Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1095 The man who fell from the building

After hearing this, Yuanzi looked around and found that everyone had walked into a remote corridor without knowing it, and there were almost no people around.

She took out her mobile phone and searched for a while, then said: "The Internet said that the all-you-can-eat cake event is in the coffee shop on the second floor!"

"Then let's go to the second floor!" Conan pointed in one direction and said, "There is an elevator there to go up to!"

So, everyone came to the elevator door.

Just in time, the elevator door opened, and a thin middle-aged woman walked out.

When she saw a few people, she asked in surprise: "Excuse me, where are you going?"

"We're going to the cafe on the second floor!" Conan laughed.

The middle-aged woman said: "Then you can't get to the second floor by taking this elevator, because this is the elevator of the annex!"

"Eh?" Conan looked surprised. Didn't the previous staff member say that the annex was being renovated?

Xiaolan heard this and smiled kindly at the middle-aged woman: "Thank you for telling us this!"

"It's okay! When you meet people in difficulty, you should help each other!" the middle-aged woman said with a smile.

After Xiaolan thanked her again, they started looking for the elevator or stairs to the second floor again.

Soon, everyone found the safety stairs. Since it was only the second floor, they went straight up the stairs.

After a while, several people finally arrived in front of the coffee shop.

It was bustling with people inside, and there were obviously many guests inside.

However, after being asked, Sonoko's face immediately dropped: "What did you say? Now you can't enter the all-you-can-eat cake restaurant?"

"Yes...yes!" The waiter at the door apologized: "Because there are more guests than expected, we don't have enough cakes..."

Yuanzi became even more angry when he heard this: "What! Since we want people to eat all they can eat cakes! You should prepare a lot of cakes, lots and lots of cakes!"

The staff looked embarrassed and didn't know how to respond.

At this time...


Suddenly, there was a loud sound in everyone's ears.

Everyone subconsciously looked in the general direction of the sound.

Before a few people could fully recover, the next moment...


A high-decibel scream came!

"No!" Conan's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately turned around and rushed out in the direction of the scream!

Yu Gongming and others also reacted one after another and followed Conan.

A moment later, the hotel parking lot.

Conan, Akira Hanomiya and their group came to an empty parking space.

There, two women, one man, and three middle-aged people with frightened faces were standing, one of whom was the middle-aged woman they had just met in the elevator.

Everyone's eyes turned to the empty parking space.

There, a man with twisted limbs fell to the ground, dead or alive.

"What's going on?" Yu Gongming looked at the three people.

The thin woman that the few people met before trembled and said: "Before... I was reversing the car, and then... then this person came from above..."

She pointed to the roof of the building with trembling fingers, her meaning self-evident.

Next to him, another middle-aged woman with a stout figure suddenly pointed at the man on the ground with a horrified expression: "Hey... isn't this person him?"

The man next to her also looked shocked: "It's's really Kamizumi!"

"Excuse me! What happened?" Other passers-by seemed to have noticed something unusual here.

"Then...who is that person?" The thin woman suddenly pointed at the roof and shouted.

Everyone looked up to the roof.

However, there was nothing on the roof.

The thin woman quickly continued: "I saw a figure on the roof before!"

Conan's expression condensed slightly: "Excuse me, do you still remember the appearance of that figure?"

The thin woman said with some uncertainty: "I think I've seen that dress before, maybe it's someone I know!"

Yu Gongming said at this time: "Xiaolan, Yuanzi, please notify the police immediately, and at the same time protect the scene with the guards! Me, Mengyu, Conan and these guys will go to the roof to take a look!"

When Xiaolan heard this, she immediately nodded and said, "Okay!"

Later, Akira Hanomiya and the others followed the three original discoverers and took the elevator of the annex to the roof.

Soon, the elevator reaches the roof.

Then, the elevator door opened from the back!

Conan had been leaning on his back until he accidentally stumbled out of the elevator.

"Oh? Does this elevator have doors at the front and back?" Akira Hagong asked as he walked out of the elevator.

"Yes!" The middle-aged man nodded.

At this time, the fat woman looked into the elevator: "Eh? Ms. Hirukawa, why don't you come out?"

At this moment, everyone walked out of the elevator, except for the thin woman who was still in the elevator.

She looked very hesitant, as if she didn't want to come out.

Hearing the fat woman's question, she felt a little embarrassed and said, "Well, I'm a little scared, so... I can't go through, right?"

"But it was Ms. Hirukawa who saw the suspicious figure first. Wouldn't it be inappropriate for you not to go?" the middle-aged man frowned.

"Uh, okay then..." The thin woman known as Hirukawa walked out of the elevator reluctantly.

Not long after, everyone came to the rooftop.

The rooftop of Cupido Hotel is very empty, with no unnecessary clutter.

As soon as they arrived at the rooftop, Akira Hanamiya and brother and sister Kudo immediately noticed something unusual.

On the rooftop guardrail, there was a coat quietly placed, with a pair of shoes placed very neatly on the coat.

Everyone immediately came to the guardrail.

"Shoes...are they suicide?" the middle-aged man murmured.

"Then who is the figure Ms. Hirukawa saw?" the fat woman asked doubtfully.

"Maybe the coat floated up and made me admit it was wrong?" Ms. Hirukawa said with a look of remorse on her face: "It's all my fault for saying those words and driving him into a desperate situation...\

,""No." Conan said calmly: "This is not suicide, but..."

"Murder!" A smiling voice sounded.

Everyone immediately turned their heads.

Then they saw a young man wearing a hat and casual clothes walking towards them with a smile.

He looked at Conan: "That's right, Conan?"

Conan's expression when he looked at the boy suddenly became subtle.

This young man was the one who came to the hotel with a group of people and was armed with Jeet Kune Do!

"Homicide?" the fat woman questioned: "Did you see someone push him down?"

The young man shook his head: "No, I just happened to hear your conversation downstairs. Because of my work, my ears are more sensitive. Did you say that the deceased was drunk, right?"

"Indeed, but how does this mean he didn't commit suicide?" the fat woman asked.

"That's right! Look, the shoes are all neatly arranged!" the middle-aged man said, pointing to the shoes on the guardrail.

"The shoes are the biggest flaw." Yu Gongming said calmly.

Everyone's eyes turned to him.

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