Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1131 What gave you the illusion?

\u003c!--go--\u003e Toru Amuro walked into the office and closed the door.

The office took a darker turn.

But it was naturally impossible for Toru Amuro to turn on the light. He came in secretly this time.

Following his impression, he came to the office's filing cabinet in the dark.

Taking out the small flashlight again, Toru Amuro looked at the lock of the filing cabinet.

The filing cabinet uses a more traditional padlock, which is not as difficult as the anti-theft lock at the door.

Amuro Toru opened it three times.

Toru Amuro glanced at the filing cabinet with his flashlight.

In previous visits, he had already asked Akira Hagong that the files in the filing cabinets would be marked with some text outside the folders for easy reference.

The first is to group files from the same year into one compartment according to year.

The files in the compartment are then labeled according to the rules of location + the first letter of the month and the specific date of closing the case.

"According to this rule, Reina Mizuna's files may be this area." Toru Amuro locked the scope in a certain area.

Because we already knew the time of the organization's assassination of Yasuki Domon, and that day was also the time to meet Reina Mizuno.

However, after searching the area for a while, he found no files matching that date.

Amuro Toru's face darkened slightly.

"Is it because there was no record because of the oral commission? Or..."

With some guesses running through his mind, Toru Amuro pondered for a while, and then took out several files from the adjacent time periods of the assassination operation.

Putting these files on the desk, Amuro Toru adjusted the mode of the flashlight. The originally condensed light beam spread out instantly, but also became dimmed.

But enough is enough.

Toru Amuro took a flashlight and opened the first file.

After reading only half of it, Toru Amuro threw the file aside.

This was just an ordinary cheating commission, and it was obviously not what he wanted.

Then comes the second file.

This time it is a tracking mission.

This time Toru Amuro patiently read through the file.

Still found nothing.

Then comes the next one...

In this way, Toru Amuro looked at the files one after another.

Finally, only the last unchecked file remained on the table.

Toru Amuro rubbed his eyes and held the last file in front of him.

He had almost given up hope now and casually opened the file to check it out.

The next moment, his eyes suddenly condensed.

[Client: Reina Mizuna]

[Commissioned matter: Investigate the reason for the prank knocking on the door at six o'clock in the morning]

[Commissioning process: Arrive at the client's apartment and spend the night, and through... (clues), finally found the cause of the prank. It turns out... (the following content is omitted)]

[Entrustment Closing: The other party spoke highly of this service and the entrustment fee has been paid]

Toru Amuro frowned. It seemed that this was indeed just an ordinary case, and it didn't seem to be fabricated. You only need to go to the apartment to confirm whether it was true or not.

However, just because this case was so ordinary, Toru Amuro felt that something was wrong.

Rena Mizuna is not an ordinary host. She is the codename member of the organization, Gere. Her reasoning ability and insight are not weak. How could she not discover a child's tricks?

If she had already discovered the child, why did she go out of her way to find Yu Gongming?

What's even more coincidental is that just after he approached Akira Hanomiya, Gin's assassination plan was inexplicably discovered by the FBI, and an ambush was set up.

"Sure enough, there is a problem!" She screamed in her heart, and Toru Amuro continued to turn to the next page.

Although the commission has ended, the archive appears to have additional content.

He wanted to see what else was recorded after that?

However, when he looked at the next page, his pupils suddenly shrank.

I saw the file written in extra large and bold font:

[This is enough to show you, don’t think about more]

Toru Amuro stared at this sentence written in large bold font, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

He stared at the handwriting for a moment, his expression becoming more solemn: "Judging from the handwriting, this bold line and the previous file should have been written at the same time..."

He turned the file to the commission page again and looked at it for a few seconds.

His expression suddenly changed!

I didn't notice it just now, but now I look carefully, it doesn't look like these handwritings have been written for several months!

"Could it be that it was written not long ago?" This guess popped up in my mind. Toru Amuro couldn't help but gasped.

Turning to the page with the extra large bold font again, Toru Amuro looked at the other side of the title page.

At a quick glance just now, he seemed to see writing on the other side.

The next moment, he suddenly stood up! The face under the mask became extremely gloomy!

I saw it written clearly on the file:

[What gives you the illusion that the security system cannot operate if you cut off the circuit? 】

This is a trap!

Toru Amuro finally gave up all chances and firmly confirmed this!

He immediately said to the communicator: "Hey! Is there anything unusual nearby?"

"No, everything is normal nearby." Feng Jian's voice came from the communicator.

When Toru Amuro heard this, not only did he not relax at all, but his brows furrowed even more tightly.

If there is no abnormality outside, could it be...

Before he could finish his thoughts, he heard the sound of the doorknob being turned.

Amuro Toru's body tensed up, and her eyes instantly locked in the direction of the door.


The door was pushed open, and a faint light penetrated into the office.

The next moment, the light source was mostly blocked by a figure.

The figure does not look short, and his stature has nothing to do with obesity.

The figure walked calmly into the room under the gaze of Toru Amuro as if he were facing a formidable enemy.


The lights turned on and the office instantly became bright!

Amuro Toru narrowed his eyes in discomfort, and it took a few seconds to adjust.

He looked at the figure coming in.

This is a squinted young man wearing a black sports suit with a rather elegant face.

However, Toru Amuro instinctively felt a hint of danger.

This seemingly harmless guy in front of me is quite difficult to mess with!

When the young man with squinted eyes saw Toru Amuro in the house, he didn't show any surprise at all and just closed the door smoothly.


A soft sound came from the closed door.

When Toru Amuro heard this voice, he vaguely guessed something, and his body became even more tense.

The young man with narrowed eyes finally looked at Toru Amuro.

He showed a kind smile and said: "This guest, I am entrusted by someone to help the owner here to look after the house. Can you please explain what you are doing now?"

Toru Amuro remained silent. It was best not to let the other party hear his voice unless necessary.

He doesn't have the voice-changing skills like Belmode.

Seeing this, the narrow-eyed young man kept the smile on his face and continued: "If you don't speak, then I can only treat you as a thief who broke into a house."

As he said that, the squinted young man took out his mobile phone and seemed to want to make a certain call.

A cold light flashed in Amuro Toru's eyes, and he suddenly rushed towards the narrow-eyed young man! \u003c!--over--\u003e

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