Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1123 The case ends

Uncle Maori sat in front of the computer, and two police officers, Takagi and Megure, also came over.

Hattori Heiji opened the text design folder.

The screen full of the word "If" appeared in front of Uncle Maori.

" this?" Uncle Maoli was puzzled.

"You don't have to worry about it, just keep watching!" Hattori Heiji said with a smile.

Uncle Maori didn't ask any more questions and just stared at the screen.

After a moment, he couldn't help but rub his eyes: "Hiss! This thing is too dazzling, it makes my eyes uncomfortable."

"Oh? It hurts your eyes? That's almost it!" Hattori Heiji said, putting a piece of paper and a pen in front of Uncle Mori: "Then, can you please write the two Chinese characters [Wakamatsu] now?"

"Ah?" Uncle Maoli became even more confused.

"Oh! Uncle, just write it!" Hattori urged.

"...Okay." Uncle Maori picked up the pen.

He first neatly placed a cursive character on the paper, but then his pen stopped.

The ups and downs left a few ink spots on the paper, but Uncle Maori still didn't write even a complete line.

"This..." Uncle Maori frowned and couldn't help but operate the computer in front of him to search.

Hattori immediately stopped: "No! You know, because the system is different, Madam can't use this computer!"

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but look embarrassed: "This... I can't remember how to write the word [If] at the moment. It's strange, I obviously just kept looking at it..."

"Did you really forget?" Officer Takagi on the side asked in surprise.

"Well, to be honest, I actually can't remember it now..." Officer Megure said quietly.

"It's just because you have been watching it that you can't remember it!" Hattori Heiji said with a smile: "This is a typical Gestalt collapse phenomenon."

"Gestalt collapse?" Uncle Maori had obviously never heard of this word.

Hattori Heiji explained, "The so-called Gestalt collapse, also known as semantic saturation, is a psychological phenomenon. When we look at a word or phrase for a long time, it will temporarily lead to the belief that the word or phrase is meaningless."

"One of the manifestations is like what Uncle Maori experienced."

"The principle is that if the Chinese character neurons in the brain, which are similar to facial neurons, look at a Chinese character for a long time, the Chinese character neurons will become tired, which will affect the sensory functions. At this time, people will also doubt the shape of familiar characters. , and then they feel different or even unrecognizable.”

"The murderer first asked my wife to read the word [ruo] many times in a row, and then asked her to sign the contract. Due to the phenomenon of Gestalt collapse, my wife temporarily forgot how to write [ruo], so she went back to look up the Mandarin dictionary."

"That's it!" Everyone finally understood.

"Wait a minute!" Mouri Kogoro suddenly shouted: "If that's the case, then could the murderer be..."

He looked at someone.

Hattori Heiji noticed his gaze, smiled and nodded: "Yes, the murderer who killed Mr. Ikuro and also wanted to kill his wife was Miss Zuo Zhu!"

Everyone looked at Zuo Zhuhaoshi at the same time.

Zuo Zhuhaoshi's face changed slightly, and he immediately defended: "Wait a minute, are you mistaken?"

"That's right." Hattori said calmly: "I remember you sent this text design to my wife's computer, and it was you who left the contract for my wife to sign."

"No one can do this except you!"

"That's not necessarily true, right?" Zuo Zhu argued: "Maybe someone knows the text design I chose, and knows that I want to sign the contract to the vice president, and then maybe just follow the trend!"

Hattori Heiji sneered: "Let's not talk about whether your argument can convince the police and the judge. Apart from these, we have conclusive evidence!"

"What evidence?" Zuo Zhu asked with some stern expression.

"Miss Zuo Zhu." Yu Gongming said calmly: "Can you let us see your watch?"

Hearing this, Zuo Zhu could no longer remain calm and his expression became extremely flustered.

"Huh? What? Is there any inconvenience?" Officer Memu knew there was a problem as soon as he saw Zuo Zhu's expression.

Zuo Zhu fell silent, and the hand wearing the watch lowered slightly, hiding the watch in his sleeve.

Officer Megure winked at Officer Takagi.

Officer Mumu understood and came to Zuo Zhu: "Miss Zuo Zhu, I'm offended."

After saying that, he directly took Zuo Zhu's left hand, rolled up his cuff, and checked the bronze watch.

"Eh? Some places on the watch are much brighter than others!" Officer Takagi said in surprise.

"This, that is..." Zuo Zhu seemed to want to explain, but Hattori Heiji would not give her another chance.

"That is ironclad evidence that is enough to convict you!" He said: "I think you should have sprinkled poisonous powder on the Mandarin dictionary because you were holding the Mandarin dictionary in your left hand and accidentally let the poisonous powder fall into the gap of your watch. middle."

"Later, when you went to the toilet or washed your hands somewhere, the watch got stained with water. The water and the poison on it caused an oxidation reaction, and the rust on it was removed."

"I think as long as the police examine it, everything will be clear."

Hearing this, Zuo Zhu breathed out softly: "Well, now that things have happened, it's useless to argue. I didn't expect that this watch my father gave me turned out to be my weakness..."

"What? Are you talking about your father?" Shiina looked shocked: "Could it be that your father is..."

"Yes, that's the president." Zuo Zhu nodded.

It turns out that Zuo Zhu was President Wakamatsu's daughter when he got married for the first time. She originally became President Wakamatsu's secretary with the goal of bringing down the company of the man who abandoned her mother.

But later she discovered that President Wakamatsu was just a poor man who was busy with work and not good at expressing his feelings, which made her feel a little sympathetic to President Wakamatsu.

In fact, President Wakamatsu already knew Zuo Zhu's identity.

What President Wakamatsu wanted to announce before his death was that Zuo Zhu was his daughter.

Unexpectedly, President Wakamatsu was killed by Ikuro, and Mrs. Wakamatsu also helped Ikuro cover up the evidence.

As for why Mrs. Wakamatsu did this, it was because Wakamatsu Ikuro knew that she had embezzled the company's public funds. She could not allow Wakamatsu Ikro to tell the matter, so she had to temporarily cover it up for him.

Knowing all this, Zuo Zhu made a murder plan to kill Wakamatsu Ikuro and Wakamatsu Serika.

She looked at Hattori with a complicated expression: "Originally, I called you here, Hattori, to use that illusion trap to mislead you and put the blame on Madam."

"But I didn't expect that in addition to Hattori, Detective Hanomiya would also come here, and you would see through the truth of the case so quickly. I am so smart that I was mistaken for my cleverness!"

After saying his final confession, Zuo Zhu was handcuffed.

Subsequently, with Zuo Zhu's confession, the police found the poisonous powder on the doorknob of Yulang's room and on his wife's slippers. They also conducted a poison test on the entire room. After confirming that there was no poison, the police ended all investigations.

Zuo Zhu was finally taken away.

Also taken away was Wakamatsu Serinka.

Although she did not kill anyone, she was also legally responsible for helping Ikuro Wakamatsu hide information about his death and interfering with the police investigation.

After the police left, the incident that almost turned into a serial murder case finally came to an end.

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