Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1068 There is no possibility of us turning back!

"It doesn't matter. Knowing this information is also very important for our future contact with him." Okiya Subaru said calmly.

Akira Hanomiya glanced at Subaru Okiya: "I think you are actually more concerned about the relationship between Miss Harumi and him, right?"

"I don't deny it." Okiya Subaru was calm.

Yasuda Harumi's face turned slightly red: "He and I can only be regarded as ordinary friends, and we have never seen each other since my parents agreed to join the [Karasuma Group] for research because the hospital could not make ends meet."

"If it weren't for his special hair color and appearance, which gave me a sense of déjà vu, I might not have been able to remember this."

"Okay, it seems that Mr. Subaru has one more reason to hate him." Meng Yu said with a smile as if he didn't mind the trouble.

Okiya Subaru shook his head slightly: "I won't have any thoughts about him because of this kind of thing. The key is still him."

Yu Gongming nodded: "That's true. After all, we are all our own people here. Mr. Subaru, please explain to me, what happened to Officer Zhufu's death in the line of duty?"

Okiya Subaru was silent for a while and then said: "When his undercover identity was exposed, I had already discovered his true identity, so I wanted to let him go secretly."

"Unexpectedly, when I was meeting with him, someone else ran over. In desperation, he directly grabbed my gun and pulled the trigger."

"He wanted to use this method to clear me of suspicion, but he didn't expect that the person who finally came there was his colleague Jianggu Ling, and he saw me holding the gun, the muzzle of the gun risking my life. There was smoke, and the scene where Jingguang fell to the ground bleeding."

"So he believes that you killed Officer Zhufu, so he holds a grudge against you." Yu Gongming suddenly realized.

"Yeah." Akai Hide nodded.

Meng Yu held her forehead: "Then this misunderstanding is probably difficult to resolve. He has accumulated hatred for you for so many years. Even if you tell the truth, he probably won't believe it, right?"

Akira Hanomiya showed emotion: "I have to say that there are many people who have entered the organization like Ethan Hondo and Morofu Jingguang who are top-notch and willing to sacrifice their lives for benevolence. And you, who has exposed your identity, are still... Those who can escape unscathed."

"As a result, over the past few decades, not only has the organization not been eliminated, but it has grown stronger. It's really ironic."

"There are indeed many undercover agents in the organization." Okiya Subaru said: "However, many of these undercover agents belong to different official organizations, and because of the secrecy of the undercover agents themselves, it is understandable that it is difficult to share information."

"But now, this is not impossible." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Okiya Subaru looked at Hanomiya Akira with a deep look: "Using yourself as a link to unite the forces of various opposing organizations and finally complete a fatal blow to the organization is a very good idea, but..."

There was a glimmer of coldness in Okiya Subaru's eyes: "In this process, if you are not careful, the bond will be broken by the forces of all parties."

Hanamiya Akira looked directly into Okiya Subaru's eyes and said calmly: "You are right, but this bond is not static. As the pulling force increases, he will continue to become stronger and tougher. !”

"This balance is difficult to grasp." Okiya Subaru replied.

Yu Gongming's eyes suddenly became sharp: "We are already on the opposite side of the organization. For us, this is the only feasible way to destroy the organization!"

"At this point, we have no chance of turning back!"

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became depressing.

Seeing this, Meng Yu sat silently next to Yu Gongming, looking at Akai Shuichi calmly.

Yasuda Harumi opened her mouth, but finally chose silence.

a long time……

Okiya Subaru had a meaningful smile on his lips.

With the appearance of a smile, the oppressive atmosphere around him suddenly relaxed.

Okiya Subaru picked up the black tea on the coffee table, took a sip, nodded and said with a smile: "You are right, we... have no possibility of turning back, so... are you really ready?"

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time.

"Of course!" they both said in unison.

The smile on Okiya Subaru's lips grew a little wider unconsciously.

"So, why do you have to make the atmosphere so serious! Haven't we all been partners fighting side by side for a long time?" Yasuda Harumi suddenly laughed.

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "The word partner is very heavy when it comes to fighting against an organization."

"If you choose the wrong partner, you may pay the price with your life in the end!" Subaru Okiya said solemnly.

"Before, we were at most cooperation, but now, we are only partners." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"You..." Yasuda Harumi didn't know what to say.

Yumiya Ming waved his hand: "Don't take it to heart, Miss Harumi. No matter how our relationship changes, we will do our best to protect you and Xiao Ai."

"That's not what I meant..." Yasuda Harumi waved her hands quickly.

Meng Yu smiled: "Well! Miss Qingmei, don't worry about him, he just thinks too much!"

"Now that the general direction has been determined, let's get back to today's matters." Okiya Subaru changed the topic.

Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "Today's contact with Jiang Gu, I also got an unexpected piece of information."

Several people's expressions became serious at the same time, and they all made a gesture of listening.

Akira Hanomiya continued: "According to Toru Amuro, the organization seems to have had some ambiguity with the killer organization Black Sakura recently. They were originally quite feuding, but there seems to be signs of cooperation."

Okiya Subaru frowned when he heard this: "Cooperation? With the level of friction they have had recently, it would be great if they could temporarily stop fighting. How can they cooperate?"

Akira Hanamong pondered for a while and then said: "Actually, we know very well the reason why Black Sakura initially had a grudge against the organization."

"Oh? Could it be that you also contributed to this matter?" Okiya Subaru asked in surprise.

"It doesn't count." Akira Hanomiya briefly talked about how Belmode infiltrated Kudo's house to investigate Shirley and was eventually tracked by them, as well as how Kuro Sakura captured Belmode.

After listening to the cause and effect, Okiya Subaru looked thoughtful: "I came here, I didn't expect that there was such an inside story, but... why is Black Sakura interested in Belmod?"

"This is indeed worthy of scrutiny." Akira Hanomiya analyzed: "Initially, I thought they wanted to use Belmod to master the organization's intelligence in Tokyo, so that they could take over Tokyo's territory."

"But later it was discovered that something was wrong. Belmod seemed to be acting alone, and the person who controlled the power of the Tokyo organization was actually Gin. If it was just to seize the base, then it would be a bit of a big deal for them to send out more than a hundred people to capture Belmod. .”

"So, what are your thoughts now?" Okiya Subaru asked.

A bright light flashed across Yu Gongming's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "They really want to obtain information through Belmode, and this information involves one of the core secrets of the organization..."

After a pause, Yu Gongming said faintly: "APTX-4869!"

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