Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1080 The last letter, solved!

Conan nodded lightly: "I probably know what's going on. Can I ask that gentleman to come over?"

"Okay!" Mengyu brought the man over.

Conan said: "If the clothes and boxes were given to him by others, then the secret should be hidden on this gentleman's knees."

"Knees?" Everyone locked their eyes on the man's knees.

"Eh? There's nothing suspicious about the knee! Is it a mistake?" Apollo asked doubtfully.

"No, it can't be wrong." Conan said with great certainty: "[When I observe women, I will first pay attention to the cuffs of clothes, and when I observe men, I will first observe the knees of trousers]. This is Sherlock Holmes on Sina Lines from The Disappearance.”

"And there is a male in front of me, so I speculate that the clue is on this gentleman's knee. If it's not on the outside, it should be on the inside."

The dream language was clear, and then she negotiated with the man for a while.

The man resisted a little at first, but finally nodded reluctantly.

Then, Mengyu squatted down and rolled up his pants.

When it was rolled up to the knees, a letter caught everyone's eyes.

"It's [U]!" Apollo exclaimed.

Mengyu put down the man's pants, apologized again, and then let the man leave.

"Now there is only one last sentence left." Yu Gongming said calmly: "[End it all by cutting through Bai's back with two swords]."

Conan tapped his forehead lightly: "In my impression, there should be no similar building like this in London."

"Could it refer to a certain area, like the Elephant Castle?" Mengyu guessed.

Hearing this, Conan fell into thought again.

After a while, he shook his head in distress: "Still no impression."

"Well..." Minerva on the side suddenly said: "If it is a pair of swords, I have thought of something."

Everyone looked at her.

Minerva looked reminiscing: "That is the logo of a famous ceramic brand. Because of my mother, our family likes to use that brand of tableware very much."

"Oh? So in London, are there many ceramics stores of this brand?" Akira Hanamiya asked.

Minerva said: "There is only one in London!"

"Then let's go!" Yu Gongming said immediately.


Everyone rushed there when the store was about to close.

After some inquiries, the store clerk said that people hang strange decorations on their signs every day.

The decoration has ropes of various colors, and there is a bell tied to each rope. Each bell has an English letter written on it, and the part where the rope is tied seems to have a paragraph in English, but because of some strange stains, it Can't see clearly.

"The stain itself is the biggest clue!" Conan laughed: "If I guess correctly, these English words should be [A study in scarlet], which is the first novel about Sherlock Holmes written by Conan Doyle—— A study of words written in blood!”

"In this case, Holmes once said: [In the colorless thread of life, mixed with the bloody red thread called murder, our job is to solve the mystery, find the red thread, and make it unreserved, Exposed to broad daylight].”

"The hint here should be the bloody red thread, which is the bright red rope."

"Let me see..." Meng Yu pointed at the ropes one by one with her fingers, and finally picked out a bright red string.

And the bell hanging on the rope has the letter [R] on it.

"Phew! All the letters have been collected!" Mengyu couldn't help but sigh.

"I see, is this what the prisoner wants to convey?" Yu Gongming said thoughtfully.

Conan turned his head and looked at him with a half-smile: "Have you thought of it too?"

"Almost. In fact, for this final answer, only one letter [A] is enough. As for the sorting..."

"It's S, A, T, U, R, N, which is [Saturn], Saturn, which is Saturday."

"Saturday?" Mengyu was stunned.

"Yes." Yu Gongming explained: "This is taken from the ancient Roman god of farming [Saturns], and [Saturns] is translated into English as [Saturday]."

"That's it." Apollo suddenly realized.

"Then today is already Sunday. In other words, should the time refer to next Saturday?" Mengyu speculated.

"Eh? Next Saturday, isn't that the date of my sister's finals?" Apollo exclaimed!

"Huh?" Everyone looked at him at the same time.

Apollo nodded affirmatively: "That's right! My sister participated in the women's singles final that day!"

"Is it such a coincidence..." Yu Gongming frowned.

"It's hard to tell now." Conan's eyes darkened: "Not just Apollo, many children have received similar notes, and coincidentally, most of those children are people who watch the Tour de France."

"But one thing cannot be ignored." Hanemiya Ming said: "From the accounts of other children, the prisoner just handed the note to the child and simply said that someone would die in London, but for Apollo, the man seemed to say Many words.”

"Yes! He asked me if I liked tennis!" Apollo shouted.

"In other words, the prisoner distributed the notes to other children just to confuse our sight?" Mengyu asked softly.

"We don't rule out this possibility, but we can't make a conclusion yet." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"Then now we..."

Yu Gongming shook his head: "The time has been determined now, but it is almost impossible to find the prisoner in such a big city without the help of the police."

"However, with the information we have now, it may not be a wise move to notify the police rashly."

"Then, let's stop here for today's investigation. There is still a lot of time before next Saturday. Maybe the police will have new clues." Conan said calmly.

"Eh? Is the investigation over?" Apollo asked a little disappointed.

Conan smiled at him: "No, it's just over temporarily. We have solved the code now, but there are no other clues yet, and there will be nothing to gain from further investigation."

"And..." Conan pointed to the sky that had darkened at some point: "Didn't you notice that it was already dark?"

"Ah?" Apollo looked at the sky and suddenly showed an annoyed look: "It should be almost ten o'clock in the sky now, right? Then Ares will talk about me again!"

Minerva smiled: "Don't worry. As long as I'm here, he won't talk about you. Besides, this trip is a worthwhile trip!"

Apollo's eyes suddenly lit up and he looked at his sister with gratitude.

Minerba nodded gently to Yu Gongming: "Now that the investigation is over, it's almost time for us to say goodbye."

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