Hattori Heiji's eyes flashed slightly: "At that time, Mr. Ikuro walked over directly and took the cake on the tray, which was to choose one of the two."

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro looked at Officer Megure: "Officer, are those cakes really divided into eight equal parts?"

"Yes." Officer Megure nodded: "We have also confirmed this. The cake is indeed cut into equal parts. At least there is no difference visible to the naked eye."

"Could it be that the murderer deliberately placed the poisonous cake in a relatively close place, so that Mr. Ikuro, who is hungry, would most likely get it?" Mouri Kogoro guessed.

"But, I remember that Mr. Yulang reached for the piece that was farther away!" Xiaolan suddenly said.

"What? Are you sure?" Mouri Kogoro asked in surprise.

"This should be correct, because I also saw it." Meng Yu also said.

"This... is Mr. Ikuro more accustomed to taking cakes from far away?" Mouri Kogoro was confused.

"Takagi, go back and ask them if Mr. Ikuro has any special habits when eating cakes." Officer Megure said immediately.

Officer Takagi agreed and left as ordered.

After a while, Officer Takagi came back.

"Police officer! According to Miss Yonehara and Mrs. Wakamatsu, Mr. Ikuro doesn't have any special habits except that he likes to grab cakes without being plated. At most, he just likes to eat larger pieces..."

"But now the cake is divided into eight equal parts, and no one piece is large!" Mouri Kogoro covered his forehead, looking like his mind was in a mess.

Conan and Hattori also looked thoughtful.

At this time, Yu Gongming spoke: "I have an immature guess about this."

Everyone looked at him.

"Can I ask Officer Megure to buy another Baumkuchen? I need you to recreate the scene." Hanemiya Ming said.

"Well, if it's another Baumkuchen, we would have bought it just now." Officer Megure said: "In order to confirm that the cake was indeed cut into eight equal parts, we bought the same Baumkuchen at the same store. Wheel cake for comparison.”

"I see, that would be much easier. I need to borrow that Baumkuchen." Hanemiya Akira said with a smile.

"No problem." Officer Memu agreed readily.

After a while.

Akira Hanomiya came out of the kitchen carrying a tray with two pieces of Baumkuchen.

He put the cake on the coffee table and smiled at Kogoro Mori: "Uncle, please come and choose a piece of Baumkuchen cake if you are very hungry!"

"Huh? Me?" Mouri Kogoro pointed at himself, and then came to the tray.

I saw two pieces of Baumkuchen placed one far away and one close to the tray.

Uncle Maori's eyes wandered between the two pieces of Baumkuchen for a while, and he suddenly said in surprise: "Hey! Boy Hamiya, what are you doing? The far one is obviously bigger than the near one! What kind of restoration scene is this! "

"Huh?" Officer Takagi and Megure also came over.

"Yes! The farther one is indeed bigger!" Officer Takagi also said.

"No, you are wrong!" Conan also came to the tray, with a clear look in his eyes: "These two cakes are actually the same size!"

"How is it possible? This is obviously a big difference!" Mouri Kogoro looked unbelieving.

"That's wrong!" Hattori Heiji seemed to understand something: "If you don't believe me, uncle, why don't you compare?"

"Cut! Just stack the two cakes like this..." Uncle Maori said, stacking the two cakes together.

"Huh? This...how is this possible?" Uncle Maoli said in shock.

I saw two cakes completely overlapped!

The two cakes are actually the same size!

"They are the same size? They looked much different just now!" Officer Takagi was puzzled.

"This is Jastrow's illusion!" Conan said with a smile: "When people compare sizes with their eyes, they usually choose the closest two sides for comparison."

"Therefore, when the comparison object is such a fan-shaped object, the two objects are obviously the same size, but at first glance there is a difference in size."

Mouri Kogoro suddenly realized: "So that's it. The murderer used this method to place the poisoned Baumkuchen in a place that looked bigger and let Mr. Ikuro eat it himself."

"If this is the case, then it is possible that Ms. Yonehara and Ms. Satake who were responsible for cutting the cake and putting it on the plate, as well as Mr. Fujinami and Mr. Shiina who were near the Baumkuchen, could have done this without anyone noticing." Hattori Heiji analyzed.

"Relatively speaking, I think Miss Satake and Miss Yonehara are slightly more suspicious." Akira Hamiya said: "The reason why Mr. Ikuro is so hungry is precisely because there is no soy sauce at home, and the butler spent a lot of money to buy soy sauce. time."

"Hmm! This is indeed such a coincidence. It is entirely possible that someone poured out the soy sauce on purpose to delay dinner. Miss Yonehara will undoubtedly be able to do this easily." Hattori Heiji agreed.

"And Miss Zuo Zhu." Conan also said: "She asked my wife at that time whether the black tea for Mr. Ikulang should be made from Wales, the president's favorite."

"This shows that she is quite familiar with the furnishings in the kitchen, and it is not difficult to secretly pour out the soy sauce while getting black tea."

"So which of these two suspects is the murderer?" Officer Megure asked.

"It's not certain yet." Hattori said helplessly: "The police just searched and found nothing suspicious, which means that the murderer has cut off the most direct evidence. Theoretically, both of them may have committed the crime."

"Then should we call the two of them for questioning again?" Officer Memu hesitated.

Yu Gongming thought for two seconds: "Then call them both over. Can you leave the questioning to me?"

"Okay." Officer Megure nodded. It wasn't the first time anyway.

A moment later, Zuo Zhu and Yonehara were caught in the living room.

Several detectives, including Akira Yumiya, sat across from the two of them.

"First of all, Ms. Yonehara." Akira Hanomiya said, "I would like to ask, when Madam asked you to leave, were those death messages still there?"

"Still!" Mihara nodded.

Akira Hanomiya continued to ask: "And when you called back, the death message disappeared? And Mr. Ikuro was still crying on the president's body?"

"Yes!" Mihara answered affirmatively again.

Akira Hanomiya nodded slightly and suddenly changed the topic: "By the way, the bathroom tiles in Osaka and Karuizawa villas are all customized by Mr. Wakamatsu, but what about here?"

Mihara was startled for a moment when he heard this, and then his expression became subtle: "Speaking of this, I've actually been hesitant to say it or not!"

"Oh? What?" Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows slightly.

Yonehara replied; "Actually, the bathroom in this house uses the same tiles as the bathrooms in the two villas."

Hattori was surprised when he heard this: "Hey! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"This..." Mihara hesitated to speak.

Looking at Yonehara's expression, Hanamiya Akira seemed to understand something, and smiled: "Mrs. Wakamatsu doesn't want to tell us, how dare she, a housekeeper, dare to talk so much?"

Hearing this, Mihara nodded subconsciously.

"So that's it..." Hattori and Conan looked thoughtful at the same time. Hattori then said, "Can you please take us to that bathroom?"

"Of course!" Mihara responded.

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