Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1112 Interrogation

"Oh? Have three people shrunk to this extent?" Hattori Heiji said in surprise.

"Yes!" Officer Takagi introduced: "There were originally seven people who met the requirements, but four of them were accompanied by companions. At that time, two of them were preparing to check out, and two were busy clearing away the table messed up by children. .”

"In other words, they had dealt with the waiters in the restaurant before and after the incident. After confirmation, they all had clear alibi."

"There is no alibi, only the three people sitting in the smoking area dining." Officer Takagi pointed to the smoking area of ​​the restaurant, where three men were sitting.

The three men are all between thirty and forty years old. One of them wears glasses, the other is obese, and the last one has short hair.

Hattori Heiji nodded slightly: "In that case, leave the investigation of these three people to me!"

Officer Megure immediately frowned: "Why do you, a high school student, need to be interrogated?"

Hattori Heiji said with a matter-of-fact expression: "Because the murderer is likely to be a Kansai native, it will be easier for me, a Kansai native, to investigate and discover their flaws!"

Officer Memu frowned, thought about it for a while, and finally nodded reluctantly: "Okay."

Hattori Heiji immediately took action after receiving the authorization, and Conan followed him silently.

They first found the man with glasses.

"Sir, could you please state your name and home address?"

The man with glasses glanced at Officer Megure behind Hattori and said, "My name is Subeiroli, and I currently live in an apartment in Yoneka Town."

"So where were you born?" Hattori Heiji continued to ask.

"I am a native of Tokyo..." The man with glasses looked at Officer Megure in puzzlement: "Officer, who is this young man?"

Officer Memu tried to hide his awkward expression and pretended to be serious: "This is necessary to solve the case. You just need to answer his questions truthfully."

Hattori Heiji stared at the man with glasses: "I just noticed that you seem to be sweating all the time. Are you hiding something?"

The bespectacled man's expression changed slightly, and he quickly explained: "No, it's just that the curry I just ate was too spicy!"

Hattori Heiji became more and more suspicious: "It's been an hour since the murder happened. The curry should have been eaten long ago, right?"

"No!" Subei shook his head and said, "Because I couldn't leave, I felt more and more hungry, so I ordered another curry..."

Hattori Heiji turned his head and looked at the restaurant waiter with a subtle expression: "You are already dead, do you still accept orders?"

"If the guests have needs, we will provide the best service." the waiter replied.

Hattori Heiji was speechless.

He also asked about his whereabouts before and after the plan was released, and after receiving the reply that he had been eating here, he ended the inquiry.

Then came the second man with broken hair.

"My name is Amari Hiroshi. They all call me Forrest. I live in an apartment in Cupido Town now. Also, I'm a native of Tokyo. How about it? Are you satisfied? I'm from Osaka?"

Hattori Heiji frowned: "Why are you sweating profusely too? It feels suspicious!"

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense! Why am I suspicious!" Amaki suddenly became excited.

Hattori Heiji suddenly frowned and thought to himself: "Why is this guy suddenly so nervous? Is he born timid?"

At this time, Amakasu suddenly straightened up and burst into laughter: "Hahaha! I'm just kidding! The reason why I'm sweating is because the bowl of ramen I just ate was too spicy!"

Hattori Heiji stared at Amakasu Hiroshi: "Why do you feel that your accent is weird?"

"What's weird?" Amakasu Toru said angrily: "This is just an ordinary Tokyo accent!"

"Really?" Hattori Heiji thought this man's words were strange.

After temporarily suppressing his doubts, Hattori Heiji began to question the last person.

"My name is Tojo Sanpei, and I currently live in an apartment in Aido. Three generations of our family are Tokyoites." Tojo said this with a somewhat dissatisfied expression:

"However, the inquiry should not be mandatory now, right? Why do we even need to ask about the place of birth?"

Hattori Heiji laughed: "Of course you don't have to answer, it will just make people suspicious."

After a pause, Hattori Heiji's tone deepened: "But why are you sweating profusely? You won't tell me that it's because of the almost untouched mapo tofu on the table, right?"

Tojo shook his head: "No! I am prone to sweating, and there are people dead in the restaurant. How can I still be in the mood to eat mapo tofu? Even the fruit after the meal has been cancelled."

Hattori Heiji smiled: "Canceling dessert is a wise choice!"


"How's it going? Brother Belly, do you have any clues?" Officer Megure asked.

‘There’s nothing obviously suspicious about the three of them…eh? ' Hattori Heiji suddenly looked at a certain table: "Hey! Why are Hanomiya and the others starting to eat?"

At this moment, at another dining table, Yu Gongming, Mengyu, Kazuye, Xiaolan and Mouri Kogoro were eating leisurely.

"Oh, 1, Brother Yumiya asked the waiter what the three people ordered, and then asked the waiter to bring them all the same dishes."

"Really?" Hattori Heiji walked over curiously.

There was a meal in front of each of them. In front of Mouri Kogoro was salt ramen; in front of Xiaolan was Mapo tofu set meal; in front of Wazuha was curry rice; in front of Hanamiya Akira was a cake and a cup of coffee. As for Mengyu, there was a fruit platter in front of her.

"Is this what those three people ordered?" Hattori asked.

"Yes! I have to say, the food in this restaurant is really good!" Mouri Kogoro and slurping ramen were full of praise.

"Conan! Would you like to try a bite of Mapo tofu? It's really delicious!" Xiaolan saw Conan coming next to her, scooped up a spoonful of tofu with a spoon and put it to Conan's mouth.

Conan blushed, hesitated for a while, and then finished the mapo tofu in the spoon in one bite.

"Hey! Xiaolan, your spoon is covered with this brat's saliva!" Mouri Kogoro reminded.

"It doesn't matter! Isn't there a spare one nearby?" Xiaolan smiled and took out another spoon from a lottery box on the side of the dining table.

"Hi! Ha! Ha!" Conan on the side suddenly stuck out his tongue with a distorted expression.

"What's wrong with Conan? Is it too spicy?" Xiaolan asked immediately.

"Ha!'s a bit...ha!" Conan replied vaguely.

Seeing this, Xiaolan quickly poured a glass of water and handed it to Conan.

Conan drank the entire glass of water in one gulp and finally regained his composure.

"Sorry, I should have reminded you to eat slowly..." Xiaolan said apologetically.

Conan waved his hand: "It's okay, this Mapo Tofu is really spicy..."

Having said this, Conan suddenly looked startled.

Then, a confident smile appeared on his lips.

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