even if he does, it probably has nothing to do with Akai Shuichi's death.

However, this is just speculation. The actual facts require further observation.

Amuro Toru breathed out softly and decided to put these things aside for the time being.

He has been busy all day today, so he should take a shower and have a good rest. He has to go to work in the dessert shop tomorrow!

Just when he got up to take a shower, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Toru Amuro took a look and saw that it was a mobile phone he had placed on the coffee table.

He bought this mobile phone specifically for this status. Currently, there are not many numbers stored on this mobile phone, only a few [colleagues] in the dessert shop, and the mobile phones of Yu Gongming and Meng Yu.

Toru Amuro frowned slightly, picked up the phone and took a look.

"Huh? Is it Miss Harumi?" Amuro Toru said a little surprised.

Yes, the call came from Yasuda Harumi’s number!

Doesn't he have a day off today? Why are you calling him at this time?

With doubts, Toru Amuro answered the phone.

"Hello! I'm Amuro."

"Mr. Amuro!" Harumi Yasuda's voice came: "I'm calling to inform you that you won't have to come to work tomorrow, and we will be temporarily closed for one day tomorrow."

"Huh? What happened?" Toru Amuro asked.

"It's okay, because I have some personal matters to deal with tomorrow, so I'll interrupt and give you all a day off. After all, everyone has been working very hard recently and needs a good rest!" Yasuda Harumi replied.

"That's right..." Toru Amuro replied: "Then thank you Miss Harumi for the holiday. I just haven't had enough fun today!"

"Then I wish you a happy holiday!" Yasuda Harumi said with a smile: "Okay, I'm going to inform others now. See you the day after tomorrow!"

After saying that, Yasuda Harumi hung up the phone.

Toru Amuro put down the phone and didn't take it seriously.

Although even if the boss is away, a few of them can open the store, but the boss has given him a holiday, so he will naturally not be too busy. After all, they are all new employees, so it is normal for Yasuda Harumi not to trust them.

Later, after putting down the phone, Amuro Toru Shiratori stopped winning and walked towards So.

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