Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1106 The real murderer

Hearing Zeli's doubts, Yu Gongming said calmly: "The reason why I said that Ms. Mitsui is not the murderer naturally has my basis."

"Oh? What's the basis?" Zeli asked.

"You also know the basis for this. Ms. Mitsui ran out of your sister's room..." Akira Hanomiya replied.

Zeli was a little puzzled when he heard this: "But, doesn't this just mean that this woman is very suspicious?"

Akira Hanomiya shook his head: "No, I just asked the Yamamura police officer. The witness's testimony was that he saw Ms. Mitsui running out of the deceased's room 205."

"The witness lived on the same side as your sister, two rooms apart. You think, he saw Ms. Mitsui running towards her with a horrified look on her face and immediately hid back in the room."

"In such a short period of time, how did he determine that Ms. Mitsui ran out of Room 205?"

"This..." Zeli looked confused.

"He must have seen the house number, right?" Seriang said with a smile: "This means that when Ms. Guangjing came out, she did not close the door, so the witness saw the house number."

"But according to what you said, Mr. Zeli, when you went to Ms. Weihong's room, the door was closed. So, who closed the door?"

Zeli was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his eyes widened: "You mean, my sister was still alive when Guangjing came out?"

"That's it!" Yu Gongming smiled.

Zeli looked even more confused: "If that's the case, then who killed my sister?"

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "You will understand when we look at the situation when the three ladies entered the room."

"First of all, according to Ms. Weihong's initial message, she had already taken a bath when the elephant arrived. And according to Ms. Erping's testimony, Ms. Weihong's slippers were placed neatly and there was no feeling of moisture or warmth. This shows that Ms. Weihong has indeed never been to a bathhouse."

"But when Ms. Mitsui left, she wore the wrong shoes, and those shoes seemed moist and warm. Tell me, what happened in the middle? To make a pair of dry shoes become wet?"

Mouri Kogoro touched his chin and suddenly slammed the table: "I understand, is it Ms. Yuchi?"

"After Ms. Erping left, Ms. Fox Yuchi came. And Ms. Yuchi likes to go to hot springs, so her shoes must be wet!"

Sera looked at Ms. Yuchi and smiled: "Ms. Yuchi, why did your shoes fall there?"

"Um... maybe I wore it wrong?" Ms. Yuchi explained with an unnatural expression.

"Oh?" Yu Gongming looked at her with a half-smile, "Are you so unsure? Ms. Weihong didn't go to the hot springs, so her slippers are naturally dry, but your shoes are warm and moist."

"If you really put on the wrong slippers, you should have been able to react immediately. Why did you let the slippers stay there for so long, and finally Ms. Mitsui put on the wrong slippers?"

"I..." Ms. Yuchi's expression gradually became flustered, and her eyes became wandering.

When everyone saw her reaction, how could they not know that there was something wrong with her?

Yu Gongming laughed: "At that time, Ms. Koi wanted to borrow the toilet, but Ms. Weihong refused. I'm afraid she didn't just want to trouble Ms. Koi, right?"

"What does this mean?" Zeli asked confused.

Yu Gongming picked up the message and handed it to Zeli: "Read the last two paragraphs of the message again."

Zeli took the message. Although he was a little confused, he still lowered his head and read it:

[The second person came was a fox, and he came to make unreasonable demands to me again. It was so noisy! Everything has been signed, come back to me quickly! 】

[The last person who came to me was KY’s rat. Launch a quick attack and drive the person out immediately after signing the name. Oh my God! I'm still hanging on. It's so miserable. I start to feel like sleeping. What should I do? 】

"Is there something wrong with this?" Zeli was still confused.

Sera raised his eyebrows slightly: "I'm wondering, is the person who is hanging on, really Ms. Mitsui?"

"Obviously not." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile: "Ms. Mitsui had a stomachache at the time. How could she not leave after trying to borrow the toilet to no avail?"

"In fact, witnesses also saw Ms. Mitsui running out of the room in a hurry. In other words, the person who lingered..."

He pointed at Ms. Yuchi and said, "Actually, it's you who is right!"

Ms. Yuchi's expression changed drastically and she subconsciously took a step back.

"I see." Sera said with a look of surprise: "Ms. Fox Yuchi was making unreasonable demands. At this moment, Ms. Mouse Mitsui came."

"So, Ms. Weihong asked Ms. Yuchi to hide in the bathroom first. At that time, someone should have suggested taking a pair of slippers from the door to prevent people from noticing that there were two people inside."

"So, Ms. Yuchi took away a pair of slippers, but she mistakenly took Ms. Weihong's slippers and left her own warm and wet slippers in the entrance hall."

"So, the slippers that Ms. Mitsui wore by mistake actually belong to Ms. Yuchi. Am I right, Detective Hanomiya?"

Akira Hanomiya smiled and nodded: "Yes, I think Ms. Yuchi disguised the scene as a suicide, and then used text messages to induce Mr. Sawuri to break the window."

"And she sneaked out through the broken window, came to Mr. Zeli's room, and then took advantage of the chaos to blend into the crowd."

"But, if you put it this way, it's possible that the Erping lady was the first one to come!" Mouri Kogoro said.

"No!" Conan said with a smile: "If Ms. Tangdi has left, Ms. Weihong will definitely be happy to write about her disgust with her!"

"So, is the murderer actually this woman?" Zeli turned his eyes to Ms. Yuchi.

Ms. Tangdi hurriedly denied: "No! How could it be me? These are just your speculations! What evidence do you have?"

Yu Gongming smiled slightly: "Didn't you bring the evidence yourself?"

Ms. Yuchi was startled, and then her expression changed drastically!

Akira Hanomiya stared at something in Ms. Yuchi's hand: "Ms. Yuchi, can you show us the signed book?"

Ms. Yuchi remained silent, holding the signed book tightly with both hands, with no intention of handing it over.

Yu Gongming's tone was slightly cold: "What? Is this request too much?"

A look of struggle flashed across Ms. Tangdi's face, but in the end, she reluctantly handed over the signed book.

Yu Gongming, who had already put on gloves, took the book and said:

"In the photos taken by Mr. Zeli, the first two bloody palm prints are relatively complete, but the outermost bloody palm print is only half of the palm and fingertips."

"Obviously, Ms. Weihong was probably holding something in her hand at the time."

"I observed that among the three books, only yours, Ms. Yuchi's, is the smoothest. It seems to have been deliberately smoothed."

"I think it was this book that Ms. Weihong was holding on to at that time."

"You should have tried to smooth out the blood stains on the sides of the book, and maybe even changed the cover. However, judging from the shape of the bloody palm prints, the degree of blood infiltration should not be low."

Yu Gongming quickly turned the pages of the book.

At a certain moment, a flash of dark red flashed into his sight.

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