Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1099 Error and Correct Reasoning

Seriang's eyes gradually became sharper.

"Well, please wait a moment!" The fat woman said with some confusion: "Even if we have to reason, shouldn't the crime scene be on the roof of the building? Why is it here?"

Sera smiled and said: "He Jian, because the shoes and coats on the roof were originally placed by the murderer deliberately to disguise his suicide, and there were no signs of collision around them."

"That is to say, this is a conspiracy created by the murderer to cover up the real crime scene."

"Actually, the real crime scene was on the sixth floor. The murderer used the elevator and wheelchair to move the victim out of the broken folding window on the sixth floor!"

Sera suddenly pointed at someone: "Am I right...Ms. Hirukawa?"

Ms. Hirukawa's face changed slightly, and the fat woman and middle-aged man also looked surprised.

"Please...please wait a moment!" the fat woman said, "Ms. Hirukawa was obviously with us when Uizumi fell from the stairs! Is it possible for her to kill Mr. Uezumi?"

"That's it!" Ms. Hirukawa also said: "I'm not here, how could I use the elevator and wheelchair to kill Mr. Shang Zhu?"

Sera said calmly: "It's very simple. As long as you press the elevator button in advance, you can move Mr. Kamizumi in a wheelchair from the second floor to the sixth floor even if you are no longer here."

"Okay!" Ms. Hirukawa's face turned gloomy: "Then I want to hear what I can do to accomplish such a technique?"

"Then you have to listen carefully!" Shiliang said without showing any signs of weakness.

After a pause, he continued: "You made an appointment with Mr. Uizumi to meet in advance and made him drunk. Then you put him unconscious with his feet bent and standing on his chest. Come in the wheelchair."

"After that, you pushed him to the elevator and then walked into the elevator yourself. There was a small mirror above the inside of the elevator. You hung the fishing line with a rubber band at the end on the hook under the mirror."

"You get out of the elevator, let the empty elevator go down to the first floor, and measure the length of the fishing line you need. Then you let the elevator go back to the sixth floor and cut the fishing line thirty centimeters shorter based on the measured length."

"After doing this, the mechanism can be activated."

"In order to prevent the fishing line from getting stuck, you put the stretched fishing line back to the wheelchair, and then Mr. Kamizumi walked into the elevator and came to the second floor."

"Pushing the wheelchair out of the elevator, you turned on the power of the wheelchair, let the wheelchair drive towards the elevator door, and you took the elevator to the first floor."

"At this moment, you met Detective Hanomiya and the others. You told them that this was a special elevator for the annex and that they couldn't take it. In fact, you didn't want them to take this elevator."

"Because once they get into the elevator, they find fishing line hanging from the mirror and extending out of the elevator door on the other side."

"The second floor...the sixth floor, what's going on?" The middle-aged man seemed confused by Sera.

"Seeing it is better than hearing it. Let's demonstrate it on a real machine!" Sera said with a smile.

Officer Megure took out his walkie-talkie: "Chiba!"

"Yes!" Officer Chiba's voice came from the intercom: "I have pressed the buttons for the second and sixth floors."

Sera nodded slightly and continued to explain: "After Ms. Hirakawa arrived on the first floor, the elevator went up and first came to the second floor."

"What was parked at the elevator door on the second floor was Mr. Kamizumi's wheelchair. The wheelchair entered the elevator along the open elevator door and hit the door on the other side."

"The wheelchair followed the elevator to the sixth floor, and the door on the other side opened."

As soon as Sera finished speaking, the elevator not far from everyone slowly opened, and a wheelchair with a dummy placed in the posture described by Sera slowly drove out of the elevator.

Around the elevator, there are many sundries.

Sera smiled and said: "As long as you use the debris around the elevator to guide you, the wheelchair will come all the way to the broken glass window!"

As Sera explained, the wheelchair came all the way to the window.

A victorious smile appeared on Sera's lips.

However, he didn't notice at all that Ms. Hirukawa also had a sinister smile on her lips.

The next moment, the wheelchair touched the wall.

Sera's expression gradually stiffened.

I saw that after touching the wall, the wheelchair was only slightly bounced away, and then lightly hit the wall, and the cycle started again.

The dummy sitting in a wheelchair showed no signs of falling out of the wheelchair at all.

"How is this possible!?" Shiliang said in disbelief.

"Yeah, what's going on?" Officer Megure looked at Sera with suspicion.

Shiliang was a little panicked now, and said quickly: "There is another possibility, maybe the elevator threw the person off when it returned to the second floor!"

"However, the wheelchair returned to the second floor after the deceased fell. What Chiba saw was also an empty wheelchair." Officer Takagi said.

"This..." Shiliang was speechless.

"Hahaha!" Ms. Hirukawa looked at Officer Megure and Sera with a mocking look: "It is indeed a very wonderful magic mechanism, but it is a pity that it is all made up."

"These are just the fantasies of careless young people. I am so disappointed in your police's ability to handle cases!"

Mu Mu Jingjing's face was very ugly, and his impression of Shiliang was even worse.

"Damn it! He is really just an arrogant unknown detective, far worse than Brother Hanomiya!"

Thinking of this, he immediately looked at Yumiya Ming with a hopeful look on his face: "Brother Yumiya! What do you think?"

Seriang's eyes unconsciously looked at Yu Gongming.

Akira Hanomiya walked forward calmly, pointed to the joint between the wall and the floor, and said, "Officer, just put the two paint cans next to the window here."

Ms. Hirukawa's face changed suddenly!

Officer Megure stared at the place pointed by Akira Hanomiya: "Well... there are many traces of paint here, and it looks like there is something placed on it... Takagi!"

"Yes!" Officer Takagi understood and immediately placed the paint can by the window in that place, and the traces matched perfectly!

Seeing this scene, Seriang's eyes immediately burst into light.

He is not an idiot. When he saw this, he already understood where he was wrong.

Unfortunately, he is no longer qualified to speak.

Akira Hanomiya continued: "Now, Officer Megure, use your feet to fix the two paint cans, then pull the wheelchair away and hit the window again!"

"Leave this to me!" Meng Yu, who had also been watching the show silently, also decided to brush up on his presence.

She pushed her wheelchair and gradually moved away from the window.

"That's it!" Yu Gongming said.

Dream Whisper stopped and turned on the power.

The wheelchair hit the window again.

The wheelchair moved forward and finally hit the fixed paint can!

Under the gaze of everyone, the wheelchair shook slightly, then tilted forward, and the dummy sitting in the wheelchair, driven by a force, broke away from the wheelchair and fell out of the window!

The dummy fell freely under the influence of gravity, and finally hit the soft cushion prepared in advance with a "bang" sound.

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