Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1073 Arriving in London, Sherlock Holmes Museum

Time flies by and the weekend is coming soon.

Narita International Airport.

The Maori father and his daughter had already boarded the plane through the VIP channel first. As for Hanomiya Akira and others, they said they were going to take another flight, but in fact they were just taking the ordinary channel.

Before leaving, Xiao Ai gave her final advice: "Remember, you must ensure adequate nutritional supply before taking medicine, otherwise you will easily become weak after the medicine takes effect, and if something goes wrong during the immigration inspection , that would be troublesome."

Shinichi, who had transformed back, smiled and nodded: "I know! Even if I forget, the two of them will definitely remind me, right?"

Yu Gongming chuckled: "It's best not to cause us any trouble, otherwise we will [remind] you."

"Hey! I'm just talking, don't put on such a disturbing expression!" Shinto looked angrily and moved slightly away from Hanemiya Akira.

"Well, Xiao Ai, doctor, we are setting off, and we will bring you gifts!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

The doctor scratched his head and laughed: "That would be great! You'd better bring me some London specialties!"

"Doctor!" Xiao Ai immediately looked over with dissatisfaction.

The smile on the doctor's face gradually stiffened...

Meng Yu chuckled: "Okay, okay! We will definitely bring the special delicacies, but whether you can eat them then depends on you, doctor."

When the doctor heard this, his whole face fell down: "With you like this, I suddenly lost all sense of expectation~"

After another farewell, Hanemiya Ming and others finally boarded the plane.

Accompanied by a sense of weightlessness, the plane gradually climbed up, and in the end, all that could be seen outside the window was the passing clouds and mist shrouded in the morning light.

Everyone took an early morning flight because Tokyo, Japan is 8 hours faster than London, and it takes more than ten hours to get from Tokyo to London.

Take an early morning flight and when you arrive in London, it will be just around noon. In this case, you will still have time to do some sightseeing before dinner.

"Hiss! This air conditioner is turned on so loudly!" Shinichi felt the cold wind pouring in from his neck and couldn't help but shrink.

"You can adjust the air-conditioning windshield on the seat to prevent the cold wind from blowing directly on you. It will be better this way." Han Gongming said with a smile.

Shinichi did as he was told and indeed felt a little better.

He couldn't help but sigh: "Suddenly I envy Xiaolan. Their first-class cabin must be super comfortable!"

"Stop complaining. In the final analysis, didn't you bring this on yourself?" Meng Yu complained.

Shinichi's face turned bitter: "Okay, okay, stop scolding!"

Meng Yu snorted, but didn't say anything more.

The journey went smoothly, and more than ten hours later, the plane landed safely at London Heathrow International Airport.

Near the terminal exit.

"It's strange, they just took the next flight. The flight has already landed. Why haven't they arrived yet?" Mouri Kogoro looked at his watch and frowned.

"Maybe you went to the toilet again after getting off the plane? We can just wait." Xiaolan said with a smile.

She probably knew why Hanomiya Akira and the others hadn't come yet. It was probably because the medicine hadn't worn off yet, so Shinichi could only find a place to hide temporarily.

"Sister Xiaolan!" Conan ran over with a smile, followed by Yu Gongming and Meng Yu.

"Huh? When did you come out?" Mouri Kogoro was confused.

"It was just now, didn't you see it, uncle?" Meng Yu asked.

"Really?" Mouri Kogoro always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't think too much and said: "Since everyone is here, there is still some time before we meet the aunt at the hotel in the evening, shall we? Where should we go to play first?”

"Conan, where do you want to go?" Xiaolan asked Conan for his opinion.

"Then you still need to ask? Of course it's No. 221 Baker Street!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

"That's right!" Conan nodded repeatedly, the excitement on his face uncontrollable.

"Then let's go!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.


Sherlock Holmes Museum, 221B Baker Street.

Originally there was no address called No. 221b on Baker Street in the UK, but because the name of Sherlock Holmes was widely circulated, people made it a usable official address in 1930 in order to commemorate the detective.

This address was also assigned to the Sherlock Holmes Museum, which is where Akiko Hanomiya and his friends are currently located.

The decoration here fits the style of the 19th century, and many of the furnishings in the museum are restored based on the original works of Sherlock Holmes. It can be said that every place here is full of Sherlock Holmes elements.

"Wow! It's indeed the Sherlock Holmes Museum, it's really great!" Conan ran into the museum first.

He quickly came to a staff member, pointed to a sofa chair and asked in English: "Can I sit here?"

"Of course!" the staff member laughed.

Conan immediately jumped onto the chair, bouncing around on the chair and laughing happily like a child.

Xiaolan also smiled knowingly when she looked at Conan like this.

Even if it was Shinichi who was here instead of Conan, he would probably react like this, right?

Although Akira Hanomiya is not as enthusiastic as Conan, as a mystery enthusiast, he is also very happy to appreciate it.

Several people followed Conan, visited every part of the museum, and took many photos as souvenirs.

"Phew! It's so enjoyable!" Conan said with a look of unfinished expression.

"Then do you want to continue playing for a while?" Xiaolan asked.

Conan shook his head: "No, it's just right now, and there's a souvenir shop next door. Just buy some souvenirs as a souvenir later."

He looked at the familiar furnishings around him and couldn't help but sigh: "If there really is a Sherlock Holmes here, I would like to stay here forever.

"You lied to me! Holmes is here!"

An angry voice came from the direction of the door.

Several people couldn't help but turn their attention.

At the door, a little blond boy was talking to the staff.

The staff at the door heard this and replied with a smile: "Sorry, Mr. Holmes has gone out to handle a case."

"A case? What case?" the blond boy asked.

"This..." the staff member was speechless.

"Look! You are really lying!" The boy suddenly showed an expression of "I've seen through you", and then said anxiously: "Let me see him quickly! The situation is urgent. If we don't act quickly, someone will die. Got it!"

"No one can stop it now except Holmes!"

"Hiss!" Yu Gongming suddenly gasped.

"Huh? What happened to the kid? What did the kid say?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

Yu Gongming did not reply, but continued to look at the blond boy.

At this time, the blond boy glanced at the time and shouted: "Oops! There's not enough time! My sister's game is about to start!"

"Um...can I help you?" the staff asked tentatively.

"No need! Cheapskate!" The boy replied impatiently and ran away.

Akira Hanomiya raised his eyebrows slightly. The boy's last words just now were in Japanese, not English.

He turned his eyes and saw Conan chasing after him at some point.

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