Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1088 The blonde girl in the hotel room

Hearing this, Yu Gongming immediately came to the computer.

All I saw on the computer was a surveillance video of the hotel.

The picture shows a corridor. Judging from the rooms on both sides of the corridor, it should be in a hotel.

At this time, two people walked into the surveillance screen.

Dream Whisper pauses the screen.

Yu Gongming's eyes immediately fell on these two people.

One of them was a boy who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a casual sports coat, jeans, and a beret.

The other person was a girl about twelve or thirteen years old, with short blond hair and wearing a pink lace hat.

Looking at the somewhat blurry picture, Yu Gongming asked: "Are you sure it's them?"

Meng Yu nodded very definitely: "Confirmation, although the sixteen or seventeen-year-old is wearing a neutral outfit and has an average figure, some female characteristics can still be distinguished under careful observation, and from the skin color and hair color From the looks of it, he should be Asian."

"As for the twelve or thirteen-year-old, although she has concealed it, after many observations, I found that her steps were a little shaky and she seemed to be very weak. And you see..."

Mengyu continues to play the monitoring.

In the picture, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old "boy" holds the hand of a blond girl and seems to be walking normally.

Just when the two were about to walk out of the surveillance range, the girl in the picture suddenly put her hand to her mouth, her body trembled, and she seemed to be coughing.

Yu Gongming's eyes flashed: "It seems right."

"Well! I finally met my sister outside the realm!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

Yu Gongming stared at the two people in the picture, his eyes flickering slightly: "Now that the fish has been found, it's time to lay the bait."

Meng Yu sighed: "Originally, the willing one took the bait, but now we need to take action."

Akira Hanomiya spread his hands: "There's nothing we can do about it. Because of our participation, Conan didn't show up at the Open at all. Sera didn't see Conan on TV, so he might not come to Japan."

Meng Yu thought about it and suddenly said: "That's right, and since we are involved, Conan can still try not to show his face."

Yu Gongming nodded.

They came to the world of Conan. Although there was no change in the general direction, there was still some local influence on the plot. A typical example is Black Sakura.

If the butterfly effect does exist, Conan's face in the original work was only seen by Sera, but now that Conan shows his face, it is hard to say whether anyone else will see it.

Therefore, under the condition of ensuring that Conan does not show his face, only Hanomiya Akira and his two brothers can take action.


London, a hotel.

"I'm back!" Sera Masumi walked into the room.

On the sofa in the room, a blond girl of twelve or thirteen years old closed the magazine in her hand and asked calmly: "What are you having for lunch?"

"Beef pizza." Masumi Sera said, putting the pizza box on the coffee table.

The blond girl frowned, but didn't say much. She silently opened the pizza box, took out a slice of pizza and ate it.

Sera Masumi came to sit next to the girl, looked at the girl's slightly pale face, and asked with some worry: "How are you? Are you still coughing and dizzy?"

The girl swallowed the pizza in her mouth and nodded: "Although I have taken cold medicine, my symptoms have not improved at all. It is basically a side effect of the medicine."

Masumi Sera held her chin with her right hand and looked at the girl in front of her: "To be honest, until now I can't believe that there is such a weird medicine in the world."

"Even if you still can't believe it, the facts are in front of you." The girl said calmly: "The most critical question now is, will this drug have other side effects? Is there a way to recover?"

"That's easy to say!" Lost Contact's stupid face suddenly turned bitter: "You can't go back to the unit like this. I'm just a student and have no relevant channels at all."

"The only clue is the woman who attacked you, but it has been several days now, and it is not certain whether she is still in London or not!"

When the girl heard this, her brows furrowed even more tightly.

Seriang was right, there was no way he could return to work in this condition.

Given the special nature of his unit, it's hard to say whether he can recognize her. Even if he can recognize her identity, who knows how the superiors will treat her in her current weird situation?

As a person "there", she knows very well the behavior of those people there.

Therefore, there is not much road ahead of her.

The first step is, of course, to find the person who gave him the drug and the organization behind her, and try to get the antidote.

But on his own, this is almost like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, and may even bring trouble to Shiliang.

The other way is to find someone like yourself.

After she was given the drug, she was thrown into the river.

If that organization knew that drugs would make people smaller, they would have been arrested.

Therefore, from this point of view, the drug should be used to kill people and silence them in the organization's positioning.

And my own "rejuvenating" effect is probably a small probability event.

So, if the organization had used this drug to kill people before, would there be people like me?

Although she thought of this, the blonde girl was not optimistic about it.

Even if someone is lucky enough to survive like me, and I find that person, how can he help?

Maybe he is just an ordinary person and doesn't know as much about the organization as he does.

And, putting all that aside, how to find such people is a big problem.

When such a person appears, he must first interact with that organization, and then be silenced by that organization, and the method of silence is still the drug.

And after that person took the drug, a small probability event was triggered, "returning to youth", and then lived to this day.

Only by meeting these conditions may it be of some help to you.

To put it bluntly, it’s hard to say whether there are three such people in the world.

And we have to look for three people in the vast sea of ​​​​people who may not even exist.

Such a probability is almost despairing!

The blonde girl was so lost in thought that she even forgot about the pizza she was still holding in her hand.

"Okay! Don't be so gloomy!" Seeing the girl's frown, Shiliang comforted her: "Looking on the bright side, you are back to your youth now, and your skin is better than mine!"

"And now that you're like this, it shouldn't be that easy for those guys to find you, right? We're still safe for the time being!"

After hearing this, the blonde girl's expression relaxed a little.

Just when she was about to say something, a cell phone rang suddenly.

Sera Masumi glanced at her pocket, and then took out her mobile phone from her pocket.

Seriang looked at the caller ID and frowned: "Unrecognized number..."

Just when she was hesitating to answer it, the phone stopped ringing.

The other party hung up the phone.

However, in the next second, his phone suddenly automatically switched to the text message interface.

A message popped up without warning.

Sera Masumi's pupils suddenly shrank violently!

I saw that message written in English:

【Hello, I’m looking for Akai Marie】

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